Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 879: Bohai King Changshan King

Of course, the folding fan is very popular, and some people want to imitate it in the past, but the Lingtian folding fan looks simple, but it is full of small doorways hidden by Ling Tian. It is just an ancient formation on the fan, that is, no one except Ling Tian Will do.

In addition, there is Ling Tian's autograph on the fan bones, that thin gold body is now the only one in the Southern Tang, and naturally it can't be imitated.

Moreover, even if there are similar folding fans, those people will never buy them. After all, Ling Tian has made it, and only has the capital to show off, otherwise it would be a joke.

Therefore, looking at the gathering of eyes and commotion after passing the crowd, Ling Tian never expected it.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​you can do it, I went to Jade Square, and now I know you."

Zhang Lei teased.

At this time, Zhang Lei disguised herself as a man, and she looked like Zhang Zhao was a brother in a regular suit.

Zhang Lei has a bold temper and doesn't like wearing skirts at all. Ling Tian also treats her like a brother.

"Haha, unexpected."

Ling Tian shook his head, also quite helpless.

The three of them rushed all the way, thinking about finding a good position.

But because they were late and forgot to determine the location in advance, this made the three of them a little bit difficult.

"Dare to do, your Excellency is Ling Tian, ​​son Ling, right?"

Just as Ling Tian was frowning and worrying, a voice sounded behind him.

Ling Tian turned around, but saw that he was a warrior with the appearance of a guard, with a smile on his face.

"Well, I am Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter with your Excellency?"

Ling Tian didn't know this person, but from the cultivation base and dress of this guard, it seemed that he had an unusual background.

"Oh, that's the case. I'm here to ask for my master. If Young Master Ling doesn't have a good seat, there is a place for my master, so three people might as well go sit there."

The guard said, looking in the forward direction.

Ling Tian and Zhang's brothers and sisters were also taken aback, secretly saying that there is such a good thing about sleepy giving pillows?

Following the guard's gaze, he saw a young warrior dressed in a sea-blue python robe standing there nodded and smiled at them in an extremely moderate position that was neither high nor low.

"Hi, King Bohai?!"

Seeing that person clearly, Zhang Zhao whispered.

Ling Tian also raised his eyebrows when he heard this!

Is the son of Prince Chun, the four princes of Chang'an, King Bohai?

"Ling Tian, ​​we..."

Zhang Zhao looked at Ling Tian, ​​he stopped talking,

Obviously, the King of Bohai County came rushing to Ling Tian.

Otherwise, based on the status and reputation of the two brothers and sisters, I am afraid that the other party does not know who they are.

"Since King Bohai has requested, then I will go there later."

Ling Tian looked at the Bohai King with a sincere smile, and couldn't refuse.

Although he doesn't know what the other party's purpose is, he has nothing to worry about.

"Hehe, please take that son."

The guard led the way, and the three Ling Tian marched towards that position.

"Haha, Lord Ling Tian, ​​admiring his name for a long time."

Before Ling Tian came close, the Bohai County King had passed away, and there was no such thing as a prefecture king.

Ling Tian's heart was stunned, and he secretly said that the big heart of King Bohai, this waiting for others, it is no wonder that Prince Chun's Mansion still stands still.

Thinking about it again, Ling Tian naturally couldn't lose his courtesy, and shook his head and bowed his hands in reply: "His Royal Highness is serious, Ling Tian can't bear it."

"Haha, what can't you afford, you have a talent, but I am Li Mu's talent."

King Bohai waved his hand and looked at the brother and sister Zhang Zhao behind Ling Tian, ​​and said, "The two are the two sons and young ladies of Zhang Xianyao of the Zhang family. They were in the palace a few days ago. Master Zhang also mentioned the two of you to me. Well, when I saw it today, it turned out to be a kind of talent."

"The county king is praised."

Brother and sister Zhang Zhao also hurriedly responded, secretly saying that the prince's affairs are not leaking, and even the two of them have never been left behind.

"Hehe, stop standing, sit down and talk."

Everyone sat down, Ling Tian was next to Li Mu, and Zhang Zhao brothers and sisters were sitting in the back.

"Brother Ling, I really don't want to hide it. This king wanted to know you a year ago. I finally saw you today. It's a long-cherished wish."

After sitting down, Li Mu looked at Ling Tian.

Although this Bohai County King looked ordinary, he was full of mellow air, and he seemed to be very friendly.

"Oh, why did the princess say that?" Ling Tian asked in surprise.

"Haha, of course, it's because of your poem that won't break the golden armor for thousands of miles, and it's not broken and barbaric and never returned. I was deeply shocked when I first saw it."


The King of Bohai County smiled and said: "Moreover, as soon as Brother Ling arrived in Zhongzhou, I have been paying attention. Brother Ling entered Xiaoyao and turned Xiaoyao into the mansion. He is really a hero."

"But because this king knows that Brother Ling is a member of His Royal Highness, so he has never bothered."

"Oh I got it."

Ling Tian was noncommittal. Li Mu said so much, there must be some purpose, but if the other party didn't say it, he wouldn't be easy to ask.

"Well, Brother Ling is here this time, which one of the auction items are you interested in?"

Seeing Ling Tian's silence, Li Mu changed the subject when he rolled his eyes.

"It's true that I don't know what auctions are available today."

"Haha, that's the case." Bohai Wang smiled: "Today there are a lot of auctions, from the items used by the warriors of the golden body realm to the peak of the law~!"

"However, this time Genting mainly faces the younger generation of the golden body realm, but there are two good things worth paying attention to. As far as I know, there are several treasures appearing this time, and even the fourth-order spirit treasures are auctioned!"

"Tier 4 Lingbao!?"

Ling Tian was shocked. The Tier 4 Lingbao was no less than the existence of the Thousand Chance Tower in Qian Luyi's hand. He just didn't know who was strong or weak with his ice bell.

But in any case, Tier 4 Lingbao is sky-high.

At this moment, Ling Tian also suddenly, so many people came today, it is indeed because of the appearance of good things.

"Yes, why? Brother Ling likes it? How about I take it and send it to you?"

However, Li Mu's words shocked Ling Tian directly.

Good deed, how rich is this, Tier 4 Lingbao said that he would give it away as a gift?

"Thank you for his generosity, but Ling Tian really can't ask for it, and for the time being, I don't need that high-level spirit treasure. I am guilty of it. This time Ling Tian just wants to pick up some small omissions and collect some materials.

Ling Tian quickly refused.

Reactive power is not subject to green, let alone such a precious thing.

However, the speaker was unintentional, but Zhang Zhao brothers and sisters, as well as the crowd behind King Bohai, their expressions changed.

This King of Bohai paid too much attention to Ling Tian.

"Haha, okay. But if Brother Ling likes anything, just take pictures. If it's a lingcoin, I have it here."

Bohai King laughed and said, seeing Ling Tian's face changed, he quickly added: "Count me borrowing you."

"Then, thank you for your generosity."

Ling Tian nodded, saying that he was going on, Ling Tian naturally couldn't refuse.


At this time, a cold snort came, and Ling Tian also felt a gaze full of the first. When playing back, he found that in the other direction in the same row, Zhongshan County King Li Kan and Yun Yanglin Zhuo Ran and others sat there, looking at himself coldly.

Sure enough, this auction did not leave them behind.

Ling Tian just glanced at it, then ignored it. There was still half a month before the royal hunt, and he would be able to clean them up soon.

King Bohai saw it, but didn't say anything.


But at this moment, there was a commotion in the venue. When everyone looked around, they found a group of people entering the venue in a rush, and then went straight to the direction that the booth was facing, and walked in the best direction.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Zhang Zhao whispered: "Unexpectedly, King Changshan is here too!"

Upon hearing this, Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank.

Prince Rong's third son, Changshan King Li Yu!

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