Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1025: Sword Pointing at Golem Mountain (15) I am a mortal in Redstone Town

In a hurry, Shi Feng used the Light Splitting and Hiding Shadow Technique, and sank down.

He changed his moves very quickly, but the forward pounce turned into a straight fall, and he used too much force, so his breath was inevitably stagnant. Although he barely avoided the palm of the demon bear, the opponent's left foot had already been raised and kicked Shi Feng in the chest.

This time the force was very strong, Shi Feng was kicked a foot away in the air, and hit the stone wall behind him.

As soon as Shi Feng's back touched the stone wall, he immediately activated the escape technique and sank into the rock, dissipating most of the force of the demon bear's attack.

Mo Laoguai secretly said it was a pity. If the back was not a stone, but an iron plate or a big tree, then Shi Feng would be seriously injured even if he was wearing a treasure armor, and he could kill him with another move.

Since the opponent knew the stone escape technique, he couldn't catch up, so forget it, just walk quickly.

Old Monster Mo picked up the troll eye on the ground and shouted, "Little Bean, go into the eye, and Grandpa will take you away."

Mo Chou was about to agree. Then he heard a loud shout, "Where are you going!" Shi Feng came out of the rock again.

"Young man, I'll let you go, why don't you get out of here!"

A streak of blood flowed from the corner of Shi Feng's mouth. Although the kick just now was protected by the Seven Fire Gourd Armor, the magic power still hurt his internal organs.

He stared at Old Monster Mo, gritting his teeth, "You want to leave? Unless you step over my body!"

"In that case, I'll help you!"

The demon bear rushed in and slapped down with a giant palm.

Shi Feng roared wildly. He had finished chanting in the rock and rolled on the ground, revealing a golden appearance, with bare arms and a faint layer of golden light on his skin.

The man and the bear quickly collided with each other and directly performed hand-to-hand combat and fought.

Each of them has his own strengths. The demon bear has only one arm, but it has long claws on its hands and feet, which are extremely sharp. Shi Feng has two arms, and the Xumi Mountain Fist has a Dharma phase to cooperate with it, which makes it even more powerful.

Xiao Hei also joined the battle, flapping his wings and pecking at the demon bear's eyes.

The demon bear is nearly three feet tall

, and its golden body is two feet and five feet tall. This is a fight between giants. Every time they wrestle and fight, trees break and stones fly.

Long Er and Mo Chou are afraid of being accidentally injured, so they keep retreating to the side.

The two behemoths, one man and one beast, fought fiercely for a meal, and the balance of victory and defeat gradually tilted to Shi Feng's side.

The nine-armed demon bear is a famous beast in the world. After Mo Laoguai subdued it, he was ecstatic. He did not cultivate his own clone, but only focused on cultivating the demon bear into a life spirit puppet.

Unfortunately, he had a conflict with Elder Cui of the Nine Infants Sect over treasures on Feilong Island. After a fierce battle, the nine-armed demon bear had eight arms cut off and fell into hibernation.

Because the demon bear was seriously injured and its strength was greatly reduced, when fighting with the Five Absolute Sword Formation before, Old Monster Mo would rather explode his magic weapon than let the demon bear out to join the battle.

But now, being forced into a desperate situation by Shi Feng, Old Monster Mo had to spend his lifespan and perform the art of human-puppet integration.

Even so, Old Monster Mo is now at the end of his strength. He was still aggressive in the first few moves and knocked down the Horned Demon Dragon, but after a long battle, his magic power was exhausted and he was gradually suppressed by Shi Feng.

In addition, Shi Feng was as powerful as a rainbow and had no scruples, while the demon bear had to be careful to avoid the teleportation formation. Once the teleportation formation was destroyed, the retreat would be completely cut off!

In the fierce battle, Shi Feng used a move called "Under the Bodhi Tree to Participate in Cause and Effect", with his two palms together, and two winds filled his ears, hitting the left and right temples of the demon bear.

The demon bear went straight in the middle of the arm and reached for Shi Feng's throat. This was its favorite move, and it broke the opponent's neck with one palm.

Shi Feng waited for the opponent's arm to come in, and suddenly twisted his arms, turning into "cutting meat to feed the eagle and giving to all living beings", locking the opponent's arm.

The demon bear suffered only one arm. Once the arm was locked, it could only pounce on it, open its bloody mouth, and bite Shi Feng's head.

Shi Feng had been prepared. He lowered his head and passed through the demon bear's armpit. He suddenly exerted force with both hands, roared, and used all his strength to throw the demon bear down heavily.

His arm still tightly twisted the demon bear's arm and twisted it behind his back, so that the demon bear could not open its mouth to bite him.

The demon bear tried desperately to break free and get up, but Shi Feng refused to let him. The two rolled on the ground and twisted into a ball.

In the midst of the fight, the demon bear screamed. It turned out that his arm was twisted, and Xiao Hei took advantage of the opportunity and scratched the demon bear's left eye with one claw.

The demon bear roared wildly in pain, and with a violent lift, he actually threw Shi Feng away. He used all his strength to knock Xiao Hei away, but Shi Feng hit him hard on the back with a Xumi Mountain Fist.

The demon bear turned over and swung a palm towards Shi Feng. Shi Feng did not give in, and the two of them rained down their fists on each other.

In the fierce battle, the two gradually came to the entrance of the stone cave. Shi Feng was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He suddenly hugged the demon bear and slammed it back hard. The demon bear immediately let out a heart-wrenching howl.

It turned out that in order to prevent the stone demon from escaping, Shi Feng had blocked all the stone walls near the entrance with the ghost thorn armor.

At this moment, the two just rolled to the edge of the mountain wall, and the demon bear was hit by Shi Feng and hit the spikes of the armor.

Most of the spikes were knocked off by the demon bear's tyrannical body, but more than a dozen of them pierced into the demon bear's back. Under Shi Feng's strong push, they were half a foot deep, and the demon bear couldn't help but howl in pain.

In his rage, he hugged Shi Feng and slammed him hard. "Bang", Shi Feng also hit the armor.

However, Old Monster Mo forgot that this Ghost Thorn City Armor was set up by Shi Feng himself. This armor is a magic weapon and can change as he wishes.

When Shi Feng hit it, all the spikes disappeared immediately, and it just hit the iron plate.

Shi Feng took the opportunity to grab the demon bear and hit it hard again, nailing the demon bear to the iron plate.

Behind him, Xiao Hei endured the severe pain, swooped over, and pecked him down, destroying the demon bear's other eye.

Although the demon bear is currently possessed by Monster Mo, its movements still rely on the body of the demon bear. Now it is blind and one arm is waving around, but it can't hit Shi Feng.

And Shi Feng's fists were like a storm, landing on the opponent's head, heart, lower abdomen and other vital parts.

The demon bear was nailed to the iron thorns and could not break free. After dozens of punches, his whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he was already dying.

Finally, Shi Feng grabbed the Chixiao Sword from the ground and stabbed it into the demon bear's throat.

The demon bear howled muffledly, blood gushed out like a fountain, and it tilted its head and finally stopped struggling.

When the demon bear died, a black light flashed from the body, and the figure fell out, revealing the figure of Old Monster Mo.

After the fierce battle just now, Old Monster Mo was exhausted and leaned against the stone wall, his chest heaving violently and he was breathing heavily.

At this moment, he looked like a thin and withered old man in the world. Even the white hair on his temples was particularly dazzling. At first glance, there was no shadow of a generation of tyrants who stood tall in Yannan and killed people like a piece of grass.

Shi Feng's mana was also exhausted. As the sword thrust out, he could no longer maintain his golden body. With a "swish", he returned to his original form.

His body was covered in blood, and his back, lower abdomen, and thighs were all burning and painful where the bear's claws had scratched him, especially the wound on his calf, where the muscles were turned out and the trousers were soaked with blood.

The dark clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower, the sky and the earth were dark, thunder was booming, and the raindrops were like beans jumping happily, and finally fell.

However, due to the prohibitive barrier in the mountain col, the rain could not fall at all, and the thunder was not heard at all.

Shi Feng held the Red Sky Sword, dragged his injured right leg, and walked towards Old Monster Mo step by step.

Old Monster Mo gasped, "Why? Why do you have to kill me?..."

Lightning tore open the dark curtain between heaven and earth from time to time, reflecting Shi Feng's beard and hair standing on end, his eyes wide open, "...I am a mortal in Hongshi Town. Thanks to you, my family has been ruined! In the past two hundred years, I have turned over I have crossed countless mountains and endured many hardships just to pierce this sword into your chest!"

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