Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3145: Kill the candle dragon alive

The ghost tribe army backed away in horror, and the ground beneath its feet began to bulge.

Mountain-like lava bone spurs emerged from the ground.

The figure of this thing is huge.

But while breathing, he got out of the underground domineering incomparably.

At this time, a group of ghost tribes could see clearly that it turned out to be a behemoth that was comparable to the candle dragon's figure.

It has a huge body of one hundred thousand feet, a hideous head, and a strong lava body.

He stands proudly in front of Huangquan, like the emperor in this hell!

\"God, this, is this the legendary guardian of Huangquan, Hellyanya?\"

Jialuo stared at the behemoth in a daze.

In my heart, there is also a huge shock.

As Wudi born in hell, Jialuo has naturally heard the legend of Hellfire.

She still saw the figure of Hell Yanzhen from a distance more than 20,000 years ago.

But this time, it was a real face-to-face.

Nowadays, I can't help being deeply shocked. At the very least, the aura of this hellfire is almost the same as that of the candle dragon!

At this time, the candle dragon’s claws had reached Ling Tian’s head, and Hell Yanyi roared, a dark red light lit up from the tail, moving along the lava bone spurs on the spine, and finally the ferocious head opened with a big mouth. The flame breath that seemed to be able to melt everything was gushing out.


The flame breath resembled a cannonball, impacting on the dragon claw of the candle dragon, especially the candle dragon, also eating pain, with a roar, retracted the dragon claw.

And below, Ling Tian also stretched out his big hand, shaking back that ghost venerable sword.

Without the interference of the candle dragon, this ghost is nothing.

"Damn it, how come this thing is still alive!"

And after seeing Lao Hou appear, that Ghost Venerable was also very frightened.

What made him even more angry was that this Hellfire Yan seemed to have been hidden outside of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but they never found it.

The candle dragon is even more so.

Thousands of years ago, when he descended to the eighteen layers of hell, he attacked Hell Yanjian by surprise.

At that time, he and Hellyanjian were not very tyrannical, but Hellyanyan was a **** beast, and naturally suppressed the dragon race.

Therefore, if it were not for a sneak attack, it would be impossible for Zhulong to defeat Laohou.

In that battle, he succeeded in a sneak attack and directly slashed Lao Hou. In the end, Lao Hou was left with only a soul and reached the lower realm.

After that, Ling Tian was awakened.

After ascending to the immortal realm, Laohou left, saying that he was going to return to hell.

And this time the separation seems to have passed thousands of years.

"Prison Yanzhen, you are not dead yet!"

Candle Dragon looked at his burned dragon claw with only bones left, and was furious.

He really didn't expect that at this time, Lao Hou would come back.

Moreover, the combat power is so terrifying.

This has almost reached the pinnacle of the Yan clan!

"Hehe, what, are you surprised? I'm Hell Yanzhen, but I didn't fall so easily!"

"I waited ten thousand years just for today."

"I want revenge, you candle dragon meat, I'll eat it!"

The huge old Hou, magma flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, it's really ridiculous, Hell Yanzhen, even if you return ten thousand years later, you still won't be my opponent."

"Before these six reincarnations, it was still your burial place!"

The candle dragon hovered in the sky, and the flame on his body began to burn hot.

Above the breath, it soared again.

"Hmph, then today, I want to see if you have this capability, come on, have a good time!"

Lao Hou didn't even bother to say a word with Ling Tian, ​​so he rose into the sky.

The dark red flame surging all over his body directly hit the body of the candle dragon.

The impact of two huge divine beasts over one hundred thousand feet, what a shock it was.

The turbulent storm swept all directions.

Although still unable to shake the giant clock of the divine instrument and the six reincarnations.

However, it overturned the ghost army that had been far away.

so horrible.

The two giant beasts are almost fighting each other.

Fighting and flying to the sky, disappeared from the sight of everyone, only the lava that continuously flowed down, corroding and burning the earth.

"Hahaha, very good, now Lao Hou has also returned. I don't know what your so-called ghosts have?"

In this way, before the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there was only one Ghost Venerable left.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"However, the result will not change, it's just a waste of time!"

Gui Zun glanced at the ancient bronze bell that was still roaring behind him, and sneered: "It is you who should be anxious. Waiting for the bell to fall, everything inside will turn into dust."


Gui Zun sneered.


Ling Tian was frightened when he heard the words.

When the bell falls, Tai Yi and Ye Qing cry will fall! ?

The bell has been ringing for nine days.

Doesn't it mean that it is possible to stop at any time! ?

"It seems that you are really looking for death!"

Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, and Prisoner's hand came out from the fire again. This time, his big hand was tightly clasped on the blade of the stars.

One hundred thousand stars sword light broke out, beheading the ghost.

Ling Tian, ​​with full combat power, had no scruples about the loss of vitality by Prisoner's hand.

In this way, the two struggled to fight in front of the ancient bronze bell. The horrible sword intent scattered around and the magma falling from the sky deeply trembled the hearts of the ghost tribe army.

At this level of battle, even if they were close, they couldn't do it.

Can only watch from a distance.

"This battle is even more terrifying than the fighting among the emperors above the seven states ten thousand years ago."

"This guy is really a pervert."

Jialuo also took a deep breath.

Even if she had become Emperor Wu ten thousand years ago, she was still not as good as Ling Tian in front of her.

Speaking of it, it was really hurtful.

That Ghost Venerable was beaten by Ling Tian and backed away again and again, looking as if there was no way to fight back.

The battle lasted for half a cup of tea, and the earth cracked and turned into powder.

The space is shattered and cannot be healed.


At this moment, the battle between Ling Tian and Ghost Venerable had not yet ended, and a huge body fell from the sky.

"It's Hellfire!"

"Prison Yanzhen, are you defeated!?

Everyone suddenly saw that the one that fell from the sky was He Yan Yan.

Moreover, this 100,000-square-meter behemoth is full of scary wounds, with bones visible.

Even the limbs and wings seemed to be broken.

He fell heavily on the ground, his breath already weak.

It looked like it was really defeated.

Lao Hou! ?

Ling Tian frowned and turned around, unable to believe that Lao Hou was defeated like this.

He and Lao Hou just met again.

If Lao Hou were to fall like this, Ling Tian couldn't accept it.

"No, that's not right, look, what's in the mouth of the prison flame?"

"Yes, it's the leader!"

"It seems to be a leader!"

"It's the head of the candle dragon, this Hell Yanyan actually bit off the head of the candle dragon!"

At this time, the ghost tribes suddenly cheered.

Ling Tian also frowned, only then did he see that although Lao Hou's breath was sluggish, he was seriously injured.

But what he was biting in his mouth was indeed the dragon's head.

Zhulong was actually bitten to death by Lao Hou.

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