Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 919: Melt directly to the core ruins

Wang Chenghu, who was locked by Chun Yang's fingers, had his eyes widened, and his breathing stopped in horror.

Even the sea of ​​qi in his body and the martial arts condensed on his claws were directly torn by Ling Tian Chunyang's strong suction force, and he was on the verge of collapse!

Do not!

Seeing that the finger swiftly swept down towards him, even he couldn't escape, the whole person was locked by Ling Tian's momentum and spirit.

However, just for a moment, the pure yang finger swallowed him, he didn't even feel any pain, Yihai became a blank!


A huge explosion set off flames and sandstorms in the sky.

The wind and sand were like a tsunami, which was lifted to an altitude of one thousand meters, and then shook away.

Everyone is desperately resisting the impact of the aftermath.

After holding on for a few breaths, he withstood the storm.

However, when they looked into the distance at this time, they suddenly discovered that the original direction of Wang Chenghu had become a huge sand pit with a radius of ten miles. Inside the sand pit, the fiery red lava was flowing and gathered into a piece of lava. lake.

This is the sand and stone that was burnt and melted by Bahuang Lei Yi.

But Wang Chenghu's figure has disappeared.

The main force of the Royal Prince's Mansion team, the leader of the previous Zixiao Academy, was dead under Ling Tian's fingering! ?

Moreover, there is still no bones left.

Not even scum is left!

Everyone present exclaimed again and again.

Who could have imagined that Ling Tian, ​​who had not been in Chang'an for a long time, would not only cause disturbances at the Jade Square and Genting Auctions, but the current combat power could be so terrifying?

This level of strength is definitely ranked as the top talent among the freshmen of this year!

And this should be the first person under the Academy, right?

Everyone talked a lot, but Wang Chenglong, who was seriously injured in the distance, was stunned and speechless for a long time.

He killed, watching his younger brother with his own eyes, being killed by such a groundless college freshman.

All this is too sudden and too unreal.

"No, it's impossible!"

"Ling Tian, ​​you wait for me, wait for you to enter the sand sea ruins, the team of my Prince Rong Mansion will definitely leave you dead!

After a long time, Wang Chenglong's voice was trembling, and he put a cruel word on him, then resisted the injury in his body and flew away in the upper and lower seas of sand.

He is not today's Ling Tian opponent.

If you can escape and join Yuwen Taima Lie and others, you must be able to get revenge!

"Ha ha..."

However, Ling Tian at the back gave a cold smile and did not move.

"Did Wang Chenglong just let go?"

"It should be, if Ling Tian wanted to kill, he would have killed it long ago!"

"That's also terrifying. With one enemy and two, the other party will die and escape. If Ling Tian does not die after this hunt, he will be destined to be famous for the palace!"

Everyone looked at this scene, thinking that Ling Tian had deliberately released Wang Chenglong.

But the next moment, they all closed their mouths and lost their voices in surprise.

Because Wang Chenglong, who was fleeing frantically, was suddenly in mid-air, exploded into a pile of flesh and blood, and fell from mid-air.

At the same time, all the warriors of the royal clan who participated in the besieging of Qin Mingyue's team who followed Wang Chenglong's squad also separated and died tragically outside the sand world.

Huh! Huh!

In the next moment, a figure loomed, but in the next moment, it directly transformed into a huge flying owl, rushing high into the sky and hovering above Ling Tian's and others' heads.

There were not a few breaths, and a group of masters from Prince Rong's Mansion, including Wang Chenglong, died so tragically.

And it looks like it is still from the hand of a beast pet!

Ling Tian is not only terrifying in his own combat power, but is even his beast pet so perverted?

For a time, all the warriors of the battle team present were frightened and kept a very long distance from Ling Tian.

This guy is too fierce.

"Ling Tian..."

Ling Tian fell from the sky, and Zhang Zhao, Qin Mingyue and the others all gathered around.

"Well, are you two okay?"

Ling Tian nodded and looked at Qin Shaoyang and Zhang Kaifeng who were being supported, and asked.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Zhang Kaifeng waved his hand, his expression a little frustrated.

Now they, in the face of the king brothers, are such arrogances, they have no ability to fight back.

"Hehe, don't be discouraged, don't worry, Dragon Gate Competition is the time for your blockbuster."

Ling Tian patted Zhang Kaifeng on the shoulder, then looked at the other people and said, "How? Isn't it going well all the way, how are you gaining?"

"It's not bad. We copied a total of seven sect relics. Everyone was assigned martial skills or weapons, and some genius treasures. By the way, there was that cyclone..."

When Zhang Lei talked about this, his face looked better.

"Well, cyclones are too important to us. We are oriented towards using these cyclones to break through our cultivation base, so we can't bear to use them when we fight. The cyclones are too precious to consume!"

Qin Shaoyang smiled sadly.

"Well, it's good to have something."

With a move behind Ling Tian, ​​the remaining cyclones of the Wang family brothers and the dead warriors in the distance were all captured by him, but Ling Tian immediately divided these cyclones into everyone.

"Ling Tian, ​​this... shouldn't it be more necessary?"

Zhang Zhao frowned.

"I have more. These are what you really need."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"OK then."

Zhang Zhao and the others looked at each other, and they all accepted.

This cyclone is indeed too important to them.

"Ling Tian, ​​where do we go next?"

Cui Chenxiang whispered.

"The next step? Of course it's going to the core of Shahai."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at Shahai.

Now that everyone has turned, it's time to go to the core.

"But we are hurt, I'm afraid it will drag you down, Brother Tian."

Qin Shaoyang pursed his lips.

"You kid, just so hurt, do you want to rest? This core ruin is extraordinary. If you don't enter and take a look, this time the royal hunt will be in vain."

Ling Tian scolded with a smile.

"Ling Tian is right! Since we are all here, if we don't go in and take a look, I'm afraid we will regret it for a lifetime! It's just a bite. Take some pills and top it off!"

Zhang Kaifeng grinned.

"Well, then let's go in and see what's in this core ruin!" Qin Shaoyang's eyes were also firm.

"Hehe, in that case, so as to avoid long nights and dreams, let's set out now!"

Ling Tian held his hand for a while, summoning Xiaoqing, pulling up Qin Mingyue and Cui Chenxiang, everyone broke through the sand boundary and disappeared in the wind and sand.

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