Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 796: Recast the Rainbow Sword

Ling Tian never thought that it would take three days and three nights to melt the ancient sword and extract the Profound Fire Steel.

Finally, looking at the group of mysterious fire steel with dragon patterns the size of a walnut, Ling Tian grinned involuntarily and wiped the sweat off his face.

Swallowing a whole bottle of the pill that restores the power of the divine mind, Ling Tian began to replenish the divine mind that had been consumed for three days. Although the process of refining the dragon pattern mysterious fire steel is very difficult, the consumption of the divine mind is still acceptable. In the range.

It was almost as expected, because I didn't know much about the treasure, so apart from keeping the mysterious fire steel, all the other materials of the ancient sword were destroyed.

This ancient sword is extraordinary. Any kind of main material or even auxiliary material is extremely rare, and if it can be refined, it is also a considerable income.

However, even though he didn't get it, Ling Tian was also content.

With the Xuanhuogang, Ling Tian took out the Yuanru Jingjin, Xingyun White Copper, and 16 kinds of auxiliary materials.

The raw materials are already available. Only when Ling Tian restores his spiritual consciousness to the most complete state, he can proceed to recast the sword body for the Rainbow Sword.

Because Ling Tian used the method of blood refining, the soul of the sword in the Jinghong Sword grew extremely fast, and it could be upgraded by recasting the sword body.

After the Rainbow Sword, what Ling Tian prepared for the Thunder Dragon was a super-grade earthenware sword named Qingyan Wind Gathering Sword recorded in the ancient book of Forging Soldier.

It has both wind and fire attributes, and the requirement is to have the best wind and fire soul.

This sword, ranked third in the earth weapon list, was more powerful than the ordinary low-grade heaven weapon.

Ling Tian had been studying it for a long time, and finally chose this sword as the template to recast the Jinghong Sword, because the wind attribute and thunder attribute in it were compatible.

Finding a superb sword with both fire and thunder attributes is not easy.

However, Ling Tian didn't have the ability to create a new weapon out of thin air.

It can only be upgraded and transformed on the basis of other blades like the previous Jinghong Sword.

In order to fit the Thunder Dragon Sword Soul, Ling Tian reorganized and exchanged the original materials of the Qingyan Wind Gathering Sword and deduced it countless times in his mind. This was absolutely correct. Xuanhuogang is the newly added main material, supplemented by it. The blood-colored thunder in Yuanru's crystal gold, the recast Rainbow Sword, must be reborn, and it is even higher than the Qingyan Wind Gathering Sword!

One day later, Ling Tian restored his spiritual consciousness to Consummation, and when he was energetic, Ling Tian was very clear and clear.

After taking the Jing Waiting out, Ling Tian fumbled the sword and whispered softly: "Xiao Lei, can't wait? Don't worry, soon, you won't have to stay in this small house..."


At the moment when Ling Tian brushed the sword body, thunder light circulated on the Jinghong Sword, and the thunder dragon and dragon shook the sky, breaking free from the sword body and roaring continuously around Ling Tian's body.

It's like venting one's own dissatisfaction.

Now Thunder Dragon follows Ling Tian day and night, and is nourished by Ling Tian's blood. The strength of the sword soul makes Jinghong Sword unbearable.

"Okay, okay, I know, look, the materials are all prepared, you are forbearing, I will hurry to refine it now!"

Ling Tian calmed down for a while, and this allowed the Thunder Dragon to return to the Jinghong Sword, but it still froze in the sword body, madly.

Put the Jinghong sword aside in suspension, and let it witness the refining of the new sword body. With a wave of Ling Tian's hand, all the materials and brains were thrown into the Six Ding Ding.

The Eight Desolation Lei Yi once again sacrificed, after nearly two years, Ling Tian finally recast the Rainbow Sword!


Not much to say about the refining process of the Jinghong Sword.

In order to recast this sword, Ling Tian has repeatedly deduced it countless times in his mind, and he has already understood it in his heart, and it is foolproof!

Time is long, two months, just a flick of the finger, not to mention, now in this central state, a lot of things can happen in two months, and it goes by very quickly.

Ling Tian is even more so.

The inner courtyard of Xiaoyao College, Sanchong Mountain.


A roar that shook the world, like a thunder landing.

Along with the loud noise, a peak on the Sanchong Mountain seemed to be hit by a terrifying force. The top of the mountain was shattered like a shock.

When the smoke fell on, only half of that mountain peak remained, and the gap was impressively a thousand meters in radius.

Such an astonishing shock naturally attracted the attention of the teachers and students of the entire Xiaoyao College.

They walked out of the room one after another, looking at Sanchong Mountain in the distance, faintly through the clouds and mist on the mountain, they could see the shattered peaks that had been shining brightly by Juli, and immediately, their faces were full of shocking colors.

At the other end of the Sanchong Mountain, Zhang Han, who was sitting and practicing, was awakened by this wave again.

"Huh! This guy, he's cultivating himself, and he doesn't care about others!"

Zhang Han opened his eyes, his eyes filled with anger.

However, in this anger, there is more jealousy.

He also wanted to compete with the palace that followed, which was impressive, so since the last time he failed to rush to the rankings, he has been in retreat and has never appeared in the academy.

But during this time, his strength has progressed, but it seems that he is far from the horror of Ling Tian!

This guy is simply not human!

After hearing that Ling Tian flew away Yan Hu with a fist, Zhang Han's mentality collapsed a bit.

In the past two months, the area where Ling Tian was located in the Miezhong Mountain has not stopped, either from time to time there is a sound similar to the dragon's chant shaking the sky, or various roaring sounds, shaking the earth.

In short, every movement is not small,

And the loud noise of shaking the sky was the only one in the past, and the entire Xiaoyao Academy was shaken.

"This kid can really calm down. Seeing that tomorrow will be the palace competition, he is still practicing martial arts?"

On a mountain peak in the inner courtyard, Zhuang Lu, Chen Lao and other teachers looked at the direction of Sanchong Mountain, their expressions were different and very complicated.

"However, this kid doesn't know what martial arts he has cultivated. It is so powerful and terrifying."

Qin Hong frowned tightly, and he could feel that Ling Tian's current combat power had far surpassed him.

"However, I still don't care about him. Let's not talk about how important this pre-arranged palace is, let's talk about Yang Ling. I heard that this guy has also recently left the customs, and it seems that he still got it from the Yang family Few things, in order to be the leader of the Northern Territory’s Palace Competition."

Chen Lao said with disdain.

"That guy Yang Ling came from a famous family. Although he was not a direct descendant, it was also extraordinary. The family resources he got were far more than what the school gave him."

Zhuang Lu felt right, "Hehe, in fact, even if there is no Yangling, do you think that the Wenshu of the Northern Wilderness Academy is easy to deal with? This Ling Tianqian should never abolish Yanhu, hehe, the Yan family has The complaint has come to the Wang family. If you want to come to the Northern Wilderness Academy, you will never let Ling Tian go, and you will completely anger us at Xiaoyao..."

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