Sword Master Ling Tian

: Chapter 856: Goodbye Yunyang, King of Zhongshan [Three more]

"You are blessed. Today, at the wine tasting party, I got news that everyone in Ye will make an exception. She is not something most people can see, but if I meet, I have to make an appointment in advance...’

Under the cloak, the prince raised his eyebrows, his expression was strangely wretched.

"Uh, your Highness is happy, Ling Tian is just a guard..." Ling Tian's forehead is full of black lines, how do you feel that this prince brought himself to the health care?

"Uninteresting, disappointing!"

The prince pointed to Ling Tian, ​​looked up and down, and smiled: "I think you kid, shouldn't you still be a first-time brother?"


Ling Tian blushed suddenly.

Had it not been for the prince, he had almost forgotten it, it seems that after arriving in this world, he hadn't really tasted the joy of fish and water!

Perhaps the pressure of the revival family was too great, or it was because the two generations had seen all kinds of pink powder, or there was no time, Ling Tian had always restrained the love of this man and woman.

Now that the prince breaks in public, it is inevitable to fight.

"Haha, I guessed it! It's interesting and interesting, let me tell you, don't think about it, this Jade Square is not a brothel brothel, even if you want to kiss Fangze, you have to use your skills. If it's not there, I can't help you naturally!"

Seeing that the prince said more and more unreliable, Ling Tian touched the cold sweat on his head, "His Royal Highness, Ling Tian is doing things for the prince this time, and has never thought of anything else."

"Well then...you, you are still too young!"

The prince shrugged, curled his mouth, dragged the cloak down and handed it to Ling Tian, ​​and walked towards the Qunfang Pavilion.

"Hahahaha, yoha, see who this is, isn't this our wise and powerful prince! Why, today this group of Fangge wine tasting party, your highness will not leave!"

At this time, a stray laugh suddenly sounded from the crowd, and the tone was full of ridicule.

When the prince heard the words, his face suddenly sank.

And Ling Tian followed the voice, but found that a group of people stood out from the crowd.

This group of people are all about twenty years old, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and all of them are handsome faces, and their cultivation bases are all in the late stage of the golden body. They are all strong and powerful, and there are as many as twenty people!

It can be said that these dozen people are all martial arts geniuses.

The head of the man was just the one who mocked the prince just now. This man was tall, with striking sword eyebrows, dressed in a black gold python robe, walking in a dragon and tiger's steps, with great momentum.

Behind him, a group of young warriors are dressed in different clothes, but they are all headed by this person.

However, Ling Tian's gaze swept across the people behind him, but his gaze suddenly condensed!

"Yunhou Shizi, Yun Yang!"

Ling Tian didn't expect that after coming to Zhongzhou for so long, he finally met an old acquaintance in Chang'an City today!

When Ling Tian looked at Yun Yang, the latter also found Ling Tian next to the prince.

But Yun Yang's expression was hidden under the half of his visor, and perhaps it was because of his excellent control over the fluctuations of his mood, but in short, there was no surprise on his face.

But beside Yun Yang, there was a warrior in blue, who also felt Ling Tian's gaze and looked back.

After that person asked Yun Yang a mouth in a low voice, the eyes looking at Ling Tian suddenly became cold, and the corner of his mouth also raised an undisguised sneer.

Ling Tian naturally didn’t know the person next to Yun Yang, but judging from his aura and coercion, his martial arts talent was by no means inferior to Yun Yang, and his cultivation level had reached the peak of the late golden body, than Ling. Tian Himself and Yun Yang are much stronger.

But the age is similar!

Ling Tian saw the Xuegong logo embroidered on the man's chest, and his eyes condensed immediately.

Kunwu Academy!

Sure enough, this talented junior, like Yun Yang, is a freshman in Kunwu Academy!

It is no wonder that he would be so hostile to Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian also looked back after taking a look.

Whether Yunyang is still a Tianjiao student of Kunwu Academy, he will face it sooner or later.

Moreover, facing him now, he is still not afraid.

"Huh, Li Kan, if you can come, I can't come? Besides, if you don't come, I really feel boring!"

The crown prince glanced at the calm and calm Ling Tian behind him, and immediately put his arms on his chest, with confidence.

Today, he came here prepared, and naturally he didn't persuade him.

Ling Tian glanced at that Li Kan, he already knew from the prince that this Li Kan was the king of Zhongshan County.

He is the only son of Prince Guo. Although he is not the prince, he is used to being the son of the prince. Has always been at odds with the prince.

In fact, in Chang'an City, there are not a few royal families who are in harmony with the prince...

"Hehe, what? A few days ago, was your Highness not happy enough? All of us, but our belly laughed and hurt for several days!"

Then Li Kan looked at Ling Tian behind the prince, and suddenly said: "I understand, your Royal Highness brought a helper this time, so he won't go to the battle himself?"

"I don't need to act."

The prince was noncommittal.

"Huh, ridiculous, that's it?"

Li Kan glanced at Ling Tian and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, where did you find the cat and dog, don't pee your pants for a while, and lose the face of the royal family of my Li family..."

"Still worry about yourself! Everyone in Ye, I won't let you go!"

Hearing this, Li Kan suddenly laughed and said: "His Royal Highness, are you letting me? You are so laughing, now you are not worthy of my own action!"

From Li Kan's face, there was no trace of awe for the prince. This made Ling Tian a little surprised.

Not only that, there were a lot of onlookers in this group of Fangguan, but none of them showed any difference in the face of the prince.

This is very abnormal.

"Hmph, Your Highness, I'm waiting for your performance inside!"

After Li Kan said, he waved his hand, behind him, the blue-clothed student who was next to Yunyang stepped forward, took out a spiritual cigarette and a pair of sunglasses, and put them on Li Kan.

Li Kan looked at the prince and smiled: "His Royal Highness, is this familiar?"

"This is the latest smoke from Yunzhou. You lost it to me a few days ago! These sunglasses are really good. I hope that your Royal Highness will come up with more good things to lose to me today!"

Li Kan sneered, then he wanted to lift his foot.

However, Yun Yang behind him took a look at Lingyan, and finally his face changed.

He knew that the smoke and sunglasses were both invented by Ling Tian behind the prince, so...

However, Yun Yang's heart just sank, then Ling Tian had already stepped forward, giving the prince the prince's spirit smoke and silver-rimmed sunglasses, and at the same time lit the spirit smoke with a firearm.

Suddenly, the scent of spiritual smoke spread, attracting the eyes of everyone around!

"His Royal Highness, I said that those inferior things were originally used by the East Palace to reward eunuchs, but you rewarded them to outsiders. What a waste!"

"His Royal Highness just dislikes that thing again, crushes it and feeds it to the dog, or burns the offal, it is good!"

Ling Tian smiled harmlessly with humans and animals, but the face of King Zhongshan Jun was directly black.

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