Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3148: The identity of the ghost


At this moment, Tai Yi Youyou woke up, Ling Tian was overjoyed, using the secret method of the Sanqing Separation Technique to heal Tai Yi's injury, and Tai Yi would be able to recover as before.

On the other side, Jialuo is also using a special method to heal Ye Qing's injuries.

The two woke up almost at the same time.

"The ontology, it turns out that you came to save it."

"Sorry, it made you trouble!"

Too opened his mouth with an apologetic smile on his face.

"How can this be troublesome, you and I are one body, and your life is my life."

Ling Tian also smiled.

But at this moment, he felt that although his Sanqing Separation Technique still had a connection with Taiyi, this connection seemed to be different from before, and it was getting weaker and weaker.

Even Ling Tian could no longer read Taiyi's thoughts now.

It is even impossible to know what Taiyi experienced before after coming to the underworld.

This is before, or on top of other clones, it has never appeared before.

The Taiyi now doesn't seem to be his own clone at all!

"Taiyi, what is going on, why did you come to this Huangquan, and who is it that trapped you in this Eastern Emperor Bell? Still refining you?"

Ling Tian asked quickly.

Perhaps too one can explain most of all the mysteries about the underworld.

"Hey, ten years ago, I came to the underworld for many reasons. One of them was because I sensed the aura of the Eastern Emperor Bell. As for who trapped us here, it was... Luo Yan."

"Luo Yan?" Ling Tian and others frowned.

My heart was even more confused, the ghostly venerable just now turned into a real Luo Yan, but the energy was Qin Yao's.

But back then, Luo Yanyan should have come down with Taiyi, but now, there is no Luo Yanyan in the Eastern Emperor's Bell.

"Well, it's Luo Yan, or, in other words, her current identity is Ghost Master Mingsi."

Seeing the doubts of Ling Tian and others, Tai Yi explained: "In fact, this matter is very complicated, and it has something to do with Qingqi and Jialuo."

"It's not to blame Luo Yan, it's all my fault."

However, Taiyi's words made Ling Tian even more confused.

What to do with this.

"Um, brother, speak slowly."

"After all this is clear, we will enter Huangquan again."

Ling Tian already referred to Taiyi as his brother.

He understood now that this clone actually already possessed another person's memory.

And this memory should have fallen ten thousand years ago, the so-called, own past life, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

"Ten thousand years ago, at that time, I was still called Eastern Emperor Taiyi. When I returned from the trial road, there was a great chaos in the Seven States.

"Even if there is Emperor Yuxu Wu, it is impossible to resist Emperor Xuanmowu."

"After that, Emperor Yuxuwu was defeated and the imperial palace collapsed, leaving me Daqin Immortal Dynasty."

"But in the entire Haotian Realm, there are not many that can help us. Among them, there are even those who have fallen into trouble."

"Helpless, I had no choice but to come to the underworld, looking for the legendary ten ancient artifacts, the Eastern Emperor Bell."

"Because, in the underworld, I can feel the existence of this divine tool, within the underworld."

"After I came to the underworld, I met Qingqi and Jialuo."

Speaking of this, Eastern Emperor Taiyi looked at Ye Qingqi and Jialuo, and both Emperor Wu's faces suddenly turned red.

For ten thousand years, Huangquan had just recovered some reincarnation energy. I sensed the breath of the Eastern Emperor Bell and came to Huangquan.

But back then, I didn't find the Eastern Emperor Bell inside or outside of Huangquan, but I met the ghost master who was hiding in Huangquan! "

Taiyi said, clenching his fists, "The Ghost Venerable back then was already very powerful. I am not her opponent at all. She wants me to surrender to her and do things for him."

"How could I agree."

"After that, I flatly refused and left Huangquan."

"And the appearance of the ghost of the underworld back then is exactly the same as Luo Yan."

"The Luo Yanyan you know can actually be regarded as the reincarnation body of the ghost. After I awakened my memory, I was with Luo Yan. I know that if she returns to Huangquan, it must be a catastrophe. At the very least, Haotian Realm will not be spared."

"However, ten years ago, Luo Yan still returned to the underworld."

"Furthermore, I sensed the aura of Donghuang Bell again, and followed it down."

"But I didn't expect that before we arrived at the Yellow Spring, we were stopped by that Qin Yao, and the Eastern Emperor Bell dropped from the sky, trapping us here."

"I don't know what happened after that."

Too sighed, "I was the one who made Qing Cry tired. I didn't expect Jialuo to bring so many ghost races to rescue me. It is too dangerous here."

"The power of the ghost is not what you can imagine."

"Don't talk about that, we are all here." Jialuo glanced at Tai Yi sideways.

Hearing this, Ling Tian already roughly understood some of the reasons.

Seeing this, Jialuo and Ye Qingciao should be sisters.

But after Taiyi descended on the underworld, he directly soaked in two martial emperors.

I have to say that Tai Yi was just a quasi emperor back then, and his ability is quite similar to him.

But Ling Tian really didn't expect that Luo Yan was actually the reincarnation of Ghost Venerable.

This is really scary.

"But, why is this ghostly sacred? Now, what does she want to do?"

However, Ling Tian could feel that Ghost Venerable didn't just want to kill Tai Yi and Ye Qing Cry.

After all, Na Lu Bu's father was taken away by Ming Si in order to lead him over.

Among them, there must be other conspiracies.

"The origin of the ghost is very great, although I don't know much, but I am sure that this ghost was once one of the three underworld gods under the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Association."

"Thirty thousand years ago, the God Realm collapsed. As a part of the God Realm, the Underworld did not escape the catastrophe."

"Ksitigarbha used his own life to defend the underworld, but the underworld was also separated into several fragments."

"The three great underworld gods have all fallen."

"However, the underworld is second only to the existence of the Earth Store Bodhisattva. In those days, they were also as famous as the ten great gods of the gods. In these 30,000 years, they have all reincarnated.

"Gui Zun is the nightmare **** among the underworld gods, and the other two are the sage of Huangquan and the devil."

Having said that, Taiyi looked at Ji Jiuyou and Rose behind Ling Tian.

And Ling Tian's brow is also one, yes, he had also heard of Huangquan Saintess and Devil from Emperor Jialuo's mouth.

It turned out that these two were once the gods of the underworld.

And Rose also told Ling Tian that the Daoji in their bodies was the godhead, but it seemed that Rose said that their godhead was a **** king, not a great god.

Could it be that after reincarnation, Doji followed up?

However, in contrast, Ji Jiuyou knew nothing about these.

She still looked ignorant now.

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