Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 869: The temptation of the princess [three shifts]

"Hehe, there is nothing to do or not, you are not in the pool."

Cui Tuer was non-committal and looked at Ling Tian for a while, and said: "Your Royal Highness, the position of the crown prince, is not stable. If you want to, you can see it."

"No, your Royal Highness has the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix."

"Haha, the posture of dragon and phoenix?"

Cui Tuer looked over her head, smiling tremblingly, "Are you willing to let a prince who will always be in the golden body realm be a martial emperor?"


Ling Tian opened his mouth and said nothing.

There are indeed problems with the prince’s cultivation level. As Cui Zhuer said now, is it possible that the prince’s cultivation level cannot be improved in the future?

"In any case, Ling Tian will do his best to serve His Highness."

Although it was against his will, Ling Tian showed his loyalty for the sake of his younger sister.

"I noticed you a long time ago. I also know that you are actually a peaceful person."

Cui Rouer looked at Ling Tian and said lightly: "Although Taiping is the closest sister of His Highness, she arranged for you to go to the East Palace and said she was assisting the prince, but is she really for the prince?"

"Niangniang, this... I'm afraid this has nothing to do with the next, right? Niangniang's words, Ling Tian can't understand."

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and began to pretend to be a fool.

He clearly felt that this time Cui Rouer summoned himself, it was not as simple as he had imagined.

Otherwise, she has no reason to tell him so much.

After all, he was an outsider, and he was just a guard.

"I'm telling you this, naturally there is reason in my palace."

Cui Rouer also shook his head, "The whole world is all for the benefit of the hustle and bustle of the world, let alone I am waiting for people who cannot help me? Taipingli protects the prince, but it is also to fight against the power of Prince Rong."

Cui Tuer stepped down from the phoenix chair, strolling, seeming to be reminiscing, “Two years ago, the prince woke up, and I had just condensed the relationship between the law, we had never met, so we married him and became a princess. ."

"This prince, looking respected, is the mother of the nation in the future, a person of ten thousand people. But if I were to come back again, I would never choose to leave the customs that year."

"However, the prince is really kind, and the others are actually very good. But he has no ambition, let alone the capital of the Emperor, so he is not suitable."

"We are just poor people who have been traded."

"I, Cui Tuer, have been respected and admired since I was born, but I have also seen too many cunning, human-faced and animal-hearted, filthy! I hate the Li family and the Cui family! They deprived me of my freedom. !"

Cui Rouer became more excited, Ling Tian also bit his lip, and didn't know how to pick it up.

But he understands that the more he knows, the more dangerous it is. He didn't want to hear Cui Rouer say these things.

Because these are useless to him at all, and will cause a cause and effect instead.

"Hehe, you must think this palace is crazy. Tell you so much, right?"

At this time, Cui Tuer looked over.

"Ling Tian dare not."

Ling Tian shook his head and continued to play stupid.

"I can't help myself."

"I want to hold my life in my hands. I just don't want to be anyone's pawn."

Cui Rouer fixedly looked at Ling Tian's eyes, "And you are the same as me, right?"

Ling Tian didn't answer, but gritted his teeth, he would lose if he said more.

"Why, are you still silent now?"

Seeing Ling Tian indifferent, Cui Cui suddenly smiled, looked at Ling Tian, ​​suddenly pursed her lips, and said every word: "Ling Tian, ​​descendants of Ling Guo, you are very cautious!"


At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly raised his head and looked at that Cui Kuer, a pair of murderous intent surged in his eyes!

How does she know her secret?

Moreover, intuition told Ling Tian that this Cui Tuer was definitely not the old ministry left by Ling Guogong.

She is not in the secret words that my way is not alone, and her identity is revealed!

Then, this Cui Rouer is the first outsider to know his identity!

This is about the lives of myself and many people.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's heart was murderous, and the hand behind him suddenly clenched.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing Ling Tian's addictive appearance, the prince's smile trembled.

"You are still not cautious enough."

"You frame me?"

Ling Tian's eyes turned, and his heart was also cold, and he was indeed confused first.

If this Cui Tuer sells herself to ask for help, then...

After reading the counts, Ling Tian's heart felt cold, and the Jinghong Sword was unsheathed directly behind his back. The martial spirit gas exploded in an instant, and the thunderstorm pierced the sun.

He doesn't hesitate to shoot!

Otherwise, sitting and waiting for death is also a death!


However, Ling Tian's sword fell directly into a void, and Cui Rouer was so relaxed that he avoided Ling Tian's sword that was as fast as thunder.

Her body style is not fast, but her dodge is just right.

Ling Tian's heart shuddered, and the secret way was not good.

This Cui Rouer's strength far surpassed her.

He knew how strong his sword was just now.

But he didn't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes.


But how could Ling Tian give up, the golden light surging behind, the dragon elephant determined to bless the body of the diamond, and the dragon fist suddenly enveloped Cui Rouer.

He didn't believe it, Cui Tuer could hide in such a close fight!

"Boom boom boom!"

But what made Ling Tian even more frightened was that he immediately shot out a hundred punches, swimming dragon punches all at once, but he still couldn't touch the trace of Cui Rouer's hair.

It's all lost!

Moreover, Cui Rouer actually gave him a feeling that he couldn't beat it at this time, as if he had strength, but he couldn't touch the opponent.

"Ling Tian, ​​enough. You think too much, I won't sell you."

Cui Tuer stepped aside and smiled An Ran.

That smile is still charming.

"Do you know what I think?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and finally knew why he couldn't touch Cui Rouer.

The other party actually knew what he was thinking in his heart, and predicted in advance.

This is simply incredible.

Is there still a mind-watching technique in this world?

"Yes." Cui Tuer admitted directly.

"That's how you know my identity?"

Ling Tian's expression was cold, his secrets were not only for the descendants of the Ling family, if the others were also known by this Cui Quer, then she would definitely not keep it.

"I'm not that good. Otherwise, I don't know anything. Your identity...because I met you somewhere."

"As for where, you don't need to ask anymore. This is also related to my wealth and life, and I can't tell you. However, I only know the secret that you are descendants of the Ling family. I don't know anything else, and I am not interested. "

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Anyway, you can't kill me."

Cui Tuer looked as if he had settled on Ling Tian.

"In the end what you want?"

Ling Tian returned the sword to its sheath, retracted his momentum, and asked with a cold face.


Cui Tuer walked down and stood in front of Ling Tian, ​​exhaling like blue.

She even licked her tongue, like a beautiful snake.

Charm to the extreme.

At this time, the prince concubine was almost a different person, and even Ling Tian suspected that the prince concubine in front of him was possessed by a certain fairy, right?

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