Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 903: The horror of Qixing Ziluo Xiaoying


When the group of lizards saw Ling Tian summon a group of helpers, they became excited one by one, roared again and again, moved the huge iron tail, and rushed up.


Ling Tian screamed, raised the prison fire stick, golden light bloomed all over his body, and the sound of the dragon and elephant neighed, madly entering the crowd of monsters and beasts.

Lifting the stick and falling, there is no one in one.


Xiaoying also disappeared into the air, and when he appeared the next moment, he was already on the back of a lizard. Although he did not have a weapon, his pair of silver claws was a super-quality artifact. Even sharper, while the silver light flickered, I saw the lizard under his feet, directly shattered.

The combat power is so strong that these same Demon King's lizards have no power to fight back at all.

On the other side, even though thousands of Phantom Sting Bees were not the opponent of the Demon King alone, they were all the places where the swarms passed. Each lizard turned into rocks and shattered the ground.

Hundreds of Demon King lizards, in front of Ling Tian, ​​just insisted on a small cup of tea, and they were all slaughtered.

Looking at the hundreds of cyclones floating on the sand, Ling Tian couldn't help but bend his mouth.

The cyclones contributed by these lizards are comparable to the previous harvest along the way.

Hell Yanzhen is also full of food. Although these monsters are already dead, there is still some soul power. The amount of hundreds of Demon King level makes Hell Yanyan also shouted and refreshed.

Of course, the most important thing to take back is the salo flowers everywhere.

There are too many, Ling Tian at least touched the phantom thorn bee, and collected these Sha Luo flowers into the peach garden.


However, when collecting the Salo Flower, Ling Tian suddenly looked forward, and in the middle of the group of Salo Flower Sea, there was a Salo Flower that was unique.

Ling Tian hurried forward, but he was also surprised

This Salo flower seems to be much more psychic than the previous Salo flower, shiny and drifting, and it doesn't look like a weed at all.

It grows in the middle, and there is a large open area around it, and there have never been other Salo flowers.

When he was in a state of uncertainty, the Salo flower suddenly bloomed in front of his eyes, and a seven-color star-like light gleamed. The fog pervaded the air, reflecting colorful rays of light, and it looked like a dream.

"It turned out to be a Seven-Star Purple Flower!"

Ling Tian whispered to himself, Shaluo flowers are generally only blue, but the one in front of them is purple seven stars.

No wonder it will make such a big movement. It is said that it will take three thousand years for this seven-star purple flower to absorb enough aura, which is very rare.

However, Ling Tian still has time to collect in the future.

Three bursts of life, from the rear, suddenly sounded.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, several figures broke through the air. Not waiting for the Shaluo flowers to bloom, six warriors appeared around Ling Tian, ​​one by one staring at the Seven-Star Ziluo flower.

"Good luck. I actually came across such a rare Seven-Star Purple Flower."

"Hey, ordinary Saluo flower is very valuable. This Seven-Star Purple Flower, I'm afraid it's invaluable."

"After searching for a few days, although we could not get out of this sea of ​​sand, we were lucky to be able to encounter such a Salo flower."

These six are obviously a small team. Moreover, the vitality is strong, and each one has the appearance of the peak of the golden body.

During the talk, Ling Tian was completely ignored, as if he were just air.

But it doesn't matter. In Ling Tian's eyes, these people are like air.

At this time, I saw that hundreds of lizards and Salo flowers had disappeared in the yellow sand, so the people in this team naturally did not feel strange.

Go straight down and head straight to the Seven-Colored Salo Flower.

However, Ling Tian turned around slowly, holding his arms in front of Sha Luo Hua.

"Ling Tian!?"

Someone among them frowned and also recognized Ling Tian.

"Why, Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean?"

The head of the Sixth Middle School took a look around, and apart from Ling Tian, ​​no one else was found.

Suddenly, his tone became hardened.

Ling Tian's combat power was strong, and they had naturally heard of it.

But now there are as many as five people here, Ling Tian only has one. They are naturally not afraid.

However, Ling Tian stood there, his eyes full of coldness.

Moreover, there is no words.

"Ling Tian, ​​we are members of Prince Guo's Mansion. We think you are a good fighter, and we don't care about you. Let's get out of here now and go around you without death!"

The leader of this team was indeed seen by Ling Tian at the entrance of the hunting ground. A warrior in the main team of Prince Guo's Mansion was also a member of Kunwu Academy.

Ling Tian and Li Kan's hatred, they naturally understood, but Ling Tian was not famous, they were also very cautious.


Ling Tian looked at the five people and said calmly.

Seeing these people, it turned out to be Li Kan's team, Ling Tian didn't even look good.


"Boss, what are you doing with his ink, a trash that hasn't reached the peak of the latter stage, his legends, can't be true!" One of them sneered and sneered.


All of a sudden, the five people burst into laughter, in their opinion, Ling Tian was just pretending to be.

No matter how good he is, can he escape the hands of the six warriors who are the peak of the late golden body?


The sound of laughter echoed loudly in the empty sand, but a few people laughed, and they were horrified to find that they couldn't laugh anymore.

On the ground, six headless corpses fell down at some unknown time.


The six human heads floating in the air, staring at the headless body, their consciousness gradually withered.

When five people fell, six cyclones all appeared.

Obviously, it is the vitality that these people have not yet refined.

After the cyclone, Xiaoying walked out slowly with his claws covered with blood.

The silver light in his hand was shining, and the blood stains were directly evaporated.

"It's noisy."

Xiaoying said lightly.

Ling Tian shook his head, "You are too cruel."

Ling Tian also took a breath of his own beast pet.

Really is the master who kills without blinking.

If the six people face Xiaoying directly, they may not be opponents.

But Xiaoying's sneak attack technique made Ling Tian impossible to guard against, let alone these five guys who had already let their guard down.

Collecting the six-person cyclone and the storage ring, Ling Tian thought for a while, then swallowed a Yi Rong Dan and turned it into the appearance of the six-person warrior.

Turning around, carefully collected Seven-Star Purple Luohua into Taoyuan, and let Tao Yaoyao put it in place properly. These Shaluo flowers can increase Ling Tian's spiritual thoughts a lot, but now, it is not the time to use it.

Holding the prison fire stick, Ling Tian did not leave immediately, but looked at a direction in the desert.

After a while, the desert suddenly swelled, and the next moment a lizard that was several times larger than before came out of the desert, but in that moment, the lizard changed into a human form and flew toward the depths of the desert. !

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