Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 824: Yuan Guoshu?

Everyone looked at the Zhuang Lu and others standing on the square in the outer courtyard, and they were also taken aback.

Unexpectedly, at the time when the Academy celebrated Xiaoyao's victory in the martial arts tower, Zhuang Lu would dare to do things.

Su Mo frowned and said coldly, "Zhuang Lu, why are you here?"

In the presence of so many sects and aristocratic martial artists, Zhuang Lu's aggressive appearance is really a bit ugly.

"Me? Hehe, why can't I be here? Why, can he expel me from Xiaoyao with a word of Ling Tian?"

Zhuang Lu snorted coldly.

After he came out of Fenglei Academy, he became more and more angry.

In front of almost the entire Northern Territory, he was taken by Ling Tian's aura and lost his face.

He has a powerful cultivation base in the late stage of Faxiang.

No matter how strong Ling Tian was, his opponent would still fail. ?

So Zhuang Lu gave up the idea of ​​going directly to Kunwu, but returned to Xiaoyao.

He was going to show Ling Tian some color, otherwise, he would go to Kunwu like this, and it would be strange not to be laughed at!

He just hates now, hates himself for a long time in the free, even the courage is gone.

"Why, at Fenglei Academy, what I said was not clear enough?"

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhuang Lu coldly.

Although this Zhuang Lu has a very high level of cultivation, he really hates him.

Even if he is hurt, he is ready to fight this guy,

"Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, you are not his opponent now, wait for me to find the dean later, and he will handle it."

Su Mo dragged Ling Tian to the side, not allowing Ling Tian to do anything. At the same time, he winked at Bu Xuanyin and asked them to greet the guests to go inside.


However, just when Ling Tian's group of people bypassed Zhuang Lu, Zhuang Lu sneered with his arms in his arms and said, "I want to remind you that you must see the situation of Xiaoyao clearly."

"Don’t think that Xiaoyao will be able to straighten up in the Northern Territory if he has a martial arts tower. Xiaoyao has nothing to do now. The number of teachers and Musashi are scarce, and there is not even a meta fruit tree. It’s not harmful to let your children come to study. Did you kill them?"

"Don't forget, that martial arts tower is not for all of you. Within half a year, this Xiaoyao Academy will definitely collapse on its own due to lack of resources. There is no need to be removed from others. At that time, you people will all Will become a bereavement dog, when it's down, who wants to take you in? Ha ha..."

Zhuang Lu, Chen Lao, Zhang Han and others behind them all sneered, seemingly determined to disturb the celebration and acceptance of Xiaoyao College this time.

However, Su Mo and others were unable to refute, because the other party was telling the truth.

If Zhuang Lu leaves Xiaoyao, then some people will definitely be taken away. At that time, Xiaoyao will be more difficult.

Hearing that, those martial artists from aristocratic families and sects all changed their faces, and the faces of the young children behind them also flashed with a lot of hesitation.

Obviously, it was also worried.

The academy that no one wanted to enter by himself was finally disbanded.

Moreover, they seem to have forgotten that Xiaoyao Academy really doesn't seem to have a meta fruit tree. The only one was burned to death by the sky three hundred years ago!

As a result, their cultivation speed will be much slower than other college students.

The atmosphere became very embarrassing in an instant, and everyone in the outer courtyard froze there.

However, the sneers on Zhuang Lu and others' faces became more obvious.

"Ling Tian, ​​I have persuaded you long ago not to do things so rampantly and arrogantly. I, Zhuang Lu, just want to see your jokes today. How do you celebrate your success? Let everyone in this Xiaoyao be anesthetized with you? Are you not worried? , You will enter the martial arts tower, but they? Can? They won't get anything."

The continuation of Zhuang Lu's words of condemnation seems to be a reconciliation of the celebration.

"Yuan Guoshu? You think too much..."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian, ​​who was walking in the front, stopped abruptly, and then suddenly turned to look at Zhuang Lu, with a scornful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone, if you don't mind, please join me and take a look at the Yuan Guoshu of Xiaoyao Academy. Otherwise, there are people who are really unwilling to hate me for being free and immortal, so heavy!"

Ling Tian looked at everyone behind him and suddenly smiled.

However, when Ling Tian's voice fell, everyone was shocked.

Among them, in addition to the guests who don't know why, even Su Mo and others are included.

Yuan fruit tree of Xiaoyao Academy?

Where to look?

The Yuan Guoshu of Xiaoyao Academy has been dead for three hundred years. Everyone knows this.

Now, does Ling Tian still let Yuan Guoshu look at him?

how can that be.

I can't, has it changed out of thin air?

But no matter how surprised the people at ease were, it would be a great surprise for the guests of the sect and family.

"Good, good! If the chief allows us to visit the inner courtyard, we will naturally be very happy!"

Hundreds of people nodded again and again.

Ling Tian looked at Su Mo, and the latter nodded, "It's natural to do it specially during the extraordinary period. I'll apply now."

But Su Mo was thinking about leaving, the door of the Xiaoyao Hall in the inner courtyard opened directly, and the old Zhang walked out of it.

"Everyone, please come in."

It seemed that he was in a good mood, and the elder smiled with his hand, and his figure disappeared.

Su Mo frowned, and suddenly felt that today's Xiaoyao really seemed to be different. She had discovered this suddenly, but she really couldn't tell where it was different.

"Hehe, that's the case, everyone, please come in!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, and then shook his whole body with a long roar, and swept directly into the inner courtyard.

"Come in, everyone."

Su Mo took a deep breath and took everyone into the Xiaoyao Hall.

Zhuang Lu, Chen Luo and others looked at each other, the latter also shook his head, frowning.

Although they didn't believe that Xiaoyao really had a meta fruit tree, they couldn't see any guilty conscience from Ling Tian's face.

Is it possible that Ling Tian has a solution to this Yuan Fruit Tree?

Suspicious and worried in their hearts, Zhuang Lu and others followed closely and entered the inner courtyard.

And all the students and teachers in the inner courtyard have never been left behind.

Only the tens of thousands of ordinary students in the outer courtyard were left in a hurry.


The inner court.

The crowd hurriedly went straight to the corner where Yuan Guoshu was placed in front of the inner courtyard.

This corner once occupies a huge area, but because it has been abandoned for hundreds of years, it has been covered with a thick layer of dust, and there is not a single plant living around it. The whole eye is a desolate and ruined scene.

Make those guests frown.

This way, it really doesn't look like owning a meta fruit tree.

At the very least, they knew that the meta-fruit tree could release the Qi of Heaven and Earth's Primordial Spirit, and the surrounding ten li could be benefited, that is, the spiritual herb and elixir should be extraordinarily luxuriant.

Soon, everyone gathered around a giant flowerbed in this corner.

Ling Tian, ​​who was one step ahead, was already standing in the center of the flower bed, with his back facing everyone.

"This...this is the Yuan Fruit Tree?"

However, when everyone saw the black charcoal-like thing on Ling Tian's side, they were all stunned.

What kind of yuan fruit tree is this? Why is it a scorched tree?

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