Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 829: The Phenomenon of Qing Du Tai Chu Jing Fa [Three more]

Gai Nie shook his feet, and after a long while, he smiled and said, "Good, good, good death!"

"What more are you talking about, what Qin State?"

Chen Chong was blinded.

"It's nothing, it's just that Ling Tian and I do have our own ties, ha ha, okay, Ling Jia Ling Tian, ​​it seems that it is really God's will, not in vain to wait for my salary!"

Guy Nie Yangtian laughed boldly, spitting in his heart.

"However, Senior Guy, what kind of poison do you seem to be poisoned by? Your face..."

Suddenly, Ling Tian asked.

He is extremely sensitive to toxins. From the moment Gai Nie let go of his aura, he felt the disgust that the toxin brought to him.

This poison is somewhat familiar.

"It's a long story, let's go in and talk, stand here, what's the matter?"

Chen Chong waved his hand and pushed Ling Tian and Gai Nie into the yard.

........ "What? My poison, can you solve it?"

In Ling Tian's small courtyard, Gai Nie stood up from the chair, and asked with a look of surprise.

Chen Chong, who was next to him, flushed slightly, and his eyes were full of hope.

"Ling Tian, ​​I have long thought you have a way, but the poison in the two of me is extraordinary! If you can really understand, you will be our great benefactor!"

Ling Tian put down the tea cup and chuckled softly: "It's a trivial thing! The junior has arrived, the poison is clear..."

"If this is the case, then you quickly detoxify the two of me. Don't you know, this thing has tortured me two for three hundred years. Although my strength has risen, this poison is a scourge after all. Someday, we two will be violently killed!"

Chen Chong said anxiously.

"Don't be restless, the younger generation will detoxify, I don't know, who will come first?" Ling Tian smiled.

"Dean, come now, your symptoms should be easier, and it should be easier to resolve..." Gai Nie smiled.

"Hey, you and me, what else can you refuse? I have a handful of old bones, you are more poisoned, or you should come first."

Chen Chong declined.

"In that case, let me first!"

Ling Tian stopped the two of them and detoxified Gai Nie first.

In fact, the poison in the two is the same as the polluted toxin in Jiuhua Mountain. ’

The two of them should have accumulated so many toxins in their bodies because they absorbed the spiritual spring polluted by toxins.

This toxin seems to be nothing right now, but if it is touched and erupted, then the warrior will be killed instantly, quite overbearing!

Ling Tian cut his hand on Guy Nie's wrist, and a hundred thousand sword shadows poured directly into Guy Nie's body.

The sword intent swept its flesh and blood with a flood, the toxins were invisible, and those who saw it were cleared away!

Gane raised his eyebrows suddenly.

His toxin has accumulated in his body for three hundred years.

During the period, he didn't think of a solution, but neither the master pill or the dean of medical skills were helpless.

He thought that Ling Tian would use some extremely complicated secret technique to detoxify him.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian’s method is so simple...

Is it okay to just cut the wrist?

But immediately after he felt a terrifying but continuous sword intent from Ling Tian's hands poured into his body.

But this sword intent had no effect on his body.

But he can clearly feel that the toxins in his blood are quickly eliminated!

"Uh, Ling Tian, ​​you, are you cleaning poison?"

Chen Chong was surprised, and looked at Guyie again, "How do you feel?"

‘It feels great! "

"Ling Tian's method is a magical skill!"

Gane was almost excited.

"It's so good, it's so good! If there is no such toxin involved, you and I may be able to make progress, and go further!"

Chen Chong stroked his palm and laughed.


A day later, outside the Mieshan Lingtian small courtyard.

Gai Nie, Chen Chong, and Ling Tian were standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the majestic martial arts tower and the pavilion-like earthen fruit tree, all with gratifying smiles on their faces.

At this time, under the Diyuan Fruit Tree, the inner yard was crowded with students, all of them ruddy and faintly excited, sitting cross-legged around the Yuanguo Tree, spitting out against the clock.

In the past, this was a luxury for them.

Nowadays, the powerful Earth Element Fruit Tree allows them to have training resources that are not inferior to those of academies, which is simply a gift.

Therefore, they naturally won't give up a bit of time, just queuing here before dawn, hurrying to practice.

And because the origin of Xiaoyao Academy is as usual, and the earth origin fruit tree is reborn, the students of Xiaoyao Academy are all immersed in a tense and vigorous state of cultivation.

Outside the outer courtyard and the mountain gate, there was even more crowds. The Xiaoyao mountain gate opened early in the morning, and countless young warriors from various sects and families who had arrived overnight came in and wanted to sign up for the Xiaoyao Academy.

Such a prosperous scene has never existed before.

It is conceivable that if this continues, Xiaoyao will definitely become stronger again.

"Haha, Dean, it's been three hundred years. Three hundred years ago, Xiaoyao Academy was such a beautiful sight. Now, it really wants to reappear!"

Guy Nie suddenly laughed loudly.

At this moment, his vitality and coercion were extremely powerful all over his body. Although there were still scars on his face, the black color was gone. There is no trace of poisoning. Although his cultivation is only at the peak of the late stage of the Fa, the pressure he exudes is comparable to that of the middle stage of the soul, and it is only a little worse than that of Chen Chong!

It can be seen that the horror of Gai Nie's combat power.

He and Ling Tian had the same Taichu Sutra, and he was still a Phantasmagoria of the Taichu Sutra, and his combat power almost surpassed most of the realm of the same level.

"Yeah...all of this, thanks to Ling Tian."

Chen Chong also sighed.

At this time, Chen Chong's complexion was ruddy, and even his back was straightened up a lot.

It only took Ling Tian one day to remove all the toxins in his two bodies. Up to now, he still had some unreal feelings.

Ling Tian not only cleared the weird toxins, but also eliminated the erysipelas that had been squeezed for hundreds of years. This made his entire physical body almost like a new life. What a terrible method was this?

"No, no, I just did what I was supposed to do." Ling Tian waved his hand quickly, "Moreover, the predecessors have a life-saving grace for me. My gains are enough."

He already knew yesterday that in Jiuhua Mountain that day, it was Chen Chong and Gai Nie who blocked Ling Tian from the demon lord!

Otherwise, that time, he would have been more ill-fortuned.

"Hi, that's nothing. Moreover, the Scriptures I gave you are also incomplete, and I still feel that I am sorry for you." A look of disappointment flashed across Guyie's face.

"Senior Guyie, I have a question, I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"There is nothing you can't ask between you and me, just ask, I know everything."

Ling Tian looked down at the two incomplete jade slips in his hand, "Where did you get this Xiaoyao Sutra?"

That's right, just now, Gaie Nie gave Ling Tian the two parts of the early and middle phases of the Taichu Sutra.

However, this jade slip which records the Taichu Sutra of the dual realm is incomplete.

Among them, there are a lot of words, which have been missing.

Otherwise, with Gai Nie's current cultivation base, his combat power will definitely be even stronger!

Although Ling Tian still can't use these two incomplete exercises.

But in the future, it must be made up.

He won't be the same as Guyie, in desperation, he can only practice fragments.

"There is no need to hide it from you."

Guyie whispered, and seemed to hesitate, "However, you can't go to that place for the time being."

He looked at Ling Tian and pursed his mouth, "That place is what scared the Zhongzhou freshmen..."

"Tianjue Mountain!"

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