Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 792: Nine-song Pagoda

"I wanted to talk to you before the palace competition, and I didn't want to put too much pressure on you, but now, I think it's okay to tell you."

"Zhongzhou five domains, in each domain, there is a martial arts tower set up by the king's court.

The Budo Tower is divided into three levels.

The first-class martial arts tower is placed in the State Imperial College in Zhongzhou for the use of the members of the Imperial College. The second class is placed in the four university palaces, and naturally it is exclusively used by the students of the palace.

And the last martial arts tower was placed in the hands of the winners of the Mansion Grand Competition in the following domains.

There is only one of two colleges and three colleges.

Moreover, the number of students who can enter it is also determined by the record of the palace.

The better the results, the more places you get.

The martial arts tower will only be opened to the martial artist after each time the palace is compared with the dragon gate. It is almost rare. After coming out of the martial arts tower, the cultivation and combat power will skyrocket, and the martial arts tower after the dragon gate. Cultivation is the last welfare for the new student, and after that, you can no longer claim to be a new student. Missed, within three years, there will be no chance again. "

Su Mo said gravely.

"There are other things, martial arts tower... It seems that this is very important for new students!"

Ling Tian also took a deep breath, and suddenly became interested.

As Su Mo said, this martial arts tower should be an existence that can enhance the strength of the martial artist in a short time.

This kind of resource is unavoidable.

"Well, that's inevitable. If it weren't for this, the major palaces and martial artists would not attach so much importance to the competition. So whether it is for the academy or for your own sake, you must do your best Go, and strive to enter the third-class martial arts tower to practice after the big competition."

Su Mo moved his eyes and said, "By the way, do you have a beast pet now?"

"Beast pet, I received one when I went out this time, what's wrong?"

Ling Tian frowned, wondering why Su Mo suddenly asked the animal pet, is it possible that she knew that she had just received the Phantom Fei Xiao?

It should not be possible.

"Oh, nothing. If you have one, then you should learn about the martial arts tower."

Su Mo smiled and said: "If you want to come, you have also heard that the Heavenly Demon Cauldron is the first spiritual treasure in the hands of Emperor Wu. But the Heavenly Demon Cauldron was found by Emperor Wu later. In addition, we also have a treasure of the country in Southern Tang Dynasty. That is Jiu Rong Pagoda!"

"And the three martial arts towers I just mentioned are actually imitations of this nine-song pagoda. It is now side by side with the Heavenly Demon Cauldron, and is the national treasure of my Nantang Town."

"The martial arts tower has inherited part of the abilities of the Jiuji Pagoda, that is, in addition to helping the martial artist to improve their strength, it also has a great effect on the monster beast."

Ling Tian was stunned when he heard the words, "What? This martial arts tower still has an effect on monsters?"

"Yes, there is a legend that the Nine Rong Pagodas were in ancient times. The Human Race collected the world's most treasures and refined them. The treasures contained the essence and blood of nine top monsters. It is also because of this, martial arts. The tower is also useful for improving the cultivation base of the monster beast."

"However, because this is the powerful refinement of the human race, the prerequisite is that the beast must be the beast pet of the human race, that is, the beast that has signed a life contract with the human race."

"Because the monster beast becomes a pet of the human race, it will automatically be kicked out of the monster race, and become a self-contained series. Otherwise, the Jiurong Pagoda, a magical effect that can be called against the sky, will cause great chaos in the monster race."

Ling Tian thoughtfully nodded, "So that's the case, I think it is. If a monster beast can grow rapidly because of this Nine Rong Pagoda, then it is really abnormal."

There are many contracts signed between animal pets and human races. General contracts can be cancelled. After cancellation, animal pets can be bought and sold, or they can continue to be released into the mountains and forests to become beasts. But under normal circumstances, this kind of contract is easy to loosen, so that beast pets break free, so except for those who sell beast pets, Terran warriors will sign more complex and advanced contracts.

Among them, the life contract is the most ruthless.

After the life contract was signed, the monster beasts were completely separated from the monster beast clan. They had the same life as the human warriors, and it could be said that they lived and died together, unable to break free.

And because the life contract is like this, the monster beast does not need to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon every day like the monster clan, and practice for hundreds of years to reach adulthood. Like the human race, animal pets can pass through pill and special methods, and then their strength can skyrocket.

Just like this martial arts tower, if it is really as Su Mo said, then the promotion of beast pets would be extremely terrifying.

"Well, haha, so the interesting thing about this is that the masters who understand the monster race on this continent are all interested in the nine towers. One is because of the terrifying effect of the nine towers on the monsters, and the second is the nine towers. The essence and blood of a top-level monster beast, but it is still in the martial emperor's supernatural power, and the monster is helpless.

Su Mo pointed to the identity sign on Ling Tian’s waist and said, “It’s more convenient for the pet to enter the martial arts tower. There is this option in Wanbao Pavilion. As long as your contribution value is enough, you can pass the pet through Wanbao. Pavilion, enter the martial arts tower, and then rapidly increase your strength."

"Otherwise, the cub-like beast pet, I don't know how long it will take to become the right arm of the human warrior."

Ling Tian glanced at his sign, "Well, I understand, I have to be free, so I will study it carefully."

In fact, Ling Tian hadn't been worried about this matter before. Phantom Fei Xiao had the bloodline of the overlord level, but even if he wanted to grow to the fifth rank, it was not a matter of a few years, he couldn't afford to wait.

Now that he learned of the magical effect of the martial arts tower, he completely let go of it.

Do you use contribution value? What he doesn't lack now is contribution value.

"Well, that's okay, I won't bother you."

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After Su Mo finished speaking, he left.

Afterwards, Lin Yanyan and others also came over to stay for a while, Ling Tian gave her two contribution value signs, and drove her to practice.

Now that there is not much time left, the energy of the Four Elephant Pagodas in Taoyuan has not yet recovered and cannot delay the flow of time, so I am very anxious.

Announcing the retreat again, Ling Tian opened all the formations in the yard and began to count the gains from this trip.

First of all, it is the special product of the Land of Fallen Sword, the Alien Demon Yuan Lingzhu.

Except for the income from the alien monsters that Ling Tian hunted along the way, Ling Tian obtained from other martial artists, that was so much.

Ling Tian killed everyone in Kunwu Academy one after another, and the number of the alien spirit beads that had already been so proud and graceful was as high as more than one thousand!

This is simply a shocking amount.

To remove, a hundred beads of good quality are comparable to the huge top-grade spiritual spring that Ling Tian absorbed before, and these more than a thousand beads are equivalent to ten huge top-grade spiritual springs!

And the primordial energy contained in these beads is enough to make his cultivation soar to a realm again!

Impact the late golden body!

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