Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3133: Ghost Slayer

"Haha, that's right, this Devil May Cry is completed, and now, I will test the knife with you!"

Jialuo's body was like weeping like a complaint, and the ghost image of Wanzhang suddenly sacrificed a dark ghostly long knife, and suddenly cut it down.

How terrifying Wudi shot! ?

If it really falls, most of the ghosts around Taozhishan will be killed or injured!

"Huh, if you want to beat me, go to the top!"

"Mingsi army, kill these ghost races for me!"

The Shen Tu snorted coldly, and the color of surprise disappeared. With boundless ghost energy, he condensed into a huge shield, blocking Jialuo's sword, and then rushed to the sky.

"Huh, Shen Tu, I will kill you today in Jialuo!"

Jialuo's sky-covering ghost also rushed up.

For a time, the battlefield was left to the armies of both sides.

The ghosts around Taozhishan roared and charged up, like beasts of hell.

"Lu Bu, Mingyue, you are fighting with the ghost army, I'll go up and watch!"

Ling Tian shook his feet and disappeared in place.

"Hmph, it turns out that your group of things took my father, Lu Bu, I must kill you all!"

Lu Bu was impatient to wait a long time ago, and he smashed the ancient imperial weapon Euphorbia in his hand and killed it, which was more ferocious than the ghost tribe.

When Emperor Wu did not participate in the war, with Lu Bu and others joining, the combat power of the Ghost Race still had the upper hand.

But what affected the battle was ultimately the outcome between Emperor Wu.

Ling Tian came to the sky.

With an army of Jialuo and a million ghost races, coupled with his own hidden aura, this Shen Tu did not seem to notice the arrival of Ling Tian and others.

Moreover, Jialuo also said that although this underworld is powerful, he cannot pass through the eighteen layers of **** because of his aura induction.

Therefore, they didn't know that Ling Tian and others had already arrived.

Jialuo also said that he didn't expect Ling Tian to come so soon.

The battle between the two emperors was extremely terrifying.

Shentu and Jialuo did not retain their combat power, the space for killing shattered, ghosts crying and howling.

Although Jialuo looked delicate and fragile, he was holding a Guitou imperial weapon long knife, and every knife cut carried the power of infinite laws and was extremely violent.

However, that Shen Tu is not weak.

Even though Jialuo's combat power has skyrocketed more than six hundred years ago, Shentu has not stagnated.

His burly body is like a mountain, with a spear and a huge shield in his big hands, the Jialuo who killed him, backing away from time to time.

It seems that Jialuo is not an opponent.

This scene made Ling Tian quite surprised.

Obviously, Jialuo had prepared a lot for this day, but the other party seemed to be even more so.

And this so-called Dongfang Wugui Emperor's tyranny also made Ling Tian attach importance to Na Mingsi in his heart.

This is the case for Taozhishan in the first pass, so you can imagine how strong the next three passes should be.



The two Martial Emperors fought for three hundred rounds on the sky, but in the end, Jialuo's long sword still lost to Shentu's spear shield, and was shaken down by a shield.

A mouthful of black blood spewed out.

This Wudi Jialuo was injured like this! ?

"Hehe, Jialuo, Jialuo, I admit that it was beyond my expectation that you practiced Devil May Cry, but now it seems that the ancient exercises of this ghost clan are nothing more than that."

"You are weak and pitiful. You dare to come to my Taozhishan presumptuously even with this kind of combat power. What a death!"

"Die it, starting today, my underworld will completely take over the eighteen hells!"

"Your good day is over!"

Shen Tu smiled fiercely, carrying the 50,000 zhang emperor's soul on his back, and his spear slammed down.

He wants to kill Emperor Wu with a single shot!

"Damn it! Ling Tian, ​​you watched 300 rounds, have you seen enough!"

Looking at the shot that came down, Jialuo roared with weeping blood.


However, this scene stunned Na Shentu.

Ling Tian! ?

Jialuo, why did he suddenly call this name.

Could it be a coincidence! ?

However, before that Jialuo's voice fell, a figure suddenly stepped out of the void.

"Hehe, His Royal Highness Jialuo doesn't speak, how dare I intervene at will!?"

"Neither did I expect that you would be invincible at this first level!"

The figure chuckled.

However, at the moment when the sound rang, he suddenly shot, the immortal sword in his hand was unsheathed, thousands of stars, condensed into an emperor star sword, flying across the sky.


There was a blast.

The guns and swords shook each other.

Thousands of miles collapsed in the void.

But what changed Shentu's face was that not only was his shot blocked, the terrifying power swept like a tsunami like the sky, and it shocked him back!

The existence that suddenly appeared, in terms of combat power, was even stronger than Jialuo!

What's more terrifying is that this is still a human race, a human race that looks like a quasi-emperor's cultivation base.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are the Ling Tian of that human race!?"

"You unexpectedly came to these eighteen layers of hell!?"

The ghost emperor Shentu roared one after another, and his face was full of surprise.

"Hehe, what, is it surprising?"

"Or, you thought about letting me come, didn't you?"

Ling Tian carried Yunxing Sword step by step forward.

Shen Tu is a good opponent, much stronger than the ordinary Emperor Wu, but under the sky.

In terms of combat power, it should be only slightly weaker than Haotian's clone.

But for Ling Tian, ​​it didn't pose any threat.

"Jialuo, it was you!"

"You dare to take them into the Eighteen Hells. I think you are determined and want to fight against Ming Si!"

That **** screams.

"Hmph, I have already brought millions of ghost clan elites to come, do you think I am determined!?"

"Ling Tian, ​​stop talking nonsense with him, join hands and kill him as soon as possible!"

Jialuo also rushed over at this time, the ghost head long knife in his hand, constantly chopping down.


Ling Tian hummed softly, slashing the swords of Liangyi, and kept falling.

He Jialuo is one left and one right.

Before that Shen Tu was just a bit stronger than Jialuo.

Now that Ling Tian joined and the balance was out of balance, Shen Tu was tantamount to facing the fighting power of two Wudi.

If you don't have enough time for half a cup of tea, you will be defeated.

"Damn it, Ling Tian, ​​now that you are in the eighteenth hell, you are here to die!"

"Wait for Meiji to kill you in this hell!"

Shen Tu wept blood, and kept backing away, even wanting to escape.

"Hmph, don't worry, if you are really capable, I will accompany you at any time!"

Ling Tian fell again with an Octopus Fighting Heaven Fist, suppressing that Shen Tu.

"Cooperating with Jialuo is your worst decision, haha!"

"Make wedding dresses for others!"

That Shen Tu already knew that he had no hope of escape.

"Stop talking nonsense, the Sifang Ghost Emperor will all be killed, and you are just the first one, disappear!"

"Blade of Devil May Cry, die!"

At this time, Jialuo brewed a heaven-shattering supernatural power. After ten breaths, he held a long sword and descended. The supernatural power condensed by thousands of ghosts was terrifying to the extreme.

"no no!"

That **** Tu roared, unwilling to fall.

But Jialuo's knife was too terrifying, as if only this knife was left under the entire sky.


The blade light fell on the ghost emperor Shen Tu, who disappeared into this world.

The smoke and dust billowed, the blade of light tore through the sky, and appeared above the heads of the ghost tribes and ghost tribes, and for a while, the ghost tribes and ghost tribes were dumbfounded.

Such tyrannical magical powers made the sky seem to collapse.

"Shen Tu has fallen, the war **** of the ghost race, will wipe out all the **** in the underworld!"

Na Jialuo dragged the ghost tower down to the top of Taozhi Mountain.

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