Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 840: The last one

"Since Ling Tian has such arrogance, ten of you will accompany him. But remember, don't make it too heavy!" Zao Wuji said lightly.


With permission, the ten people were all gearing up to surround Ling Tian.

His eyes locked on Ling Tian coldly, and the attitude displayed by the latter obviously made them extremely angry.

Suddenly, the feet of these ten people vibrated again and again, and the powerful aura of the late golden body exploded in that instant. The vigorous vitality fluctuations rippling on the martial arts field, spreading a series of powerful pressures, attracting Quite a lot of exclamations.

"Ling Tian, ​​right? I, Wang Hai, want to see today, what qualifications do you have to challenge Wang Ning!"

"I hope you are not just talking, otherwise it would be too boring!"

The others also have gloomy faces. They are in the East Palace. As second-class guards, they have an extraordinary status. Even if they are not as good as the first-class guards, they are also glamorous. There is no reason not to be angry if you dare to speak to them like this.

"You guys, do it!"

However, Ling Tian was as if he had never seen the anger of the ten people around him, slowly raising his eyes, his voice was flat, and there was no slight fluctuation due to the ten people's powerful aura.

"Damn, come on!"

Ling Tian's plain tone undoubtedly ignited the fuse, which completely detonated the anger in the hearts of the ten people. At the moment, the eyes of the ten people were cold, and the body shape suddenly rushed out, and the vigorous vitality was in their palms. Condensed like lightning, and then carrying a low sonic boom, greeted Ling Tian's body around the key points in a tricky and fierce manner.

As soon as the ten people shot, they showed an amazing tacit understanding. Between the offensives, there was a lot of structure, which made it difficult for people to resist.

However, facing the tacit offensive of the ten people, Ling Tian's expression remained unmoved. His body was still and stable as a rock. The sea of ​​Qi inside his body was churning, and the powerful vitality suddenly appeared like a river bursting its dyke. The explosion occurred, and in an instant, a storm of vitality formed around the body, forcibly resisting the violent martial arts, all of which were several meters away!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the field, ten attacks hit the storm one after another, but the sonic booms were all shattered by the vitality storm. Ling Tian's body did not even tremble....

Looking at such a confrontation in the arena and around the martial arts arena, the voices of discussion all attenuated in an instant.

Many people's eyes gradually became a little dignified. Everyone could see that, facing the joint offensive of ten second-class guards, Ling Tian was still very light, just relying on manipulating vitality, as if forming a copper wall and an iron wall, let it be Ten men's offensive, unable to get close to his body!

With this hand alone, they could see that Ling Tian dared to speak freely. He did have some abilities, but it seemed that it was still impossible to defeat ten second-class guards within ten breaths?

Ling Tian's current posture is just shrinking!

On the vast martial arts arena, all their eyes converged here. They held their breath and watched the dazzlingly dazzling attack of the offensive, and in their hearts, they were also constantly meditating on the moves.

Li Qingcheng pinched his chin with a smile on his face.

Ling Tian didn't shame him.

And Cui Yan, who had been sneering all the time, was a little surprised that Ling Tian was able to calm down the mountain under the joint hands of ten people, but immediately, the color of surprise disappeared.

Ling Tian's performance only brought a hint of surprise, nothing more.

"This Ling Tian is indeed a bit capable..."

"Yeah, it's no wonder that this guy can be the leader of the Northern Territory Mansion Competition as the head of the academy!"

"Hey, it's possible for such a person to appear, to eliminate those aristocratic children who are in gangs!"

The fierce fighting on the field surprised the ordinary guards. They originally thought that Ling Tian would be defeated soon, but the current scene made them understand that Ling Tian might not have the possibility of winning.

Moreover, if Ling Tian can finally rush into the first-class guards, it will inevitably impact the existing structure. At that time, a new order will appear, and they will have more opportunities.

Therefore, gradually, more and more ordinary guards with no deep background are silently supporting Ling Tian!

Zhang Lei and Zhang Zhao also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried that Ling Tian would be seriously injured by ten people just now.

But at this time, they also secretly shocked Ling Tian's powerful combat power. At such an age, Ling Tian is really worthy of the name of the hostile leader.

At this time, they finally understood why Ling Tian was selected by Li Ke into the East Palace. Among them, it makes sense.

The ten strokes are very short, and all of them have passed.

Although Ling Tian had the power to parry, he did not make a counterattack for a long time.

"Hmph, this guy will definitely lose!"

"Ten tricks! It's exhausting him!"

Those guards who supported Wang Ning were all scolding in their hearts.

Even now, even they had to admit that Ling Tian, ​​who was able to defeat ten with one enemy, was already powerful enough.

Wang Ning had always been silent, but at this time, his face was very ugly. With his eyesight, it was naturally possible to see that Ling Tian hadn't really made a single move until now. On the other hand, the ten people had failed to penetrate Ling Tian's body under the hard-working attack.

The gap between the two sides was truly revealed at this moment.

The original look of contempt on Wang Ning's face was completely put away at this time. He stared at the court, and finally opened his mouth, saying Gu Jing Wubo: "It's OK..."


The vigorous vitality fluctuations suddenly spread in the field, countless glances, only to see ten second-class guards, they were directly shaken back by a few steps, and on the other hand, the figure, from beginning to end, is always There has never been a half step back.

The real level is already divided, but at this time, nine moves have been passed!

"Ling Tian, ​​your strength is indeed very strong, but this time you are afraid that you will have to pay for your arrogance!" Xiao Yuan at this time looked rather ugly, but immediately he took a deep breath. Said coldly.

He acknowledged Ling Tian's strength, but they still wouldn't believe that Ling Tian could completely sweep them out of the field with the help of one round.

"You guys think too much."

However, in response to Xiao Yuan's cold voice, Ling Tian slowly shook his head. He stared at Xiao Yuan, his body twisted slightly, and it was the first time that he took the initiative to step out.

"I and you are the guards of the East Palace. I have already given up the moves, and I have enough face."

"Next, let's go and wait!"

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