Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 970: Han Zitai Chapter

Ling Tian sighed, with joy and helplessness.

However, his gaze fell on the table again.

There is still a stone on the table at this time.

Inside, it is also a piece of Wuhun from the beginning,

With a move in Ling Tian's heart, he picked it up directly, the fiery sword intent poured into it, and the scene inside appeared in Ling Tian's mind.


However, the totem pattern in this Wuhun from the early days made Ling Tian puzzled.

Hanzi, this has nothing to do with Ling Tian's two primordial martial arts souls.

Furthermore, holding this Wuhun from the beginning, the two-word Soul Soul in Ling Tian's body did not move. Obviously, they weren't the same.

The four in Princess Taiping's hands, Rock Jietian, were already in pairs, and they also had nothing to do with this cold character.

So it seems that this cold character soul should be another group!

Feeling the icy cold meaning in the soul of this character, Ling Tian felt awe-inspiring.

No matter what the word cold means, it is also the same as the Soul of the Word of War and the Soul of the Killing of Words. It is a terrifying existence that can increase combat power.

The value is immeasurable.

If it is in this world, it will inevitably cause a big wave!

Ling Tian thought for a while, and finally left this cold character Taichu Wuhun in the Four Elephant Pagoda.

This thing is not trivial, Ling Tian still doesn't know how to deal with it.

The mind entered the body, Ling Tian looked at the sea of ​​Qi, the huge thunderous heart that was suspended in the air, his eyes were determined.

"Tai Chu Jing, get up!"

The form of Ling Tian's divine consciousness sat cross-legged on the foundation, and the next moment, with Ling Tian's soft drink, the sea of ​​qi under him roared, and the vortex condensed and sprang up.

A wave of horrible suction agitated up, and tore away directly at the heart of the thunder.

At this moment, Ling Tian finally turned the golden body chapter of the Taichu Sutra at full speed, hitting the peak of the golden body!

The heart of the Lei Zang, torn down by the Supreme Beginning Sutra, turned into a thunder and lightning magma, swallowed by Ling Tian into the sea. The aura in Ling Tian's body rushed forward and violently in an instant, soaring unstoppable.

At this moment, above Ling Tian's body outside, there was a bright thunder light, and the clothes kept agitating, and the breath went straight to the bottleneck of the peak.


The next moment, Ling Tian's thunderous vitality that escaped into his body, in an instant escaped into the limbs, viscera and viscera, deep into the bones and blood. All over his body, every cell seemed to swell up, Ling Tian's physical body did not change much, but he felt bulging.

The powerful body even suffered from the impact of the vitality energy.

At the same time, the vast vitality in the sea of ​​Qi also boiled and expanded.

Click! Click!

There was a blast noise in his body, like thunder in the sky, constantly blasting. The next moment, the sea of ​​anger will continue to rise!

Such changes are incredible and unprecedented.

No wonder this Lei Zang Heart is so rare, the strength and purity of the essence of the spirit contained in it is far beyond Ling Tian's imagination.


I don't know how long it took, the entire Qi Sea suddenly shook, as if an enchantment was broken.

And the sea of ​​Qi that has almost filled the entire Dantian collapsed at this moment, surging in all directions, the water level of the sea of ​​Qi dropped rapidly, but the area was more than several times that of the previous surge!

Although the scale seems to be, it is still not a real sea.

But it is much stronger than before.

At this moment, the vitality in the sea of ​​Qi is shining, condensed and pure.

With the movement of the Taichu Sutra, the feeling that the dantian was about to burst, finally gradually stabilized.

After a full Great Zhoutian in the early days, Ling Tian's body was full of soaring light, becoming introverted and simple. Before it was the volcano that was about to erupt, right now, it was a deep pool of clear and secluded. The former is violent and wild, while the latter is more restrained and deep.

Ling Tian was like a green lotus, sprouting and growing.

After the previous frenzy, the breakthrough of the golden body peak was much calmer than expected. In this way, the waves did not show up, and the thin water flowed long, with a kind of quietness, so quiet that it was like a small grass spreading out on the ground.

This feeling is quite mysterious. In the past Ling Tian had made great breakthroughs in his cultivation every time.

Not to mention the earth-shattering, the visions, at least the movement will be quite big. The burst of momentum will make the world around him tremble.

It has never been as quiet as it is now, so quiet that Ling Tian feels that this breakthrough to the peak of the golden body is nothing more than a trivial matter.

After a long time, Ling Tian opened his eyes and exhaled a long muffled breath, and the whole body's temperament flew over quietly.

He slowly got up and blinked to see, except that his clothes were a little torn, there was not much change.

But if you take a closer look, Ling Tian has grown a bit taller, and the muscle lines on his body that have exploded because of the body of the rock crystal before, appear softer. Obviously, it is strong, but the whole looks like a piece of peerless jade, warm and moving.

"Xiaoying, two tricks."

Ling Tian raised his brows and looked at the Phantom Fei Xiao who was also sitting cross-legged in the corner of the Four Elephant Pagoda, with a strong intent to fight in his eyes.

Phantom Fei Xiao opened his eyes, his gaze fell on Ling Tian, ​​a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and a solemn color was immediately revealed.


The coercion belonging to the overlord-level fifth-order monster beast blasted on it and flew out of the Four Elephant Tower.

"Haha, yes, it seems that you have also improved a lot."

Ling Tian followed out, with a look of excitement on his face. He didn't sacrifice his sword intent or physical strength, but only urged his vitality to move forward slowly. The sea of ​​qi inside his body suddenly roared, and the faint thunder light on his body continued to spread and spread. It seemed that the sun was becoming more and more beautiful and fascinating. The sky in the thunder light was really like a round of halo in this majestic sun light. The day is rising.


In the next moment, the two figures slammed together in mid-air, and Ling Tian's five fingers clenched tightly, causing the thunderous vitality surrounding him to swim. Continuously weaving and swimming, like a blue dragon came back to life.


When the thunder light bloomed above the fist front, a roar suddenly sounded, and a terrifying sound wave rang in the air, shattering the sky full of clouds.

Phantom Feixiao's body was abruptly retreated directly under this blow.

After the opponent landed, Ling Tian waved his hand, and the clouds all over his body disappeared, and he laughed softly: "It's OK!"

Phantom Feixiao looked at his golden claws, supported his body, and muttered: "It's really terrifying, your vitality strength has skyrocketed! However, compared with that Shen Tianlian, it's a lot worse!"

"Shen Tianlian!?"

Ling Tian's face sank.

Now that his cultivation base breaks through, it's a matter of course.

The powerful Lei Zang's heart made Ling Tian's cultivation level directly break through to the peak of the golden body realm.

Infinitely close to the Dhamma!

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