Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 949: Enter Cui Mansion

"you you..."

Yun Yang looked at Ling Tian, ​​his face flushed.

He calculated everything, even if the space was obliterated, he could escape to the sky, and he got the deadly battle axe left by the emperor of Nirvana.

But now, he still can't win Ling Tian, ​​how can he not be angry!

Why God insisted on letting Ling Tian escape his life, suppressing me everywhere!

At this moment, Yun Yang felt a sense of humiliation as Sheng Yu He Shengliang.

But now, it is helpless.

"Hehe, in that case, everything that should come out is also out, Uncle Wang, you should announce the result."

Cui Zhuer smiled.

"Hehe, this time the royal hunting talents are coming out in large numbers, and I am impressed. It's not bad. God bless me in the Southern Tang Dynasty!"

Li Chongyang laughed and said with his beard floating: "In this case, the royal hunt has already been settled. I declare that the final winner of this royal hunt, Donggong!"


The royal hunt, the East Palace resolutely counterattack ended.

As a result, it was naturally beyond everyone's expectations.

This team composed of a group of warriors who are not favored by people, among the many strong men, went all the way to the end, became the final winner, and also for the East Palace, gained a rare reputation.

And Ling Tian, ​​who brought out the king's sword, is even more talked about.

It can be said that without Ling Tian, ​​the Eastern Palace would not be so brilliant above the royal hunting. Even if the Eastern Palace failed to defeat the Prince Guo’s Mansion in the end, but Ling Tian beheaded the two prefectures of the two states and the Prince of the Guogong Mansion, then It's all shocking.

When returning to Zhongzhou, everyone could not gallop, because they had to **** the prince's guard of honor with the guards of the East Palace.

And Ouyang Ke, Na Lanjun and others were all bandaged with mummies. Yes, come over and congratulate Ling Tian.

In a luxurious carriage, although everyone's faces were flushed with excitement because they had won the top spot in the Royal Hunting.

But gradually, everyone's laughter and talk disappeared, but Zhang Zhao and others still had a little sad look on their faces.

"Hehe, what's the matter, you guys, that's good, why are you all this expression?"

Qin Shaoyang took a sip of wine, and said in a daze.

"Oh, this time the East Palace is a shame, but... Ling Tian..."

Zhang Zhao looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Not only did you completely offend Prince Rong's Mansion, you also abolished Ma Lie and Liu Xiu. How can the Liangzhou and Yongzhou marquis give up?"

"Hey, Brother Zhang, don't worry about that. Ma Lie and Liu Xiu are guilty of death. If they are scrapped, they will be scrapped. Those Liangzhouhous are rubbish. When I go back, Ouyang and I will write to the family. What storms are coming!"

Na Lanjun waved his hand.

The Bazhou Houzhong, Qingqi and Qizhou have always been at odds with the Liangyong and Yongzhou states. This is all known.

"Never mind Liu Xiu and Ma Lie, what about Yuwentai, Ling Tian killed him! Although Yuwentai is not the first outstanding descendant of Yuguo's family, he is also a direct descendant of Yuguo's family. Besides, his brother Yuwen Chengdu , It’s not easy to provoke. You two states, is it possible that you have to tear your skin with Yuwen’s family?"

Zhang Zhaodao.

At this time, Nalanjun and Ouyang Ke looked at each other, and did not speak any more.

Yuwen's family is the sixth prince of the country. Although it is located under the five great families, it is also stronger than the Qingqi and Qi states. He has no complaints when he goes to Japan. Now, he will naturally not easily engage in evil.

What's more, what Zhang Zhao said is true, that is, Yuwencheng, Yuwentai's elder brother, is not a good thing.

"Who is Yuwen Chengdu?"

Ling Tian suddenly raised his head and asked. When he saw Nalan and Ouyang hearing the name, their faces changed.

"Yuwen Chengdu... he was the top of our freshmen Longmen competition, the top pride of the battle!"

Zhang Zhao took a sip of wine and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Now, Yuwen Chengdu has already been promoted to Dharma Sect. It is also famous in the Imperial College. Now he should be marching outside. His combat power, I don't need to say if you want to come. know."

"Actually, Yuwen Chengdu doesn't need to be too urgent now. He is a freshman in the last year. He has not had any intersection with us. But this Yuwen family is indeed well-known. It is my father who is not very willing to deal with him. ."

Ouyang Ke also sighed.

"Hey, I said that you are just worrying. Soldiers will stop you, and the water will cover the earth. What are you afraid of, he Yuwenjia, can he be bigger than the East Palace? My heavenly brother is offending these people for the glory of the East Palace. The prince will not care about it, right? "

Qin Shaoyang said.

"Prince? What does your Highness take care of? The East Palace itself cannot be guaranteed."

Zhang Zhao shook his head.

"Then this..."

Qin Shaoyang and Zhang Kaifeng looked at each other, also a little worried.

"Hehe, don't worry about it, just a Yuwen family. To be honest, I really didn't put it in my eyes. If Yuwentai kills, I will kill it."

"Shaoyang has a saying that is correct, soldiers will come to block, water will cover the earth."


Ling Tian raised his glass, from beginning to end, there was no melancholy.


The honor guard returned to Chang'an East Palace without any twists and turns along the way.

The crown prince took a phoenix, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said, "You will spare your lives and win glory for the East Palace this time. The East Palace must be rewarded, but now this palace is going to the Wuhuang Palace to see your Majesty. You wait, first go back to rest and heal your wounds. ."

After that, Cui Zhuer took the people away.

Ouyang and others also followed suit, but Ling Tian did not enter the Eastern Palace, but looked at Cui Chenxiang.

"Girl Chenxiang, Ling Tian has heard of Cui Guogong's name for a long time, and I don't know if I can recommend it to you."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and they didn't understand why Ling Tian, ​​who had never been willing to make friends with dignitaries, suddenly wanted to find the Cui family.

Qin Mingyue rolled her eyes, as if she knew something.

"Sister Chenxiang, there shouldn't be any trouble with this, right?"

Cui Chenxiang's expression was a little flustered, but after a while she nodded her head again and again, "It's okay, I'll go to my father and say..."

"Well, Ling Tian, ​​let's go with Sister Chenxiang."

Qin Mingyue smiled.

"You are with me."

"No, we are all hurt."

"Well, wait for me to come back."

Ling Tian and Cui Chenxiang went straight to Cui Guogong's residence in the south of Chang'an.

This is also the first time Ling Tian has seen the Guogong's mansion.

Standing alone in front of the luxurious and magnificent mansion, Ling Tian could see that the family style of Cui Guogong should be extremely stable.

Although the decoration materials of these mansions are not gorgeous, they are also extremely expensive.

After a while, Cui Chenxiang, who had changed his clothes, ran out of the mansion gate, "Ling Tian, ​​I told my father, he asked me to take you there!"

"Hehe, that's really thanks to the girl Chenxiang."

Ling Tian bowed his hands, and the two entered Cui Guogong's mansion simultaneously.

As soon as he entered the mansion, Ling Tian felt the gaze and faint pointing towards himself and Cui Chenxiang along the way.

Ling Tian's hearing is clever, so he naturally listened a little too.

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