Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3143: Candle dragon

But now, not only has her aura changed drastically, she has also transformed herself into the ghost master of Mingsi! ?

This is unacceptable to them.

What the **** is going on! ?

\"Why, do you know this ghost?\"

Jialuo turned around and looked over.

Ling Tian nodded, \"Knowing.\"

\"Moreover, I am very familiar.\"

He looked at Luo Yanyan again, "Lady Luo Yanyan, do you owe us an explanation?

\"Hehe, I don't know you.\"

\"I am the ghost of the Tang and Tang Dynasties, not the Luo Yan girl in your mouth.\"

However, the pretty face of that Ghost Zun was cold.

\"So, it doesn't matter, I don't care if you are Luo Yan, now, we have come before this Huangquan, but you trapped my clone with this artifact, what on earth do you want to do?\"

Ling Tian's expression also became gloomy.

He could already feel that even though the ghost's face was like Luo Yan, its aura was completely different.

Moreover, it is impossible for Luo Yan to become a powerhouse at the level of Ghost Venerable.

Existences like ghosts must first be transformed into a certain form, which is quite simple.

\"Hehe, this Taiyi is nothing more than a grieving person. He died ten thousand years ago without atonement. Now, I just want to refine him.

\"Oh, yes, there is that stupid Ye Qing cry, they all deserve to die, they are asking for it!\"

The ghost sneered suddenly, his voice terrible.

\"Shut up! I forbid you to say that to them!\"

\"If you want to hurt Yeqing Cry and Taiyi, you have to pass my level first!\"

Na Jialuo was already furious, and she carried the long knife that the ghost gas turned into and killed it.


Ling Tian reminded, but it was too late.

\"Hehe, yes, you are as stupid as Ye Qingciao!\"

\"Dare to come to my Huangquan!? Really looking for death!\"

Sure enough, facing the present Wudi Jialuo, the face of this ghost is full of mockery.

Didn't pay attention to it at all.

Although there wasn't a trace of aura on his body, when he shot, there was a heaven-shattering supernatural power that was condensed before the giant clock.


There was a blast,

Jialuo's supernatural powers were directly shattered, and the whole person flew out.

The blood was scattered, but just after the fight, he was already seriously injured.

\"The difference in combat power between the two is a bit much different.\"

This Ghost Venerable's supernatural aura was strange, Ling Tian had never seen it before.

Ling Tian took Jialuo in his hand and placed it behind him.

\"Forget it, leave it to me here.\"

Ling Tian knew that before these six reincarnations, he was the only opponent of this ghost.

Moreover, within the giant clock, Taiyi was trapped, and he wanted to make a move because of his emotions and reason.

\"Human Lingtian, learn the methods of ghosts!\"

The sword light of the stars broke through the sky, and Ling Tian's feet shook as he stepped on the divine light to rise.

The soul of the **** of war behind then manifested, standing upright.

Liangyi sword gasified Yin and Yang, and cut towards that ghost.

\"Hehe, the law of the gods is only a sword, but the soul of the **** of war is good, come to protect the child, you turned out to be the soul of others.

\"It's so ridiculous!\"

When Gui Zun looked at the Soul of the God of War behind Ling Tian, ​​he sneered.

Immediately, she raised her bare hand, and with the trembling sound of the blue giant clock behind her, she also condensed into a sword aura and killed her.

As soon as this sword aura came out, everyone exclaimed.

Because this sword aura is also the sword of Liangyi!

This Ghost Venerable was able to use Ling Tian's supernatural powers!


Moreover, the two swords shook each other, and they collapsed into each other.

This ghost statue not only can also sacrifice the sword spirit of Liangyi, but also has great power.

It seemed that it didn't take much effort.

Ling Tian frowned. He still couldn't see the depth of this ghostly respect. Now, it's really not easy to deal with.

\"Haha, Human Race Ling Tian, ​​now it seems that you are nothing more than that, killing my three ghost emperors, this account, I have to settle this account with you.

\"Taste my ghost-zun's methods, only if you can take it, you will have the qualifications to fight me!\"

Gui Zun grinned, the face that originally belonged to Luo Yan looked very strange and terrifying, like a stiff puppet laughing.

However, behind the ghost's laughter, a ghostly round wheel suddenly appeared.

That round wheel is formed by thousands of sword shadows.

The opening and closing of the sword shadow continuously formed a series of mysterious runes imprinted on the round wheel.

And at this moment, the terrifying sword intent was shaking the sky and the earth, causing Ling Tian to tremble wildly in his heart.

Although he had never seen this ghostly supernatural power before, how could the thousands of sword shadows that manifested so resemble the 100,000 sword intent in his body! ?

Could it be that this ghost is also a hundred thousand sword intent! ?

how can that be! ?

At the very least, Ling Tian saw this situation for the first time.

\"This sword technique is also from the realm of the gods, named Heavenly Ghost Sword Slash!\"

The ghost voice fell, and the sword light was chopped off under the blessing of thousands of sword intents.

Even in the face of Ling Tian's Soul of War God, this sword aura never had any impact.

It is enough to prove that the rank of this swordsmanship is high and the sword intent is strong.

Ling Tian's face was stern, because of this sword, he was in the heavy building and he hadn't comprehended it.

But now Ling Tian has comprehended the heavens and myriad ways, it is indeed rare for this to happen.

But watching this terrifying sword fall, Ling Tian would not sit still.

Now, facing this ghostly respect, Ling Tian doesn't have to hide his clumsiness.

Just use all combat power directly.

Suddenly, Ling Tianhai opened up, and Tianlong became blessed.

The big hand was raised, and the hand of Prisoner's sky was condensed, and the sword aura of the ghost venerable was tapped down.

Before having to cast a mysterious sword, Ling Tian still wanted to try his true magical powers.

Although the mysterious sword is tyrannical, the loss is still too great.

Moreover, the hand of Prisoner Tian was originally Jun Tian's fame technique, and it was powerful enough.

Sure enough, after Ling Tian used the hand of Prisoner Tian in a state of victory, the Ghost Venerable's face changed.


The hand of Prisoner Tian was filled with the breath of divine fire, and the point fell on the sword light that was transformed into thousands of sword intents. After a crisp sound, the sword intent shattered.

The hand of Prisoner fell, and the black round wheel behind the ghost statue surged and appeared in front of him.

Blocked the Yu Wei of Prisoner's hand.

\"Damn, Juntian's Prisoner!\"

That ghost face was cold, \"I heard, you know that sword, why not use it?

\"It is this prisoner's hand?\"

\"Oh!? It seems that you are very afraid of this prisoner Tianshou? Are you afraid of Juntian?\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, as if he had found the flaw in this ghost.

\"Fart, I won't be afraid of her!\"

\"Then go on, this prisoner Tianshou, I can sacrifice many times!\"

But how could Ling Tian let go of this detail?

The hands of Prisoner Sky condensed once again, and then clicked towards that ghost respected one after another.

Compared with the mysterious sword, although the power of this prisoner's hand is not so destructive, it is Lingtian's sea of ​​anger and can withstand.

Sure enough, facing Ling Tian's Prisoner's Hand, that Ghost Venerable seemed very jealous.

After abruptly took over the hand of Ji Dao Prisoner Heaven, he was already lost.

After pushing one after another, I returned to before the giant clock.

\"Damn it, you fellow, it's really annoying, just like that Juntian.\"

\"Damn it!\"

Gui Zun was anxious, suddenly turned around, looked at the six reincarnations, "Candle Dragon, when do you still have to see, and still not come out, join me to take this Ling Tian!"

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