Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 883: Pitted? Run the cow and start the mountain

Song Zhe on the auction stage was obviously stunned because of the sudden bid, and immediately looked at Ling Tian, ​​with a slightly surprised taste in his eyes.

After Ling Tian’s bid price fell, he waited for a while. No one else increased the price. Obviously, he didn’t want to be crazy with Ling Tian. But when he saw this scene, Ling Tian smiled, just about to speak. At the very front, there was an indifferent one. The voice came slowly: "Seven hundred million."

Everyone was startled again.

Why, there is still a lot of money for Ling Tianren?

Everyone followed their voices and looked around, but they found that it was the Zhongshan County King, Li Jian, who made the offer!

Sure enough, he is a fool!

After making an offer, Li Kan turned his head slightly, his eyes faintly swept over Ling Tian, ​​the corners of his mouth curled slightly, which seemed to be mocking.

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly. He stared at the idiot who was disrupting the situation, a trace of anger in his eyes slowly receded, and he said, "One billion."

Ling Tian's character just doesn't want to be too much ink.

Since Li Kan deliberately made Zinzi, then he would never lose face, Feng Pei is exactly what it is.

Moreover, he also knew what little abacus Li Kan was playing.

But his other little tricks were all played by Ling Tian.

"One billion."

Li Kan didn't expect Ling Tian to be quite temperamental, so he directly raised the price to one billion.

However, he was also not bad for money, and lazily carried another 100 million.

He didn't really want to buy it anyway.

"1.5 billion." Ling Tian said again.

"Brother Ling, it's over. Even if this thing is okay, it will be at this price at most."

Li Mu couldn't help but speak again.

In fact, he was kind, and didn't want to see Ling Tian wasting spirit coins.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's almost there, stop bidding."

Behind him, Zhang Zhao also spoke. He felt that Ling Tian had no treasure, so he might not understand the market.

"1.6 billion!"

However, Li Kan did not hesitate and directly increased the price.

"Ling Tian, ​​to tell you the truth, I don't care about money, there is a kind, you still follow!"

Li Kansheng was afraid that Ling Tian would not follow the price directly, so he didn't forget to ridicule.

"Huh, what about it?"

Ling Tian turned his face flushed, pretending to be annoyed, "Two billion!"

Ling Tian put down his bidding arm, trembling all over.

Li Mu looked at Ling Tian's crazy appearance, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Everyone also pointed and pointed. Naturally, they knew something about the connection between Ling Tian and Li Kan.

In their opinion, the two of them didn't value that thing at all, they were obviously grudges.

Therefore, everyone is watching the excitement, and the attention is not paid to that Xiaochu.

"Hehe, awesome, you deserve to be the chief of Xiaoyao Academy, you are rich in your hand, if you want it, then take it. This king, don't!"

Raising the price to 2 billion, then Li Kan smiled faintly, glanced at Ling Tian jokingly, waved his hand, and said.

Ling Tian looked at Li Kan, and after a while he also gave a chuckle. A storage ring slipped out of his sleeve and fell into Song Zhe's hands on the auction stage. The latter nodded slightly and flicked his fingers at random. , That Xiao Chu took the stone and shot at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian volley caught the stone and started frowning.

Immediately, there was a joy in my heart, and my face remained unchanged, and I put things in the ring.

"That guy is too bad!"

Looking at Ling Tian Shi Shiran's collection of things, Zhang Lei still said in anger, thinking that he was extremely dissatisfied with Li Jian's spoiling the situation, which caused Ling Tian to spend so many more coins.

"Don't worry, he will be able to pay out even the profits at that time."

Ling Tian smiled slightly. In that smile, there was a faint feeling of cold penetration. It could be seen that Ling Tian was also angry at Li Kan.

The gaze in the auction room also gradually shifted away from the seated Ling Tian. In the previous scene, everyone could see that Li Kan did it deliberately. What he did was just want to pay a little more.

Obviously, Ling Tian seemed to have suffered a loss in this contest. The two billion spirit coins were nothing to counties like Li Kan. But it seems that for the warriors of Ling Tian's life experience, it is not a small number.

As for the Changshan King Li Yu, who had never done anything, watching this scene, Li Yu was obviously surprised at Ling Tian's concentration of emotions, and immediately looked at the latter slightly in his heart.

"Who is this guy? It's a bit interesting, dare to go right with that **** Li Kan..." Li Yu smiled faintly and asked backwards.

"Return your Highness, this person is Ling Tian from Xiaoyao Academy, and he is now a first-class guard in the East Palace. By the way, the folding fan in your hand, Your Highness, was made by him."

Behind him, a guard stood up and whispered.

"What? He is Ling Tian?"

Li Yu slammed the folding fan in his hand, looked at Ling Tian who had closed his eyes and sat quietly, and said coldly, "Is that the one who hurt the teacher's girl?"

He has heard this name more than once.

The rumors of Ling Tian and Master Li had long been passed on to Prince Rong's Mansion.

Knowing that this person was Ling Tian, ​​Li Yu's face immediately became cold.

Shishi Li is his niece. He has been used to it since he was a child. After learning about Ling Tian, ​​he was angry in his heart, but because he was too busy, he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Now when he meets him, how is he not angry?

"This guy provokes the teacher. Humph."

Li Yu glanced at Ling Tian who was sitting not far away, already sneered in his heart.

Behind them, Ma Lie and Liu Xiu looked at each other, and both looked at Ling Tian, ​​holding their arms, with smirks on their faces.

If you offend King Changshan, Ling Tian won't have any good fruit to eat.

The enthusiasm in the field due to Ling Tian and Li Kan's bidding gradually subsided, and Song Zhe on the auction stage also retracted his gaze to Ling Tian and continued the auction.

The next item to be auctioned was a high-grade martial art on the ground level. This kind of martial art possessed a lot of temptation to most of the strong men present, and the auction price was even as high as 100 million spiritual coins.

However, Ling Tian doesn’t like this kind of high-grade spirit martial arts, so he didn’t mean to fight for it, but he was boring, but it didn’t mean that others were boring. The best martial arts, otherwise there are top martial arts everywhere, so what else to play?

"Two hundred million!"

"Three hundred million!"


Ling Tian looked at the fierce auction room. Many of the strong were red-faced, and they could see the terrible temptation of martial arts. Under their frenzied competition, the martial arts had already reached within a few minutes. The price of 300 million yuan.

After a fierce battle, the price of this inferior Lingwu school of 500 million yuan finally fell into the hands of the most fierce Hou Fu Shizi, which made the popularity of the field slightly reduced, but all Everyone knows that with the rarer and rarer auction items appearing, this atmosphere will become more and more popular.

And the next few auction items are all martial arts and treasures. Although there are not many treasures, they are much better than the small pestle that Ling Tian just shot. It's just that the level is getting higher and higher, and the starting price has also increased from the initial 500 million to 1 billion!

Ling Tian's second shot was due to a superb martial art called "Ben Niu Kai Shan Chong". This martial art is a relatively unpopular body refining martial art, but although it is unpopular, because of its good rank, it is still The price of several body refining martial artists was raised to 1.5 billion yuan, which made people sigh.

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