Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 815: Wings? The last battle!

Even if Ling Tian was just now, he defeated Wen Jin with one punch.

"Wow, it's really amazing. Recently, I really heard that some people after the tenth place in the battle list have silver wings, but now this Yang Ling is the first to be exposed."

The little princess also said in surprise with a small mouth.

"Hehe, the silver wings are nothing."

Naturally, Wang Chong would not show any surprise. He looked at the sharp claws on his wrist. At this time, the sharp claws were shining with a faint golden light...

"Hehe, looking at how maddeners become more mad, I'm Fei Lei Academy, not a free and unfettered person, where you can run wild at will!"

Yang Kaitai brushed his beard and smiled, expressing such a powerful expression of Yang Ling, and he was happy in his heart.

Before it started, he would let Fenglei Academy and all of the Ling Family's courtyards ride Juechen!

However, just when everyone thought that Ling Tian would retreat from law and order and directly surrendered, Ling Tian on the second level gave out a low laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

As if he had heard some joke, Ling Tian smiled and shook his head.

In the astonishment and inexplicable eyes of everyone, Ling Tian slowly put away his smile, his palm flashed, and a golden dragon faceplate appeared, covering his face, covering his handsome face. In a short time, originally The Junyi feeling suddenly became savage.

"I hate the way people look down on me."

Then, Ling Tian shook his feet and rushed directly into the sky, until he flew away to a position much higher than the top of the Hundred Battle Tower, then stopped.

"Gap? What gap?"

"I have always been curious, where did the superiority of these so-called geniuses in Zhongzhou come from!? It's really funny!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian, ​​who was suspended in the air, suddenly stretched out his arm to the right, wearing a glove engraved with silver grain crystals, the silver light circulated, blooming into the sky, and then the five fingers suddenly opened.

"Prison Flame, come with a stick!"

In an instant, the black and red stick behind it burst out into the sky!

From the point of view from the wanton spreading above the sticks, black air surrounded the sky like a black petal blooming in the sky.

And Ling Tian was at the center, his momentum suddenly increased!

Then the black and red air instantly condensed into a ferocious beast, which roared up to the sky, boundlessly overwhelmed, and shattered the sky.

After that, the spirit of the weapon introverted into the club and fell into Ling Tian's hands.


At this moment, Ling Tian held the prison fire stick in his hand, danced across a stick flower, and pointed directly at Yang Ling below.

"Silver wings?"

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you..."


Sure enough, just inside and outside Yin Leifeng, under the attention of countless shocked eyes, Ling Tian's shoulders suddenly shook, and a pair of silver wings, which were slightly brighter than Yang Ling, bloomed!

Ling Tian also has silver wings!

Moreover, the inscription is even more advanced than Yang Ling!

At this moment, Ling Tian also climbed and soared above the previous coercion, and this rate was as much as 60%!

Suddenly, there was silence up and down the square.

Who said that the gap between Ling Tian and Yang Ling was insurmountable?

Why not have silver wings, Ling Tian also has it!

The gap that Yang Ling had just opened was smoothed out in this way!

"Well, how is this possible? He Ling Tian, ​​where did he get such top-quality equipment and inscription formation?"

On the cliff, all the big guys were all dumbfounded.

Everything that Ling Tian has shown from the beginning to the present is not like a college student at all.

Yang Kaitai was even more embarrassed as if he had swallowed a bitter gourd.

And Zhuang Lu, Chen Lao and others, who had never spoken in front of everyone, were even more incredulous.

Ling Tian's hole cards were too abnormal.

No wonder, this guy was so confident before.

"There is no need to use this formation."

"In this battle, you are also forbidden to admit defeat!"

Ling Tian Hanguang's gloves clasped the Hellfire Cudgel with the same words as when he had faced Wen Jin. The next moment, the Cudgel crashed down!

The stick shadow whizzed and the air burst.

Before it falls, the wind is sweeping.

"Shanhe stick, Zhenyue! Break it to me!"

Ling Tian shouted loudly in the air, and his whole body vigorously condensed under the shadow of a stick, making it as heavy as a mountain, directly hitting the formation at the bottom of the Hundred Battle Tower.

"Boom! Click!"

Almost in an instant, the formation on the top of the Hundred Battle Tower was like glass, shattering into slag!

The sky filled the sky with light dots, and the almost violent wind whizzed up Yang Ling's black hair and clothes armor.

But Ling Tian slowly landed from the air, and finally stood on the other side of the ring.

Strong, terribly strong!

Ling Tian, ​​who has the blessing of two weapons such as gloves and clubs, can be described as earth-shattering by the power of this club.

The top-level formation is so strong, but in front of Ling Tian this stick, it appears so fragile.

This stick also seemed to hit everyone's hearts, allowing them to finally realize how tyrannical the chief freshman of the Xiaoyao Academy is.

But correspondingly, there is no need to say anything about the waves and expectations that are in the hearts of everyone. At this time, Ling Tian, ​​who has silver wings, is playing against Yang Ling, just thinking about it makes people excited.

If it were before, no one would think that Ling Tianneng was qualified to be on the same level as Yang Ling. When the two played against each other, Ling Tian would definitely lose.

But now, Ling Tian's such a strong performance, I am afraid that no one dares to be sure. Ling Tian would definitely lose.

Between the victory and defeat, there is full of suspense.

Su Mo was extremely nervous, and she had a hunch that this battle would be the fiercest battle in the Northern Territory Palace Competition in three hundred years.

Victory is very important. If he loses, Ling Tian's fledgling edge will be completely suppressed.

Not to mention the question of whether the luck will fall, just the influence on the heart is very scary. It is very likely that once he loses, he will suffer a severe setback. Within a year, it is impossible to make a big difference in the Dragon Gate Competition.

On the ring, Ling Tian's eyes fell on Yang Ling in the distance, "Now, do you still think that our gap is insurmountable?"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian's fighting spirit seemed to be condensed into a sharp sword, piercing Chang Tian.

"Hehehe, why, do you think this can really be smoothed out?"

Yang Ling's calm face suddenly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, his eyes burst out sharply, as if it were a sharp sword.

Ling Tian, ​​a sword came through the air like a sharp sword, the sword intent was in the sound of the sound, as if the clouds and mist on the Leifeng peak were shaking.

On the other hand, it was as cold as a knife, and it was a knife in itself, which seemed to come from the cold killing intent of the Asura Field. In addition to the cold, it also contains a gloomy evil spirit, wanting to tear everything.

The Palace Competition, the last battle!

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