Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 917: Who moved me? Kneel down!


Wang Chenglong blasted out with a punch, his whole body was violent, the vision suddenly came to life, and a vast sea of ​​clouds suddenly burned. The fire cloud was in the sky, and under the envelope, this fierce fist was like an angry and violent beast, roaring with anger in the sky.

Directly fell towards the Zhang family brothers and sisters.


Zhang Zhao shouted angrily, and in desperation, he could only resist with Zhang Lei's sword skills.

Wang Chenglong's combat power is much stronger than them, at least not much worse than Yang Tong.

In the last time, their brothers and sisters were not the opponents of the Wang brothers, and they are not the same now.


The three martial arts shook each other, bursting apart, and the huge impact caused both sides to retreat again and again.

Although it is impossible to directly kill the Zhang family brothers and sisters for a time, it is enough to contain them.

On the other side, Wang Chenghu had already shot, burning flames in his hand, and shot Qin Mingyue directly!

"Damn, dare to hurt my sister?!"

Qin Shaoyang immediately became angry, carrying the double mace and rushed up, the double mace crossed, and the double dragons came out and hit Wang Chenghu.

"Haha, Dare to stop me?!"

Wang Chenghu sneered, stretched out his claws, and instantly shattered the pair of scorpions, and then shook Qin Shaoyang's body afterwards. Although the latter blocked it early, it was still shaken out.

Zhang Kaifeng on the side was furious and rushed up with the double halberds, but the result was still the same. Even Zhang Kaifeng's double halberds were directly shattered, vomiting blood, and blasted into the sand.

"Hehe, you are the only one left. I heard that you are Ling Tian's woman? Wearing a visor, do you think you are so national? Today, I want to see what you look like!"

Wang Chenghu's gaze finally fell on Qin Mingyue's body. Amid a sneer, he shot directly, his body speed was like a raging fire, and he reached out and grabbed Qin Mingyue. .


Qin Mingyue snorted coldly, lifting the sword and under the light of the sword and shield in front of him.

At that time, Wang Chenghu's fire claws fell on it, and his sword and shield suddenly exploded.

Those who watched the battle saw this scene, and their complexions changed slightly. It can be imagined that after a moment, when the sword and shield broke open, Qin Mingyue’s


Sure enough, Qin Mingyue's sword and shield shattered in an instant, exploding into a flood of weather. Wang Chenghu suddenly sneered, and rushed away in the face of the wind and sand and air waves.

At this moment, he had a grinning smile on his face, it seemed that the next moment, he could see Qin Mingyue's lineup, and he would be humiliated and killed at that time, how happy! ?

However, when Wang Chenghu broke through the air wave, it was not Qin Mingyue that he saw.

It was a white figure with a gloomy expression.

"Those who move me, look for death!"

In the icy voice, the white-clothed man who stopped in front of Qin Mingyue raised his hand and slammed out with a punch. He shouted coldly, "Kneel down!"

Kneel down!

An angry shout like thunder, resounding across the sky, trembling and buzzing in everyone's ears.

But before he was surprised, he saw the white-clothed man and blasted out with a punch.

The vitality is like a big river bursting its levee, the fist front is like a beast condensed by a flood, although it does not have any martial arts blessings, but it is only the spring vitality condensed, its vigorous and powerful, it still resembles the ancient beast, sending out a sky-shattering roar .

Wang Chenghu, who rushed in, didn't even see when this person appeared. He was not prepared for this punch, and he was stunned and flew out on the spot.


The waves of air rushed into the sky, and the strong vitality fluctuations were reaching the peak of the Dharma phase. Under the air waves, the clothes of the white-clothed youth were hunting and hunting, which shocked people.

With one punch, Wang Chenghu, the main player of the Prince Rong's Mansion, was blown away.

This momentum is really amazing.

Who is the person here?

Of course it was Ling Tian.

When he saw Qin Mingyue and others being besieged from a distance, he immediately burned with anger.

It was shameless that the two of them joined forces to besiege Qin Mingyue and others.

Almost in an instant, he cast his body skills to the peak, and rushed over at an astonishing speed.

One punch shook the king into a tiger, and the latter dragged thousands of meters, unable to hold himself in shape, and finally stopped by kneeling in the sandpit.

"Damn, Ling Tian?"

That Wang Chenglong also shook back the Zhang brothers and sisters, and looked at Ling Tian coldly.

He didn't expect Ling Tian to come so timely.

Moreover, the vitality and coercion emanating from his body is so powerful!

Kneeled Wang Chenghu with one punch?

Although the two of their brothers don't have much reputation in Chang'an City now, but how to say, after the famous sect, they are also from the Zixiao Academy, and they are still superior to Ling Tian, ​​the academy.

Although Ling Tian has been in the limelight for several months.

But after they heard it, they didn't take it to heart.

After the initial surprise, the look in Wang Chenglong's eyes immediately became gloomy. The corner of his mouth raised a smile, "Hehe, you came here by a coincidence, since you have thrown yourself into the snare, then I will use you to ask the prince for credit!"

That Wang Chenghu also got angry from the sandpit in the distance.

It was a shame and shame that Ling Tian knelt down in public with a punch.

"Damn, attack me, what a skill!"

Wang Chenghu stared at Ling Tian with a cold gaze, and said in a gloomy way: "You guy has two sons. The cultivation base of Dacheng in the late golden body is so strong. I think I used a cyclone? It seems that it is in this ruin. You have gained a lot. It's a pity...you ran into us, no matter how lucky you are, you have to die here today!"

When the voice fell, he cast a look at Wang Chenglong and the warriors behind him, and shouted coldly: "Do it, kill him!"

When the voice fell, a pair of swords appeared on Wang Chenghu's hands pointing to the tiger's weapon, and the flames were lingering, and there was also this silver pattern in it, which was obviously a super-grade artifact inscribed by the silver pattern crystal.

And Wang Chenglong also sneered, amidst the vigorous vigor, an aura of horror permeated. He drew out a three-pointed fork behind him, and above the blade, the silver light was shining, and the vigorous vitality poured into the blade, unexpectedly condensed a rather heavy mountain force, and it was endless.


It leaped into the air, clenched the three tines, and directly blasted out first.

In mid-air, the sound of the mountain trembling suddenly resounded, and the power of the roaring weapon made the ground tremble violently. The background of the last leader of the Zixiao Academy, just one move, made people palpitate.

Under these prestige, the air seemed to be shattered, and the huge pressure that spread out made people breathe quickly.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, Zhang Zhao cried out in exclamation in the distance.

"Hehe, but...so."

Ling Tian's expression was calm, just a faint ripples in the depths of his eyes, with the vast battle intent like an abyss.

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