Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 861: One Song Wanhua Chapter �

At this time, Lin Zhuoran, while playing the piano, looked at Ling Tian in front of him, feeling unwilling in his heart.

He had to admit that Ling Tian's piano performance surpassed everyone here!

Including him.

Even, one person completes the residual score all the way, with a very precise grasp. Even surpassed him.

"No, you can't lose! I'm going to win!"

Lin Zhuoran was meditating frantically. At this time, there were only a few flowers left on the platform, enough to make up a thousand.

He is about to win!

On the other hand, Ling Tian still hasn't let the buds bloom!

It seems that even if Ling Tian is enough to amaze the world, there is still no time...

However, this thought only stayed in Lin Zhuoran's mind for a short moment before it was directly defeated by Ling Tian's piano!

"Ding dong, ding dong dong..."

In the first few breaths, Ling Tian was to complete the Can Pu, but just in the last breath, Ling Tian suddenly heard the sound of the piano, and then his fingers flew. A tune that seemed to be the same as the Fragment but was different from Ling Tian. Jump out of the piano in the sky.

At this moment, Lin Zhuoran, who had already fallen into form, banged the guqin on his knee.

The strings are broken!

Influenced by Ling Tian's piano, he directly messed up the score...

Yue Qianfang swept across the platform, but took a deep breath, "There are more than nine hundred and ninety-nine, one more flower..."

There is still one short, and this round of school examinations is over.

One short, the leaf frieze can appear.

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Lin Zhuoran is still one short, and he can become the winner of this round of school examinations...

But at this time, not only did Lin Zhuoran retreat, but even the sound of the piano that rang above the Fangge Qianhua Cave sky disappeared.

It seemed that it couldn't resist Ling Tian's piano, and completely defeated.

At this moment, on the huge platform, there is only the piano sound that is like a fairy sound.

And, the back is like a sword, sitting in front of the piano, so elegant, Ling Tian!

The sound of the piano becomes more and more tactful and beautiful, and, compared to the original score, it is more lively,

And if a visitor from the earth hears Ling Tian's song at this time, he will definitely exclaim, this is clearly the summer of Jujiro!

This piano piece is on the earth, but it is a world-famous piece.

At this time, Ling Tian completely sublimated the Qunfang Pavilion residual score and directly played this full version of Jujirou's Summer.

Although this piece was written by Little Japan, Ling Tian also had to admit that this piece was extremely good.

Almost at the moment when Ling Tian took over the music of the cave, the surface of the piano, the thousands of stars condensed by the thousands of arrays, dazzled thousands of stars, combined with the sound of the piano, and moved away in the cave.

"Hi, this... this sound of the piano makes my sea of ​​qi and sea of ​​mind a little hot and boiling!"

"Not only that, you feel it carefully, as if there is a wind blowing in the cave!"

"No, this is a sign that moves the heavens and the earth! Now that there are nearly a thousand flowers blooming, don't you think this Lingtian is not enough?"

Everyone felt the strangeness inside and outside the body, and they were very surprised.

Na Yue Qianfang stretched out his hand and fished in the air, feeling the strong vitality contained in the sound of the piano, and his face was also shocked.

"Astronomical phenomena...is the legend recorded on the fragmented spectrum going to come true?"

Then, everyone’s surprise was concealed by the sound of the piano. People felt the warmth of the whole body. They even saw another warm wind circling in the middle of the cave, and a ray of warm sunlight broke through the cave, shining down and falling. In Ling Tian's body, it seemed that he was relieved with a golden glow.

Finally, when Ling Tian Quzi reached the climax, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded within the cave, and then the sunlight suddenly oscillated, radiating the entire platform in all directions.

And at this moment, no matter on the platform or under the platform, all the flowers waiting to be planted are unanimously blooming!

Qu Ruo summer, thousands of flowers bloom!

Seeing the cave sky with thousands of flowers blooming in the blink of an eye, the owner of the Qunfang Pavilion Yue Qianfang was shocked and couldn't help himself.

It was too shocking.

This fragmented score, which has been in the dust for an unknown period of time, has been completely completed today. Not only is it completed, but it is also directly sublimated, directly motivating the grand vision of thousands of flowers blooming!

With a vision of this scale alone, Ling Tian is enough to defeat the crowd.

Lin Zhuoran tried his best to make the flowers bloom for hundreds.

And Ling Tian, ​​a thousand flowers.

The result of the school examination is self-evident.

On the side of the platform, Li Jian, the king of Zhongshan County, was completely stunned, and he hadn't been relieved for a long time.

"This, how is this possible, my king, lost?"

After a long time, the King of Zhongshan County shook his body and sat down.

But Lin Zhuoran went back behind him in black, without saying a word.

Was slapped, completely slapped.

The prince who had been rubbing on the ground countless times, even today, gave him a resounding slap in the face!

"Look, everyone Ye!"

"Everyone Ye, it's really everybody Ye, everybody Ye has come!"

"It's so beautiful, with thousands of flowers blooming all over, to welcome the child's frieze, it's so perfect!"

And at the end of Ling Tian's song, above the cave sky, a figure emerged from the crack. Under the eyes of everyone, his arms opened, like a white lotus, slowly descending from the sky.


On Qianchen's piano, the light dissipated.

The sound of a piano still circulates in the air aftershocks, which lasts for a long time.

And the legendary Ye Zi frieze, also wearing a white skirt, fell on the platform, just in front of Qianchenqin.

Ling Tian closed Qianchenqin, raising a pair of star eyes and looking at the lonely figure standing in front of the piano.

Under the shadow of the thousands of flowers, the appearance of Ye Zi's frieze was still slightly beyond Ling Tian's expectations.

This is one of the so-called Qinhuai Beauty in Chang'an City, but it has some capital.

Just in terms of appearance, he will definitely not lose Bian Yu Jing Yu Xuan Ji and his ilk.

But in terms of temperament, it is far better than them.

Even Qin Mingyue couldn't compare with the grace and grace on this leaf frieze.

It seems that in Ling Tian's impression, only Princess Cui Rouer can beat her.

But in short, this leaf frieze is worthy of the Zhongzhou oiran, and worthy of being sought after by so many people.

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