Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3138: Full combat power

"Hehe, is this fair? Shijue Great Array and Jiuqu Huangsha, come on, let me see, you ghost emperors, what are you capable of!"

Ling Tian was blessed by the Shijue Great Array, and now Ling Tian has only realized the tyrannical power of this Great Array.

Now, they are just hurriedly arranged, but the blessings given to them are so terrifying, if it is a complete Ten Great Formation, how tyrannical it would be.

It's no wonder that this large formation made the gods of the gods in the past feel jealous.

Now, Ling Tian was already looking forward to that Zhuxian Sword Formation.

That is the top of the four great formations, I don't know how terrifying it should be.

"Hmph, Ling Tian, ​​don't be too arrogant, even with these ten great formations, today, none of you want to leave!"

Wang angrily roared.

"Hehe, right? Then I want to see what else you have prepared."

"You are such a trivial ghost emperor, really nothing!"

The body cover on Ling Tian's head came down, and the Octopus Fighting Tianquan made the king retreat one after another, not to mention Liangyi Jianqi.

The reason why Ling Tian hasn't been ruthless is because he knows that it is not Wang An and Yang Kun that really control the nine-tuned yellow sand formation.

It was that the last Emperor Wu, Qin Yao, hadn't appeared yet.

In front is his Luofu Mountain.

He has no reason to be here!

Sure enough, just before the army, Jialuo was about to behead Yang Jie.

Above Luofu Mountain, I thought of a deep voice, "No matter, Jialuo, it seems that you really didn't realize what you are doing now!"

"Hehe, who am I, isn't this Qin Yao, the head of the Sifang Ghost Emperor?"

"Why, after having been a turtle for so long, I finally want to come out!"

"Come on, let me see if you, the so-called leader of the Sifang Ghost Emperor, are as powerful as the legendary one!"

Jialuo, blessed by the Ten Great Array, is full of confidence.

From behind, Wang An also took advantage of the opportunity to escape and returned to the direction of Luofu Mountain.

The yellow sand and storm in the sky gradually dissipated, and Luofu Mountain appeared in front of Ling Tian and others.

Seeing the huge mountain floating above the yellow sand, everyone was shocked.

It turned out that this mountain was suspended in the air.

Moreover, although this mountain is huge, it is completely dark, with terrifying black holes on it, like the corroded bones of an ancient demon god.

The depressed breath swept through.

Jialuo, who was in the Ten Great Array, backed back again and again.

The light of the Thorns Armor on his body began to crack.

This is a sign of the failure of the big array.

The Nine Songs of Yellow Sand Array, unexpectedly strengthened!

"It was Qin Yao who sat in the main line of sight. If I am not mistaken, above this line of sight is Luofu Mountain!"

"This mountain is a magic weapon, a real artifact!"

Ling Tian flew up from behind the army.

Dao standing behind Jialuo.

"A complete artifact!?"

Jialuo frowned. It turned out that Qin Yao had not promoted the complete Jiuqu Huangsha Formation. Now, with the Luofu Mountain Suppression Formation, the Ten Great Formation that was hurriedly set up was instantly invincible.

"Hehe, the reason why I didn't do it is just that you don't deserve it."

"But I really didn't expect that you would be able to lay out ten great formations to contend with the yellow sand."

"That Human Race Ling Tian, ​​Qin Yao, I still underestimate you!"

The voice sounded from inside Luofu Mountain, but Qin Yaoguidi still did not show up.

"Really!? I have heard the name of Qin Yaogui emperor for a long time, and now we have reached you under Luofu Mountain, are you going to show up to speak?"

Ling Tian smiled slightly.

"Hahaha, I said, you are not worthy, even if you have the top ten formations, but now, how long can you hold on!?"

"When your formation is broken, it will still be swallowed by the yellow sand."

"The dying person, there is no need to see me."

In Luofu Mountain, Qin Yao still did not show up.

"Hey, it seems that you are really defiant."

"Since you don't show up, then I have no choice but to offend!"

Ling Tian sneered, and suddenly a cauldron furnace appeared on top of his head. The cauldron furnace and the lid were combined to form a complete artifact, the six-line cauldron!

Under the blessing of Liuyao Ding, the breath of the entire Shijue Great Formation skyrocketed.

However, Na Jialuo's ghost building was also shaking wildly.

As soon as I saw it, I couldn't hold it anymore.

"There is not much time, kill it!"

Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and this time he shot with all his strength, the sword of the stars pierced the sky, killing the king.

The same is true for Jialuo. She knew that the Shijue Great Formation would not last long, and that it would be necessary to kill the two ghost emperors before the end of the Great Formation's blessings and reach Luofu Mountain.

Ling Tian directly sacrificed the Soul of the God of War and the Heavenly Dragon Transformation. The shadow of the God of War who came to Shanghai appeared under the sky, and under the blessing of the Ten Great Array, it was violent to the extreme.

Every step falls, the world is shaking.

Even today's Jiuqu Yellow Sand Array, it has no effect at all.

The ghost emperor watched Ling Tian slaying with the spirit of the God of War, his face changed drastically, his mouth made a sharp ghost howling, he had no desire to fight, and he turned and fled.

The current Ling Tian's tyrannical force could hardly be contended.

"Hehe, do you want to escape, it's too late!"

However, how could Ling Tian's speed be comparable to that of Wang An! ?

Ling Tian swiftly chased after him, and a sword aura slashed down far away, swallowing the ghost emperor in hatred.

With a muffled sound, Wang An exploded into broken souls, disappearing between the world and the earth.

On the other side, the Yang Kun who Jialuo also killed was unable to parry.

It was only a matter of time to behead Yang Kun.

But time is short, Ling Tian can already feel the blessing power of the whole body is weakening.

He roared, and the Soul of God of War strode forward and directly slammed towards Luofu Mountain.

But Ling Tian's figure flickered one after another, and the speed reached the extreme.

The Yunxing Sword in his hand kept tearing through the void, which caused Ling Tian to kill before Luofu Mountain in the time of a cup of tea.

Looking at the floating mountains enveloped by the billowing mist, Ling Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The long sword in his hand was raised, and the sky full of stars suddenly appeared.

The same is true for the soul of God of War, which is tens of thousands of feet.

With a golden sword in his hand, he cut it down, as if he was about to smash Luofu Mountain into pieces!

This sword was really terrifying, even Jialuo, who had just killed the ghost emperor, looked from a distance, and his face was full of surprise.

This is Ling Tian's true combat power! ?

This human quasi-emperor who returned from the road of trials seemed to be in the palace of the heavenly clan, and did not use all his combat power!

How could this sword be just a tie with Haotian! ?


Jian Guang was too fast, and it slashed directly on the Luofu Mountain.

The mountains are extremely arrayed, with Luofu Mountain as the center, setting off a shocking wave.

The huge formation of nine tunes of yellow sand cracked every inch.

No longer exists.

When the storm cleared, Jialuo came to the Luofu Mountain and stood side by side with Ling Tian.

It was surprisingly discovered that a deep crack appeared in Luofu Mountain.

A figure, floating in front of the mountain at this time, had a pale face.

This figure looks very young.

But the strength of the aura surpassed all the emperors that Ling Tian had ever seen!

This Qin Yao is a difficult opponent!

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