Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 847: Jin Yuan Fury vs Diamond Body


The pale golden light suddenly swept across the martial arts arena, and everyone was able to see that Wang Ning's body among the golden light had actually grown a lot at this time because of the golden light armor.

From a distance, it looks even stronger and taller!

Qiang Qiang!

Wang Ning shook his arms, and the light armor could make a burst of gold and stone sounds, which showed that the degree of solidity of the golden yuan's violent violent was no less than armor.

The voice seemed unusually harsh in this square, but as long as it was someone who knew something about the Wang Family Jinyuan Sutra, his eyes were dignified, and he was obviously extremely afraid of such changes as the latter.

"It's not really Jin Yuan violent, but the effect is also very strong." Zhang Lei bit her lip, looking at the golden light-shrouded Wang Ning, and muttered.

"Well, it's not really, but if it is really Jin Yuan violent, then it is not good. Then Jin Yuan violent is the unspoken secret of the Wang family. It can not only provide strong attack and defense bonuses, but also continuously use vital energy With the energy provided by the king, all the violent king warlords who sacrificed the gold yuan are almost undefeated!" Zhang Zhao said with a solemn expression at this time.

"Hey, in short, Ling Tian will really have to fight hard this time."

Zhang Lei also nodded solemnly, and then locked his gaze towards Ling Tian in the field. Whether he can successfully enter the first-class guards depends on whether Ling Tian can resist the violent Wang Ning's pseudo-jin yuan...

The golden light that filled the field suddenly swept away like a storm, and then a low and hoarse roar suddenly spread from it.

"This feeling is really comfortable..."

The golden light gradually dissipated, and a burly figure appeared in the field. The figure, with golden light flowing throughout, covered Wang Ning’s armor, and looked like a golden-armored warrior from a distance. It seems to be overbearing.

At this time, Wang Ning looked like a warrior who had stepped out of the battlefield, ferocious and ferocious, filled with infinite power.

Ling Tian looked at Wang Ning who had changed into this appearance, and his eyes were a little condensed. This so-called Jin Yuan frenzy seemed to be a very powerful bonus type of martial art...

"I said, the gap between you and me is no longer what you can imagine!"

Wang Ning’s eye pupils were also filled with scarlet at this time. He slowly clenched his palms, feeling the almost explosive terrifying energy around his body, and an almost out-of-control war intent rose in his heart. Then he lowered his head and looked at Ling Tian in the distance, with a sullen smile on his face.


As soon as his voice fell, his figure suddenly moved, and a violent wind suddenly rose.

When the violent storm surged out, Ling Tian's eyes shrank slightly, his arms pushed forward imaginarily, his vitality surged in an instant, forming a vitality shield in front of him.


Wang Ning's golden figure appeared in front of Ling Tian at an almost instantaneous speed. The huge fist covered with golden crystals directly slammed against Ling Tian's condensed vitality shield!

The violent energy came that erupted, and the ground Ling Tian was on was directly centered on the soles of his feet and quickly turned into powder.


Ling Tian's body was also shaken away by the huge energy, and immediately patted his backhand with a palm, and the air behind him burst, then the terrifying energy was removed and he stopped firmly in the air.

Ling Tian looked at the vitality shield that was left in place before, and that had been exploded with a punch, his eyes condensed slightly. This Wang Ning's technique was indeed a bit powerful.

Now, although he didn't fully display his vitality, it was not the energy of ordinary people and could be shaken.

This Wang Ning's combat power at this time is really not bad anymore.

At the very least, he is better than any Zhongzhou junior freshman that Ling Tian has played against!

However, although Ling Tian was slightly shocked, it fell in the eyes of others and was shocked.

Because, Ling Tian still blocked this punch!

This seems to be too violent for the king's Jin Yuan, right? !

Those of the Wang family's children who were still violently violent for Wang Ning's Jin Yuan before, and mocking Ling Tian, ​​were all surprised and dumbfounded at this time.

"Wang Ning, what are you doing? Manager Li is here to make a quick decision. Don't lose the face of the first-class guard of the East Palace!"

On the sidelines, Zao Wou-ki's expression was not very good anymore.

He didn't want Ling Tian to win.

At this time, Wang Ning was also looking at Ling Tian, ​​who was shocked, but did not suffer much injury, naturally, he was frightened and angry.

He didn't reserve this punch. If he were to be an ordinary person, even a great master in the late stage of the law would definitely be hit by him.

"I don't believe it, you can stop it!"

Wang Ning snorted coldly. At this time, he was already furious.

Today, he has the terrifying power that can break the mountain in every gesture.

He did not allow Ling Tian to accept his attack.

When the voice fell, Wang Ning resumed his energy again, gathering it on the palm of his hand.

"Ha ha"

Ling Tian looked at the armor on his arm that was shattered by Wang Ning. The armor of the guard was too bad.

But at this time, Ling Tian breathed out slowly and raised his head, a smile appeared on his face.

"Your current combat power is pretty good..."

At this point, the vitality that was shrouded in Ling Tian's body had all disappeared, and in an instant, he could no longer feel any vitality moving from him.

At this time, Ling Tian's worn-out armor was revealed, looking a little embarrassed.

This also surprised everyone.

"What is Ling Tian doing?"

"Hehe, he should be aware that he is not Wang Ning's opponent. Have you given up?"

"It looks like he is about to give up. He can't fight Wang Ning without his vitality, right?"

When everyone saw Ling Tian's move, they all concluded that the latter must be persuaded.

This farce finally ended with such a result, no surprise,

No one can shake the position of the twelve guards.

However, just as everyone deserves Ling Tian to persuade him, Ling Tian's figure on the martial arts arena is already rampant and plain.

"But...you are still not my opponent!"


The words fell, bright golden light, frantically spreading from Ling Tian's body, like golden fluid, instantly enveloping Ling Tian with a layer of extremely bright golden light.


A clear and high dragon roar and an extremely heavy elephant roar suddenly resounded across the sky in the countless trembling eyes, and then everyone saw that the golden light on Ling Tian's body became more and more bright and boiling, although Condensed behind Ling Tian, ​​it suddenly became a rotating dragon like backlight!

Bang bang bang!

Ling Tian's muscles began to swell. Although the figure hadn't grown, the extremely powerful force still made the armor of the guards unable to withstand it and shattered directly.

Exposed, Ling Tian's upper body muscles were perfect.

Ling Tian is indeed not a thin and beautiful man. From Ling Tian's body, he can feel the power hidden in him.

It's like a golden volcano about to erupt.

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