Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 906: Dust-cleaning water meets Lin Zhuoran

Ling Tian was a little disappointed. Since someone has been here, it is very likely that there will be no good things left.


At this moment, there was a faint sound of true essence surging, and vaguely, the sound of fierce fighting could be heard.

"There are quite a few people here..."

The disappointment in Ling Tian's eyes increased again, after thinking about it, he quietly walked forward along the corridor.

After several turns, following the sound of fighting, he kept walking forward.

Finally, came to an open palace, above the palace, inlaid with bright gems. The brilliance is dazzling, sweeping away the dimness, and the hall below shines bright and soft.

Under the lights, dozens of people are gathering at the moment, fighting fiercely.

In the corner of the hall, there is a stone pillar on which is placed a jade bowl. In the jade bowl, there is half a bowl of water-like liquid, but this liquid is shining with five colors of sunlight from time to time, like a rainbow against it, and There is a misty mist rising around the liquid, which is very beautiful.

"Water for cleaning dust!"

Ling Tian whispered immediately.

I didn't expect to find such a baby in this place.

This dust-cleaning water can neither improve cultivation nor refine tools, but it can be used as medicine!

Moreover, its effect is to improve the quality of the elixir, allowing the elixir to obtain a more refined effect.

This is the holy thing that all alchemists dream of!

Even with Ling Tian's current elixir skills, he can't guarantee that every pill that he refines will achieve top quality, but with this low water control, it will be different.

In the outside world, this dust-cleaning water has never been in the world.

Even if there is such a drop, it will be frantically snatched by all parties, not to mention that there is a whole bowl in this underground palace!

"Disperse! This water was discovered by our Heshuo Palace. Don't fight with me!"

"Just rely on your waste from Heshuo Palace?"


Under the shining lights, dozens of people cursed. Although they didn't know what the water in the bowl was, they could feel that it was extraordinary, fighting to the death and fighting.

Ling Tian observed in secret, his eyes fell on the jade bowl, thoughtfully.

It can be worthy of the erosion of the water that cleans the dust, and the value of this bowl is not low, and it is intact.

Just as Ling Tian was about to take advantage of the fisherman, when the group was about to kill, there was a faint breaking sound in the darkness, extremely weak, if it weren't for Lingtian's sensitive mind, it would really be impossible to detect.

With a move in his heart, Ling Tian hurriedly dodged and hid in the corner of the tunnel, and after the beginning of the movement, he completely concealed the breath of the figure, despite the changes.

On the other hand, the people who were fighting in the hall didn't know it, and they were still fighting fiercely.

Encountered a master!

Ling Tian has been sensing the other party's breath, but this person's breath is also very good, it seems like there is no, he is definitely a master!

However, the other party probably didn't find Ling Tian's existence either.

But in any case, Ling Tian can conclude that this person must be a member of the home team of the Three Princes' Mansion!

However, since Ling Tian had seen this water of cleansing dust, he had no reason to give up.

Even if you really meet those people, there are no exceptions.

Just as Ling Tian was watching the changes, the mysterious aura appeared again, but this time the aura appeared very abruptly.

Before he could sense it carefully, a figure smashed into the center of the hall like lightning.

The owner of that figure was like a wisp of wind, passing straight through the slaying people, and came to the stone pillar in the corner.

Under the lights at the top of the hall, Ling Tian could only see the person's back. He was dressed in a white suit, with a long figure and a hat on his head, which didn't seem to allow outsiders to see his true face.

This person is also deliberately hiding his identity?

"Well, can this be...water for cleaning dust?"

The white-clothed youth stared at the jade bowl on the stone pillar, muttered to himself, and muttered softly. But in his eyes, it was full of surprises.


The fierce fighting in the hall stopped in an instant, and everyone's eyes were focused on the uninvited guest. When seeing this person wearing ordinary clothes, no team logo, and just being alone, many people suddenly showed grim smiles on their faces.

"Hehe, where did the guy come when we don't exist?"

"Hmph, whoever he is, I want to take this treasure while I am waiting to fight, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Kill this guy first!"

The group originally fought quite fiercely, but the outcome was difficult to distinguish, and it was just a stalemate. The white-clothed man who appeared suddenly became a target of public criticism, and many people's eyes fell on him, it was a dying person.

The young people in white clothes with their backs to a group of people showed a sneer at the corners of their mouths, a group of people who knew nothing about life and death.


Without warning, the white-clothed young man suddenly turned around, grasping the handle of the exposed blade at his waist, and suddenly trembled.

At the next moment, everyone felt a powerful sword intent burst out.

What was strange was that he couldn't see any knife light, but Ling Tian in the darkness could clearly see the ripples in the air, which was a very faint black knife light. The serpentine light of the sword is like a poisonous snake, which shuttles through the crowd. With a light sweep of the snake's tail, a person's head falls to the ground or the body explodes, which is quite cruel.

boom! boom! boom!

Amid the loud noise of the explosion, the seven or eight people who rushed in front, had not yet realized what was going on, they were chopped into a cloud of blood on the spot.

The terrifying blade light, after blasting these seven or eight people to death, its power remained undiminished.

The rest of the people rushed to the ground, rolling in the air like fallen leaves, and after landing, it banged again, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

"Ghost Blade Technique!!"

"Hurry up, this person is Lin Zhuoran from the Prince Fruit Mansion team!"


They also flew into the twists and turns before hitting big luck. A crack in the mountain wall exposed from the edge of the desert, they came in here, and dozens of them formed a team along the way before beheading the zombies on the road. They saw this jade. The water in the bowl is counterproductive.

I never thought, but I met Lin Feifei, the absolute main force of the Prince's Mansion home team. When I met these people, there was no other way than to admit that he was unlucky and turn around and run.

Otherwise, only death is waiting.

"Haha, run? Let you go to vent the news?"

The white-clothed youth sneered and blasted out a punch, killing all the warriors who had escaped into the tunnel!

In the darkness, Ling Tian watched the white-clothed young man withdraw the knife in his hand, turned and walked towards the jade bowl, his eyes narrowed slightly.

To be honest, he hadn't expected that Lin Feifan's combat power was so tyrannical.

It seems that Kunwu Tianjiao, who seems to be arrogant and domineering, still has two brushes.

At the very least, this hand of Ghost Knife was enough to beat Yang Tong.

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