Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 952: I only write poems for the most beautiful women

I almost forgot what I looked like, I clearly wanted Ling Tian to look at his ugly face.

Cui Chenxiang's big eyes were full of tears, and the grievance made people feel distressed.

She was always humiliated in Cui Mansion, so she was very reluctant to stay in Cui Mansion.

If Ling Tian asked her to recommend her, she would not come back to see these younger sisters.

What's more, Cui Chenxiang was more aggrieved and humiliated than ever before uncovering his scars in front of the person he liked.

"Yeah, what is your sister doing, so excited? Why are we too much? We just miss my sister!"

"Well, since my sister is unwilling, then I won't be embarrassed by my sister."

That Cui Ning seemed to be smiling, shaking the ball fan in his hand, swaying the willow in the wind, and walking to Ling Tian gracefully, a pair of fox eyes caught Ling Tian, ​​and said: "Long heard that Ling Tian is a talented son, today At first sight, it really deserves its reputation."

"who are you?"

Ling Tian asked calmly.

"Bold, this is my second Miss Cui Ning, Cui Ning, why not be polite?"

A little maid said angrily.

"Hehe, I'm Ling Tian, ​​who is also a brave general, so I can't salute."

Ling Tian held his hand, neither humble nor overbearing.

"The brave general? Yo, the official prestige is not small. I wonder if our Chang'an city is full of generals?"

The little maid said indifferently.

"Fine, you go down!"

Then Cui Ning scolded and said with a smile: "Young Master Ling, don't have the same knowledge as his subordinates. As for me, I have something to ask for now."

Then, she handed the ball fan in her hand to Ling Tian, ​​"Look, my son, I don't have son calligraphy on this fan. I really regret it. I met him at my house now. I want to ask son to leave a poem.

Ling Tian fixedly looked at Cui Ning until the face of Cui Ning changed, and then smiled: "So the lady is asking for poems?"


Cui Ning cast a glance at Cui Chenxiang next to him, and said harshly: "I think Cui Ning has a good look. I have heard of the first-rate poem among the flowers, and I really like it. So, I don't know the son, but Inspired?"

As he said, Cui Ning closed the bun in his ear, full of charm.

Cui Chenxiang clenched her fists tightly and plunged directly into the flesh.

"Oh Well!"

But to Cui Ning and Cui Chenxiang's surprise, Ling Tian directly agreed.

Cui Chenxiang looked at Ling Tian with a look of puzzlement and disbelief.

How could Ling Tian promise to write poetry to Cui Ning?

"Haha, good! Come here, get ready to write!"

The maids multiplied the brush and ink, Ling Tian didn't even think about it, just waved a bit of ink on the fan.

In a moment, a poem was finished.

"So fast?"

Cui Ning was very curious, and immediately took the ball fan and read the poem.

"The dark plum is quiet in Yanjing, lying on the silk with branch marks, lying like water in the distance, it is easy to penetrate the spring green."

"What poem is this?"

"Praise me?"

Cui Ning frowned, holding the fan, and looking at the four lines of poems written by Ling Tian, ​​she didn't know why.

This poem seems to describe plum blossoms, but how do you read it so strange?

"Hehe, don't you understand? Then read it a few times!"

Ling Tian sneered.

As soon as Cui Chenxiang's eyes turned, he quickly understood the meaning. When you pursed your mouth, you couldn't help but laugh.

Cui Ning knew that this might not be a good poem, so she read it over and over again and again, knowing that the maids and young ladies behind her couldn't help laughing, she understood the poem.

I don't have eyes, I know I'm ugly, and I want to ask who I am, am I a stupid ass?

"Ling Tian, ​​you call me ugly, call me a donkey!? You are so bold!"

Cui Ning's face was savage, and she stared at Ling Tian fiercely, so she could not wait to swallow Ling Tiansheng directly.

She Cui Ning grew up so big, she has never been insulted by this!

"Hehe, my Lingtian poems are written for the most beautiful woman in this world, are you worthy?"

Ling Tian sneered, then took Cui Chenxiang's hand and walked out.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know that Cui Chenxiang next to you has a crude and ugly face?"

Cui Ning roared behind him.

"Haha, Cui Chenxiang? Just waiting for the vulgar fan, you dare to compare with the deity of Chenxiang girl?!"

Without looking back, Ling Tian pulled Cui Chenxiang away from the door of Cui Mansion.

"Ling Tian! I'm so angry!"

Cui Ning was mad at the back.


"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​thank you."

On the way back to the East Palace, Cui Chenxiang sat behind Ling Tian, ​​and only spoke a long time later.

"Thank you, it should be."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

He really couldn't understand the faces of Cui Ning and others, and he didn't want to see Cui Chenxiang being wronged.

"But, I broke your rules. Your poems are only made for the best beauties in this world, but Chenxiang's appearance is ugly."

"Don't say that, people have to be confident, and who says you are ugly?"

Ling Tian tilted his head and asked: "Girl Chenxiang, Ling Tian asked presumptuously, you... the birthmark on your face is born? If it is just a birthmark, it is not difficult to remove it, right?"

"If it's a birthmark, it's naturally not difficult."

"But I was born, but not a birthmark."

Cui Chenxiang sighed, "When my mother was pregnant with me in the early years, she went to Mobei to visit my father, who was then General Pingbei. On the way, the Huns were tricked and used a very vicious gu, my mother. So I couldn't afford it, so after giving birth to me, I went."

"And my face was like this when I was born. My father has searched for famous doctors all over the world with him, but for so many years, he still can't do anything."

"And since my mother is gone, my sister and I have no support. Born in this family, we can't help ourselves. And because I look really ugly, and the Cui family is famous for its face, so..."

Agarwood's tone was quite declining.

"Gu poison?"

Ling Tian raised his brows, "If it's poisonous, then it's really easy to talk about."

"Why, Brother Ling Tian, ​​you have a way, are you still a pill?"

Cui Chenxiang's eyes lit up.

"Hehe, I don't know about other diseases, but this poison.... I really haven't seen anything I can't solve."

"Don't worry, when you go back, I'll show you."


When Ling Tian returned to the East Palace, he showed Cui Chenxiang his face sickness.

I don't know it, but I was shocked.

The birthmark on Cui Chenxiang's face was indeed an extremely vicious poison. Moreover, the poison entered her flesh and blood since Cui Chenxiang was born. It has been more than ten years and has long been entrenched.

Not only did Cui Chenxiang's appearance be ruined, but her martial arts foundation and talents were all ruined by Gu Poison.

In this way, how could she, Cui Chenxiang, have achieved something on the way of martial arts?

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