Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 914: The Secret of Another World

"Why, do you know Emperor Juntian Wu?"

The military commander was also very suspicious, and took a breath: "No, I think you seem to recognize our characters. It's impossible. Could it be that you have been to our world? Otherwise, people in this world will never Will recognize our text!"

"Hehe, it's a coincidence, I do have some origins with Emperor Juntian."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Oh, that's right, otherwise Emperor Wu won't formulate this route to guide us to you. And you, have the ability, to relieve me of silence."

The general no longer doubted.

"Well, everything is over. Now that the silence in Senior's body has gone, and his free body has been restored, perhaps there is still a chance for revenge..."

Ling Tian glanced at the general and said.


Unexpectedly, the military commander laughed, pointing at Ling Tian and waving his hand: "You kid, are you still making fun of me?"

"I was dead ten thousand years ago. If it weren't for the exercises I practiced and my mind was not completely controlled by the spirit of death, you wouldn't hear me say this today."

"Haha, but, I can see this scene today, and I am content. Besides, the little guy who has a connection with the master, who I also saw, may be in the dark, free of heaven."

"Senior, is there really no way to save you?"

Ling Tian frowned. He was really curious about the original world of this military commander. After all, Emperor Jun Tian also appeared there.

"No, I don't want to live in the world like this, this is simply torture."

The general looked at Ling Tian and said, "What I want to tell you is that since you can see me, it means that we have a cause and effect with you. After leaving me, you must go to me. The resident of the Chongxiaozong mountain gate, I got the inheritance of my Chongxiaozong. My Chongxiaozong was established by Emperor Juntian in the same year. It is absolutely not allowed to interrupt the delivery while I am waiting!"

"Senior don't worry, I will naturally do my best, and I will never let the inheritance of Zhongxiaozong go by." Ling Tian agreed.

In fact, if the military commander doesn't say anything, he will do it.

"Well, this is also a great opportunity for you, haha, although I originally destroyed the martial arts resources in order not to let the Nying Emperor take away my wealth, but I still left a lot of resources. treasure."

"Of course, if you go to the Chongxiao Mountain Gate, it will not be smooth. Back then, the Chongxiao Sect had four halls in the southeast, northwest and north. Each hall had a hall master. Their strength is comparable to mine. It has become a real walking dead, not as powerful as I am now, but it is also difficult to deal with, you have to be careful."

The military commander reminded.

Ling Tian took a deep breath. There were three hall masters in the secret path. This was really difficult to deal with. If you want to come, those three guys, at least, have the power of the Yuanshen realm.

"Now, where are the other three hall masters?"

"They should be in the Chongxiaozong resident. I have stayed here because of the surviving spirit. The other three partial halls were guarded by the elders of the year. They are the same as the four walking corpses you solved before."

Ling Tian said: "Junior understands."

"Well, my time is running out. Little friend, can you tell me your name?"

The general asked again.

"Junior Ling Tian..."

"Ling Tian...good name!"

The warrior groaned and said: "The old man knows that it is too much, but I still hope that if the little friend comes to my world in the future, please remember, I have a deep enmity between the Emperor Xiaozong and the emperor! There is a chance, Kill him for us, for His Majesty Juntian Wu!"

"This... if there is a chance, the younger generation will do their best."

Ling Tian also responded.

"Haha, good good!"

The military commander even said three good words, "Since this is the case, the old man has nothing to worry about. I will leave you something as a meeting gift with the little friend."

"Remember, our world is called Ziwei Realm!"

"My name is Qi Sheng!"

"Later, indefinitely!"

After the general said, his whole body stagnated, and the next moment, it turned into a pile of yellow sand.

But the yellow sand dispersed, leaving behind a purple cyclone in the same place, the cyclone exploded, and it was extremely thick, far better than all the cyclones Ling Tian had seen before.

Not only that, but above the cyclone, this bead is also suspended.

This bead is colorless and transparent, extremely crystal clear, the size of a longan, and although it is not big, it exudes extremely powerful martial arts fluctuations!

"this is?"

Ling Tian took the bead in his hand and immediately raised his brow. This thing was really familiar.

This bead is very similar to the martial spirit power that Ling Tian found in the martial arts tower before!

However, the strength of the martial arts of this bead is much stronger than those in the martial arts tower before.

Ling Tian estimated that if a martial artist with a seventh-rank martial spirit ingests this martial arts orb, it is very likely that the martial arts will directly skyrocket by a level, or even soaring to the level of the eight-zhang nine-small divine body and small Dao body!

This Martial Spirit Orb, Martial Spirit fluctuating, is too pure and majestic!

It can be said that this is the most precious treasure left by Qi Sheng!

This Martial Spirit Orb can definitely make a martial artist reborn and enter the ranks of top geniuses.

Ling Tian was faintly excited.

This Martial Spirit Orb is of no use to him.

But for his brothers, it is something that can change their martial arts achievements.

Therefore, this Martial Spirit Orb can be said to be invaluable.

Putting this martial arts orb away cautiously, Ling Tian suddenly thought that this martial arts orb might not be unique to Qi Cheng. If the other three hall masters all have such a martial arts orb, then he is bound to win this thing. Up!

On the ground, there is still that purple cyclone.

This cyclone was left by Qi Sheng after his death, comparable to him in the Dacheng Realm of Yuanshen, and the vitality contained in this cyclone left behind was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

Ling Tian incorporated this cyclone into the sea of ​​air, almost unable to resist the temptation to swallow it on the spot.

But he understands that the real battle will be at the Chongxiaozong Mountain Gate station, where there may be any monsters that will be encountered. This cyclone can provide powerful combat power, so it is not the time to devour and refine.


At this time, in the center of the hall, an altar also rose in response.

Above it, a treasure chest of purple and gold was placed impressively, exuding a seductive luster.

Ling Tian licked his lips and couldn't help laughing.

This time, it really made a lot of money!

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