Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3151: Flower from the other side Manzhushahua

Tai Yi is very excited.

His lips were trembling, and his chest was constantly rising and falling.

Ling Tian is like this, it is considered to give him a new life.

At this moment, he could feel that Ling Tian had completely cut off the breath of the Sanqing Clone between the two.

From then on, he was him, and Ling Tian was Ling Tian.

His oneness, at this moment, is considered rebirth.


"Human Race, Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

Donghuang Taiyi smiled suddenly, he gritted his teeth, the expression on his face gradually changed.

It was a face completely different from Ling Tian, ​​but very similar in temperament.

The same heroic spirit is compelling, and the same, Fengshen Junyi.

But from this moment on, Taiyi is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

He also made a fist and stretched out his hand, facing Ling Tian's fist.

But at this moment, the Donghuang Bell shook wildly, remembering the sound of bells.

The breath of the One is also rising.

At this time, Taiyi not only recovered his injury, but also reached the peak of Zhun Emperor.

This cultivation base was his cultivation base when he fell.

It's just a pity that the Star Sword in his hand is gone.

"Xiao Lei can't give it to you."

Ling Tian retracted his hand, raised the Yunxing Sword in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I understand that, that's all, the Star Sword Soul is no longer there, and this Star Sword was originally a divine weapon, but what I got back then was only the hilt."

Taiyi smiled, "In the legend, in ancient times there was an Excalibur named Zhitian."

"Later, the Divine Sword collapsed and was divided into three parts, one of which was named Xingchen, the second was the Moon Chasing, and the third was Chasing the Sun. If I read correctly, the sword of my younger brother and sister is the Moon Flying Sword.”

Dong Huang Taiyi looked at the delicate fairy sword in Qin Mingyue's hand.

Since Qin Mingyue got this sword, she has never changed it again.

There are many seals on this Moon Flying Sword, and as Qin Mingyue's combat power increases, it continues to unblock it. It is simple and powerful, and once envied Ling Tian.

"Yes, it is the Moon Sword."

The divine sword in Qin Mingyue's hand was unsheathed, and its last moon was shining brightly.

"It's great, now, there is still a sun-seeking sword, which has never appeared in this world."

"I don't know, it fell into whose hands."

"If you can gather the pointing swords and Ling Tian, ​​you will be invincible under these heavens."

Taiyi smiled.

"Perhaps, I think, since God has given me two pieces of the Zhitian Sword, then maybe the third piece is not far away."

Ling Tian smiled and said nothing.

The Zhitian Sword is indeed extremely powerful, but after so many years, Ling Tian has not encountered news about the Sun Chasing Divine Sword.

In my heart, he didn't care.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't collect all the points of the Heavenly Sword, he originally wanted to use this Yunxing Sword to prove Dao to become Emperor Wu.

Relying on Xiao Lei, Ling Tian can still be invincible under the heavens!

The road to Huangquan is long, and, along the way, Ling Tian and others have met the souls of the same peers, or walking towards each other.

However, these souls had no consciousness, they passed Ling Tian and others and fell into reincarnation.

In this way, everyone walked for three months on the Huangquan Road, which seemed to have no end.

Finally, Huangquan Road was broken.

It seems that it is the end.

But what stood in front of everyone was not a ghost, but a huge flower swaying in front of the yellow spring whirlpool.

Before that flower, it was surrounded by souls coming and going.

The flower blooms and fades, and there is a soul that constantly changes before the flower, and then leaves.

Ling Tian frowned, looking at the flower in front of him, his heart throbbed too.

Not controlled at all.

This flower is extremely beautiful, with long petals and no leaves.

However, after the flowers wither, the leaves slowly grow out, and after the flowers bloom, the leaves wither.

This reciprocation is like reincarnation.

"The **** flower of the underworld, the other side!"

At this time, Lao Hou said solemnly.

"Is this the legendary flower of the other side?"

Ling Tian also took a deep breath. In the name of the flower on the other side, Ling Tian had heard Yaoyao say a long time ago.

Even Yaoyao is yearning for this flower on the other side.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Ji Jiuyou's face counted times, his eyes fell on the other shore flower, unable to move away.

"Yes, the other side flower, in the underworld, also known as Manzhushahua, it is the flower of the gods of the underworld. She grows in the yellow spring. It is the flower that attracts the soul of reincarnation. The soul is here and can recall the memories of previous lives. Then completely forget, fall into reincarnation and be reborn."

"A yellow spring without other shore flowers is not a true yellow spring."

"Once, in the underworld, there were three flowers on the other side of the world. This should be one of them, and the sage of Huangquan is the **** who once controlled the flowers on the other side."

Tai turned around and looked at Ji Jiuyou.

At this time, Ji Jiuyou couldn't help but stepped forward.

With a group of souls, looking at the huge Manzhushahua.

Suddenly, Ji Jiuyou stretched out his hand and grabbed the petals of the other shore flower.

"Miss Ji, be careful, Bianhua can make you fall into memories and never come out again!"

One vigilance.

However, it was too late.

Ji Jiuyou's hand touched the other shore flower.

His eyes closed tightly, it seemed that he was really in a memory.

"You don’t have to worry too much. The Saintess of Huangquan is in charge of the flowers of the other side. Moreover, the Saintess of Huangquan in this life possesses the lotus of the devil in her body. There will be nothing wrong with the magic of Higan Flower."

Jialuo was not worried.

"Jialuo is right, Miss Ji may awaken the memory of Saint Huangquan."

"This is very important to Miss Ji. This is the biggest opportunity in her life. We will protect her."

Ye Qing also said.

At this time, Nagaro had also stepped forward.

"Calling the soul Lou Xian, all ghosts retreat!"

The huge ghost building appeared on Huangquan Road, scaring away all the souls in front of the flowers on the other side.

These souls are inferior to ghosts, so naturally they are afraid of this ghost building.

"Sister, why did you bring the Soul Recalling Tower in? Before my father fell, he told me that you must not use this thing. It must be placed in the soul-locking formation set by Dad."

However, Ye Qing frowned when he saw the ghost building in Jialuo's hands.

"What can I do. In order to save you, I will use everything that I can use. Otherwise, do you think we can get to the Eastern Emperor Bell?"

Seeing that the two women were about to argue again, Tai Yi hurried forward and pulled the two women apart.

"Although, Jialuo is also for us, Jialuo, after waiting to go, you still put the Soul Convocation Building back, this thing is not that simple."

"Hmph, I know!" Jialuo curled his lips.

Ling Tian's gaze always fell on Ji Jiuyou. This was also the reason why Ling Tian brought her down. He always felt that Ji Jiuyou would have a great opportunity.

Now, this other shore flower should be enough! ?

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