Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 827: Underground Elements

Now, his own cultivation level has just broken through to the middle stage of the soul, which is much higher than that of other ordinary college deans and family patriarchs.

The Yuanshen realm is different from the Dharma state realm, and the gap between each small realm is bigger.

The masters of the Academy are generally cultivated in the middle stage of the Yuanshen, and the princess of the Academy, as well as the six Shangshu, and some top officials such as the first-class princes of the eight states, and the generals of the Fourth Guards, are cultivated in the Yuanshen Late stage.

Therefore, Chen Chong's cultivation is almost not much worse than Wu Lian's.

But three hundred years ago, Chen Chong and Yang Kaitai had the same cultivation level!

Although the combat power is high and low, at least the cultivation base will not be so bad~!

In the middle stage of the soul, and the middle stage of the soul, and the great achievement, there is simply a sky barrier between them.

Even if he and Wang Zhong joined forces, they were no match for Chen Chong's fifth epee move.

How can this make him believe?

Wang Zhong was also surprised and inexplicable.

A guy who has been crazy for three hundred years, a mountain, his cultivation base is so much higher than his own, who it is, it will be uneasy in his heart.

"Hehe, why, do you think that I have been crazy for three hundred years and my cultivation has stagnated? It's ridiculous, I'm not as stupid as you guys!"

"More than three hundred years ago, I was able to win the martial arts tower from the two of you. It is still a matter of defeating both of you today. Moreover, three hundred years later, your juniors are still not the opponents of the juniors of my academy! Ha! Haha! Are you angry?"

The head of the madhouse seemed to be very satisfied with his sword. He glanced at the interrupted sword in his hand, and then returned the sword to its sheath.

"Hmph, Chen Chong, don't be too happy too early. What can you do if you get the martial arts tower? Don't you know that if you want to activate the martial arts tower, the underground spiritual veins must be strong enough to support the operation of the martial arts tower?"

"Others may not know, but we all understand that your Xiaoyao's origins are not usable at all. After the three mountains, they are all useless!"

"Even if you have a martial arts tower, you can't start it at all. Hehe, I just wanted to see your jokes today. By then, will you be obedient to hand over the martial arts tower?"

Yang Kaitai clutched his chest and sneered uncontrollably.

When Ling Tian and others heard this, their expressions also changed.

Why, the use of the martial arts tower has nothing to do with the underground veins?

If it is really impossible to activate the martial arts tower, then, this time, it will be useless to win the leader of the palace competition this time.

At the time when people's hearts are floating.

The head of the lunatic asylum had long expected the other party to have such a general rhetoric, and a trace of joking and pride flashed across his face, and said, "Yuanmai?"

"Hehe, just wait for these careful thoughts, I thought about it three hundred years ago!"

"Three hundred years ago, the underground veins of my Xiaoyao Academy were contaminated and could not be used, but do you think I could do nothing for three hundred years?"

When the voice fell, the head of the mad asylum snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and suddenly, the entire Feixia Mountain shook.

It's like underground, some beast is waking up.

Ling Tian and others felt the abnormal movement at their feet, and they were also surprised. They looked towards the Jiuzhong Mountain and suddenly found a blue aura that diffused out of the mountains and rose into the sky.

And the pure and pure Yunling Qi that was like a wolf road swept across in a short while, spreading through the body in all directions.

"Vitality! What a strong vitality, this... is this the source of my Xiaoyao Academy?"

"The origin vein is restored!"

"Hey, the origin veins of this Xiaoyao Academy are very pure and full of energy. It was originally stronger than the origin veins of Badao and Linxi Academy!"

Everyone talked a lot, but they all could see that this Xiaoyao Yuan Meridian, which was criticized by others, had returned to normal!

Moreover, without the pollution of the veins, it is still very powerful!

At this time, the mad asylum in the sky directly sacrificed the martial arts tower in his hand and threw it down Feixia Mountain.

The martial arts tower gradually grew in mid-air, and in the end it turned directly into a huge behemoth that was hundreds of feet tall, broke the formation, and fell directly into the square in the inner courtyard.

On the nine-story tower, this faint cyan light radiated, and the energy of countless primordial veins gathered at the bottom of the tower, causing the entire martial arts tower to emit bursts of extremely powerful coercion, as if the entire Feixia Mountain was fluctuated by this drum. Suppressed the general.

At this time, Ling Tian realized the power of this martial arts tower. This is just an imitation. How powerful is the legendary Jiu Rong Pagoda?

"You two old crippled calves, why, can you still have something to say now? This martial arts tower, in my Xiaoyao, is no worse than your Fenglei Academy! Hahaha!"

The head of the madhouse looked up to the sky and screamed, as if he wanted to release the forbearance of hundreds of years, so that everyone would be moved.

And Yang Kaitai and Wang Zhong's faces were extremely black and blue, and they were as uncomfortable as eating flies.

This time I came to Xiaoyao, not only did I not see any jokes from the other side, but only witnessed the real rise of Xiaoyao. What's even more annoying was that they were so embarrassed by the fact that the two great palace masters joined forces, and they were not the opponents of this lunatic. .

When this spread out, their faces were completely lost.

"Hmph, since I've watched it all, I won't keep you guys anymore. Get out of here! Otherwise, I don't mind cleaning up with you again!"

The head of the madhouse glared at Yang Kaitai and Wang Zhong, and immediately caused the latter to get wrapped around his body and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything, and walked away in despair.

The head of the madhouse descended from the sky and returned to the inner courtyard square. He glanced at the yuan fruit tree and the martial arts tower, and smiled: "Everyone, if you are willing to let the door enter me at ease, you can see me Chen Chong, this northern region, I will soon know the news of my Chen Chong’s return. I can’t guarantee anything else, but please don’t worry, your children will definitely not be worse than at the college!"

"Whether you can get in at all depends on your wishes!"

The guests looked at each other, and then they were instantly excited.

"Willing to be willing, we are naturally willing, I will let the students enter the free learning!"

"Enter my son first! My son has the eighth rank of talented martial soul!"

"My grandson is not bad!"

For a while, everyone was crazy.

With today's unfettered momentum, it is absolutely possible to catch up with the two universities.

From then on, who would dare to say that Xiaoyao is the worst college?

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​the matter here is over, let Su Mo handle it, you come with me, I have something to tell you."

Chen Chong looked at the hot scene in front of him, turned to look at Ling Tian, ​​and said.

"Yes, Dean!"

Ling Tian's eyes rolled, and for a while, he didn't know what the dean wanted to say to him.

But still nodded and said yes.

The two went straight to the small courtyard on the Sanchong Mountain where Ling Tian was located.

However, Chen Chong looked in the direction of the back mountain, stopped, and suddenly said, "Hehe, I didn't expect that you are still proficient in the art of stone exploration, 300 years ago, and you are the first one to live here, safe and sound. People..."

"Huh? Dean, what are you..." Ling Tian's heart was shocked.

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