Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 845: Still rampant

But this is even more surprising.

Because Wang Ning had joined the army and fought in the cruelest battlefield of Mobei, he learned these fighting skills, it was reasonable.

His way of fighting is fast, ruthless, and hard!

But Ling Tian was just a freshman, and he was able to parry so calmly.

This is unavoidable.

This Ling Tian had actually played against Wang Ning twice in a row without losing the wind!

Is this new student so strong?


On the edge of the martial arts field, Zhang Lei and Zhang Zhao, who have been watching the battle in the field nervously, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this, Ling Tian does have some skills...

He was not directly defeated by Wang Ning.

"Horrible induction, fierce moves..." Zhang Zhao hugged his arms, pinched his chin and nodded secretly to the scene, and then gave a compliment.

Like Wang Ning, he has been to the battlefield, and he stayed longer than Wang Ning.

Although he used to be slightly inferior to Wang Ning in strength, but this time he returned, his goal was to take Wang Ning directly.

However, seeing that Ling Tian can actually be on par with Wang Ning now makes him a little helpless.

He knew more about Wang Ning's methods, and Ling Tian's handling of every detail was perfect.

Moreover, this must also depend on the speed of Ling Tian's body technique and terrifying perception ability.

The two lacked one, Ling Tian couldn't face it calmly.

"However, the outcome is not yet known. Wang Ning is definitely more than just these two brushes..." Zhang Lei said softly on the side.

Zhang Zhao nodded. He also knew very well that the battle before him had just begun, and Wang Ning's real hole cards had not yet been used. Therefore, at this moment, no one knows who will die in this battle. ..

"Where did you learn these things..." In the field, Wang Ning stood in the air, he looked down at Ling Tian below, his solemn face disappeared from the previous sneer, and said.

"Nothing special, your speed, too slow, strength, too light."

Ling Tian slowly grasped the palm of his hand. In fact, Wang Ning's strength was much stronger than that of Dongfang Ye and Li Lengyi, and even better than Yang Ling, who had all his cards. After all, the former's cultivation base There, this is a lot of new students, incomparable.

"This is just the beginning. I also want everyone to watch a wonderful competition, and you will be my stepping stone to Wang Ningliwei..."

"My cultivation base is better than you, so I don't need to use martial spirit and weapon. You just don't care."

Wang Ning smiled, and immediately his hands slowly protruded. On the slender palm, the **** light overflowed, and it gradually turned into the color of blood and gold, and there was an especially dangerous fluctuation faintly emitting.

"Sorry, you have said everything I want to say. You can also use weapon blades or martial arts, I Ling Tian, ​​it doesn't matter. Because, I don't use it."

Ling Tian stood straight in the field, his body gradually suspended, leveling with Wang Ning.

However, his remarks caused everyone present to shake their heads and smile bitterly.

This Ling Tian is really shocking and endless, this is too rampant.

Wang Ning’s refusal to use martial spirits and weapons is reasonable. This is obviously giving Ling Tian a chance.

But this Ling Tian didn't appreciate it, and didn't use martial spirit and weapon?

So what does he rely on to win Wang Ning?

This arrogant one is almost endless!

"Hmph, this kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky, just never verbalize!"

On the sidelines, Cui Yan snorted coldly. He hated this kind of defiant young man the most in his life, especially for such good-looking people, and didn't have a slight impression of him.

"Wow, this Lingtian is crazy. It seems that only those in the Academy can speak like this. It seems that he has real skills!" Cui Chenxiang smiled.

"Why, sister Chenxiang, you are not after Lingtian, are you? I can tell you that among the three people the prince found this time, there is him, and you are still opponents!"

Cui Zhuer said.

"I won't like him, after all he is handsome..."

Cui Chenxiang wrapped his chin and began to remain silent.

Cui Tuer shook his head, watching that Cui Chenxiang's eyes suddenly dimmed, and also secretly sighed.

"Hehe, this kid is crazy enough. However, I don't think he is suitable for being a guard in the East Palace. Let Wang Ning fix it!"

Manager Li said without moving.

"I think so too."

Zao Wou-ki nodded and said yes.

In the field.

The corners of Wang Ning's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak harshly.

He understands that he can't say Ling Tian!

"Blood butcher, crack!"

Softly, it came from Wang Ning’s mouth, and then, a majestic blood-gold light burst out of his palms. Those lights quickly condensed in his palms, and these lights gradually condensed. It seemed that a kind of golden crystals had formed, and these crystals covered Wang Ning's fingers, which looked very strange.


The crystal spread, and his arm was completely wrapped in a short while. At this moment, Wang Ning's fingers seemed to have turned into blood-gold claws, stretched out, and from a distance, they looked like monster claws, powerful and lethal.


On Wang Ning's face, a ray of golden light passed by, appearing in front of Ling Tian like a ghost, and then he grabbed out a claw without fancy.

This time, Wang Ning obviously used his hole cards.

Although he did not fight Ling Tian in close quarters, the power of this claw was twice as powerful as before!


With the punching method, Wang Ning's vigorous vitality swept out like a tsunami, supplementing the crystalline structure on his arm, and faintly, there was a sound like the friction of gold and stone, which was breathtaking.

Feeling the momentum of Wang Ning's fist, Ling Tian's eyes condensed slightly, and the palm of his hand was squeezed, and the yuan was like a turbulent wave, and it was also condensed in his hand, then his arm was raised, and he slammed with Wang Ning's claws.

"Fuyun hands!"


Sparks shot all around, roared, and the sound of gold and iron rang out, and an astonishing ripple of violent vitality spread from the point of contact, and immediately on the ground, a series of spider web-like cracks burst.


Wang Ning saw such a fierce attack still being stopped by Ling Tian, ​​frowning slightly, but this time he did not back down at all. Instead, he forcibly bullied Jin Lingtian, with his fists blasted out, tearing the air, and fierce and domineering punches. The wind, like a golden hammer, hit Ling Tian!

Wang Ning's martial arts skills cover a small area, but they are fast and powerful.

Under normal circumstances, even Ling Tian could not easily dodge it.

This Wang family still has means.

However, in the face of Wang Ning’s strong offensive, Ling Tian did not show any signs of evading the edge for a while. He knew that both of them were experienced people. Such a confrontation, once the momentum fell, it would definitely be Will be trapped by the opponent's offensive.

Therefore, when the overbearing fist wind came, his palm grabbed vitality instantly, and the majestic energy was poured into it. When he raised his hand, a palm print flew out, fiercely bombarding those fist shadows. .

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