Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1029: Sword Pointing at Golem Mountain (19) Howling to the Sky

Seeing Old Monster Mo dragging his injured right leg and crawling towards the teleportation array little by little, Shi Feng was extremely anxious. His left shoulder was pierced by the snake cone and nailed to the ground. Only his right hand could be used. He immediately grabbed the handle of the snake cone and tried to pull it out.

Although this snake cone was a short weapon carried by Old Monster Mo, it was also unusual. As soon as his hand touched it, a magic flame immediately appeared on the handle.

However, Shi Feng was also a fire power body. He refined two kinds of fire spirits and had a strong resistance to flames.

He did not let go and let the magic flame burn his palm black.

After the cone was inserted, it immediately turned into a spiral snake shape. It could not be pulled out, but could only be twisted a little bit.

The cone penetrated Shi Feng's shoulder. Every time it was twisted, it stirred in the muscles, and a stream of blood immediately came out.

Mo Chou next to him was terrified and wondered if the other party was a monster without pain!

Finally, Shi Feng pulled out the snake cone and threw it aside. He couldn't stand up straight and could only crawl in the rain.

Half of Mo Laoguai's body entered the teleportation array, and suddenly his ankle tightened. He was grabbed by Shi Feng and dragged out alive.

The two wrestled again in the mud and water. They almost thought of taking weapons at the same time. Mo Laoguai stretched out his hand, and the snake cone jumped up from the ground and fell into his hand. Shi Feng also stretched out his hand and took the Chixiao Sword in his right hand.

Both of them raised their weapons in their right hands and stabbed at each other's throats, while their left hands held each other's wrists to prevent the other's weapons from falling.

The two fought hard and rolled in the mud.

The one who was least injured among the crowd was actually Mo Chou.

However, she was only a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, who had just established her foundation. She had never seen such a fierce and fierce fight in her life. She was hit by a stone by Shi Feng before, and her face was covered with blood. Seeing the two people in the mud roaring like beasts, she was dominated by fear for a while, her hands and feet were numb, and she dared not move at all.

At this time, the unconscious Qin Bing finally woke up. Her ribs were broken, and her meridians were in a mess. She was in pain everywhere, and she couldn't control the flying sword at all.

But she didn't hesitate at all, dragging her body and crawling over in the mud.

A cup of tea passed, and Shi Feng and Mo Laoguai were still fighting to the death.

Both weapons were handed to each other, but Mo Laoguai was one step faster.

Because Shi Feng's left arm had just been pierced by the snake cone, bleeding profusely, and without strength, he could not stop the attack of Mo Laoguai's right hand.

Seeing that the tip of the cone had touched Shi Feng's Adam's apple, Mo Laoguai couldn't help laughing wildly. Of course, he found that Qin Bing was crawling over in the mud behind him, but Qin Bing's speed was too slow. He was still two or three feet away from him and couldn't save Shi Feng at all.

Suddenly, Mo Laoguai's body shook, and his laughter stopped abruptly. Then, the snake cone fell from his hand.

He slowly turned his head and saw a long bloodstain on the mud behind him. Qin Bing was holding a black box in her hand, facing Mo Laoguai's back.

She was holding the "Seven Star Bone Penetrating Needle", no, to be precise, it was the "Nine Star Bone Penetrating Needle", which added two more needles on the basis of the original seven steel needles, and used special materials, and the power was even better.

This was a self-defense magic weapon specially made by Shi Feng for Qin Bing. It took a lot of time, and there was only one, and even Shi Feng himself didn't have it.

Qin Bing didn't have the magic power to drive the Star Sword, so he could only take out the Nine Star Bone Penetrating Needle and try his best to inject the last bit of magic power to activate the hidden weapon.

The nine-star bone-penetrating needles were fired without a sound. Although Old Monster Mo was a Yuanying, as strong as copper and iron, he was seriously injured and could not resist. Nine steel needles were all shot into his back from a distance of two feet and disappeared.

Old Monster Mo was in great pain and could not help but roar wildly, knocking Shi Feng to the ground, and the Chixiao Sword was also thrown away.

At the same time, Old Monster Mo kicked back and knocked Qin Bing to the ground for several rounds in the mud and water, and the black box in his hand fell to an unknown place.

Shi Feng was furious, and he didn't know where he got the strength. He flew over and threw Old Monster Mo to the ground, and grabbed his throat with both hands.

In fact, Old Monster Mo had exhausted the last bit of potential to knock Qin Bing away. He stretched out his hand and tried desperately to pull Shi Feng's fingers, but he was powerless to push them away.

Old Monster Mo fumbled in the mud with his right hand, and suddenly picked up a stone. Without thinking, he exerted all his strength and smashed it hard on Shi Feng's head.

"Bang!" Shi Feng was hit hard on the left cheek and fell down immediately. Mo Laoguai let out a long breath, turned over and pressed Shi Feng down, and smashed the stone in his right hand towards Shi Feng's forehead again.

Shi Feng's eyes were full of stars. He blocked with his right hand and pushed Mo Laoguai down again. The two rolled in the mud.

Mo Laoguai's strength was exhausted, and nine poison needles were stabbed in his back. After a few struggles, he was pressed down by Shi Feng again.

Coincidentally, the two rolled and rolled and came to the place where the Chixiao Sword fell.

Shi Feng forked Mo Laoguai's throat with his left hand and held the sword with his right hand.

The Chixiao Sword was a magic weapon made by Shi Feng himself. It changed as he wished. After he got it in his hand, it immediately became shorter and thicker, turning into a dagger. Shi Feng stabbed Mo Laoguai's left chest with a strong sword.

The scene from two hundred years ago reappeared before his eyes, the snow and mud, the village crushed by the huge rocks, his mother and the whole village...

Shi Feng howled like a beast, and the dagger stabbed wildly, and a stream of blood spurted out with each strike of the sword.

Mo Laoguai's throat was stuck and he couldn't make a sound. He was too weak to struggle and could only stare at Shi Feng, his whole body twitching.

After stabbing more than thirty times, Mo Laoguai's pupils finally froze and he didn't move.

Shi Feng stood up tremblingly, covered in blood, some of his own and some of Mo Laoguai's.

The heavy rain soaked his hair and clothes thoroughly, and the rain mixed with blood flowed from his head to the mud.

Shi Feng cut off Old Monster Mo's neck with all his strength, grabbed his head, looked up to the sky and shouted, "Mother! I've avenged you! I've avenged you! Open your eyes and take a look at Feng'er! Mother!"

He roared heart-breakingly, tears streaming down his face, lightning and thunder thundered in the sky, everyone in the valley was shocked, and the heaven and earth seemed to be helping him cry!

The rainstorm lasted for an hour and a half, and it gradually subsided at dusk.

Shi Feng vented his anger and sat down in the mud exhausted. Qin Bing was also lying in the mud. Monster Mo's last kick didn't have much strength. Qin Bing's life was not in danger.

The two looked at each other and smiled, "Feng'er, congratulations, finally..."

Before she finished speaking, suddenly, the letter charm in Qin's ice bag rang loudly. She took it out and looked at it, and immediately panicked, "No! Something happened at Uncle Qianchu's place!"

Shi Feng was shocked. He had recovered a little of his magic power at this time. He hurriedly put Long Er and Xiao Hei into the black turtle bones, then picked up Qin Bing and rushed to the town at the foot of the mountain with his sword.

Inside the black turtle's bones, White Fox carefully inspected Xiao Hei's injuries, "He's not dead yet, but his internal and external injuries are serious."

Shi Feng was overjoyed, "Then, what should we do? Master Hu, you must take action to save Xiao Hei."

"His body surface was injured by lightning, which can be treated with white algae mud. As for the internal injuries," Bai Hu sighed, "he can only rely on himself to resist."

The Horned Demon Dragon laughed, "This stupid bird is really tough. It was burned to charcoal and it's not dead yet."

White Fox turned to Long Er and said, "I was about to tell you, spit out the stone demon quickly!"

It turned out that although Long Er couldn't move just now, he was not idle. He secretly swallowed a piece of mud on the ground and swallowed it. However, that piece of mud was not real mud, but the comatose stone demon.

Long Eryi glared, "Why! There's no reason to spit out the prey you've eaten! Besides, old fox, you don't have a body, so you can't eat, so what are you greedy for!"

"Nonsense! I'm not trying to snatch food from you. That's a stone demon, a rare earth spirit in the world. How can you eat it in vain? Quickly spit it out."

"What is the use of the earth spirit?"

"You know what a fool! The essence of the Five Elements is born with the ability to transform, and its greatest use is to practice incarnation. It just so happens that the small stone has split into a second spirit. If there is a stone demon as a clone, the magical power can be almost doubled. "

The horned demon dragon had no choice but to open its mouth reluctantly and spit out the stone demon again.

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