Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 894: The tyranny of the phantom flying owl

"Hiss... cruel enough."

Ling Tian looked at the three torn blood marks on his arm, and took a breath.

His diamond body could not resist the sharp claws of this young man.

"Why don't you use weapons to resist?"

After the boy repelled, he frowned and asked.

"Hehe, my weapon is not ordinary, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Ling Tian shook his head. What surprised him the most was that this young man still converged in the end, otherwise this claw would definitely make his arm bones.

But, in this way, doesn't it mean that the young man transformed by the phantom flying owl is capable of rivalling Ling Tian?

Fixedly looking at the cold boy in front of him, Ling Tian also had a big head.

This monster beast is indeed pure in blood and powerful in talent.

Not only has the phantom attribute, can hide his figure, but also has this extraordinary speed, coupled with the indestructible claws, even if Ling Tian faces this young man himself, he has to use some means to subdue it.

"So, do you think I am qualified?"

The boy asked coldly.

"Hehe, enough, enough! That's right, I will take you out to meet the world. By the way, I will call you Xiaoying in the future. This is your name, remember."

Ling Tian shook his arm, and the blood stain had recovered.

"Oh, you guys are very tugged, why are you hurting Lingtian!"

At this time, Tao Yaoyao and the princess didn't know when they came over, the former looked angry at the young man's back and said angrily.

The boy turned around, and when he saw Tao Yaoyao's moment, his cold eyes were startled.

But soon, it resumed as usual.

"Injured, so what?"

The teenager is still cold.

"Hey, I said you guys are looking for trouble, do you know what realm this is? You..."

Tao Yaoyao went on with her sleeves exposed, but she was a little shorter than a teenager, and looked like there was no threat.

"Okay, okay, two little ancestors, I asked for it myself, I don't want it."

Ling Tian quickly grabbed Tao Yaoyao and introduced: "His name is Xiaoying. This is Yaoyao. This is my sister. This is my aunt and your elder. You will also be called Auntie."


The young man glanced at the eldest princess, and he also felt the latter's strength.

"Hmm. Yes, you are very talented, but you can help Ling Tian a lot."

The princess also praised.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​the time outside is coming, you should go out. Humph!"

Tao Yaoyao hugged her arm, Xiaoxiang swollen cheeks, and drove people straight away.

"Okay, let's go now, let's go!"

Ling Tian gave the young man a wink, and the latter flew directly into the spirit beast brand, and Ling Tian also directly left Taoyuan.

"Huh, **** guy, don't let me see you again!"

The princess shook her head and smiled bitterly at Yaoyao who was stomping her feet in anger.

"What a couple!"


Sure enough, Ling Tian withdrew from Taoyuan and returned to the courtyard. He sensed that a few breaths had reached the door.

Opening the door, Qin Shaoyang and Zhang Lei and a group of people rushed in.

"Brother Tian, ​​you can figure it out. The royal hunt will begin today. Where is my treasure?"

Qin Shaoyang yelled as soon as he entered the door.

"Hehe, you are indispensable!"

Ling Tian smiled and cursed, and directly threw the small pestle over.

"I'll go, brother, you are too strong, I just said that, do you really have it?"

Qin Shaoyang caught the small pestle, his eyes lit up, and he was surprised.

Qin Shaoyang got the small halberd treasure, which made him greedy.

Ling Tian cast a glance at Qin Shaoyang, "You don't have to install garlic, don't you know that I took this treasure?"

No longer looking at Qin Shaoyang, Ling Tian looked at Qin Shaoyang and Qin Mingyue, and found that they were using the same weapons as before. Even Bian Yujing is weaker,

"Do you need to change your weapon?"

Ling Tian asked.

The hunting this time was not trivial. Although Qin Shaoyang and the others had made breakthroughs very quickly and are now in the late golden stage, their combat power is still too weak.

"Uh, I don't think it is necessary to change the weapon now, it is better to take advantage of it now."

Qin Shaoyang shook his head.

"Well, I don't have any good ones right now, so let's take a look at that time, it won't work."

Ling Tian looked at Zhang Zhao and Zhang Lei again, "You two are ready?"

"Well, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng!"

Zhang Lei nodded, and she was very excited to go to the royal hunt.

"Well, in that case, let's go!"

Ling Tian led everyone straight to the front hall of the East Palace.

This time, a total of ten people from the two teams participated in the royal hunt. As usual, there should be a practice ceremony in the front hall at this time.

Sure enough, when people arrived at the front hall, the huge square in front of the hall was already full of guards from the East Palace.

The guards are arranged in a distinct hierarchy.

The front row is a group of first-class guards headed by Yang Tong.

When these people saw Ling Tian and others appear, their expressions were cold.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​are you really ‘early’ here? A little bit later, do you have to wait for you?"

Yang Tong hugged his arm, his expression unkind.

In half a month, he repeatedly expressed his love to the princess, wanting to change the list of this royal hunt.

But the petitions are all falling apart, even Zao Wou-ki has nothing to do.

It is an iron fact that the prince and princess favor Ling Tian.

In the past month, Ling Tian has never participated in the East Palace guard garrison at all, and even with Zhang Zhao and others, they have practiced with peace of mind.

In the East Palace, just follow your own home. How can this not make all the guards feel dissatisfied?

"Why, any comments?"

With a cold snort, he stood directly in front of all the guards.

"Ling Tian, ​​you'd better stay back! The royal hunt is not protecting you anymore. Do you really think it's good for them to let your people go? Hehe, in the end, none of them can get out!"

Yang Tong looked at Ling Tian in front of him, his face flushed.

"You still worry about yourself, can you survive, haha."

Ling Tian did not turn around.

Said lightly.

It seems that Yang Tong is not worthy of his attention.


In the presence of all the guards, Ling Tian didn't give himself any face, Yang Tongqi's Qiqiao gave rise to smoke, and he still wanted to theory, but at this time he was agitating the bell to ring.

The honor of the princess is here!

There were not many people in honor, only a group of close female guards led by Cui Yan.

Zao Wou-ki and Li Qingcheng stood on both sides.

"Everyone is here, so announce the hunting candidate."

Sitting on the phoenix chair in front of the hall, Cui Zhuer didn't seem to want to say more.


Zao Wou-ki pursed his mouth and opened the will in his hand.

"The Royal Hunting East Palace, Ling Tian, ​​Yang Tong, Cui Chenxiang..."

As Zao Wou-ki announced the candidates, although everyone knew about it before this was the time, at this time, they still couldn't help but talk.

Ling Tian also frowned. Bian Yujing was not on this list, but Cui Chenxiang was added!

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