Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1035 Temple

Shi Feng sighed. When Huang Yan brought five-year-old Qin Bing to Shigu Mountain, he did not allow her grandma to follow her, just to cut off her connection with the world and focus on her cultivation.

After Grandma Qin Bing passed away, the only person in the world who knew about Qin Bing's life experience was the ancestor Huang Yan. Unfortunately, he also died.

"Uncle, let's buy some jewelry. The styles are new and the prices are reasonable." A grocer followed and shouted.

He carried a thick wooden stick on his shoulder. The top of the wooden stick was tied into a shelf with hay, and various colorful ornaments were inserted on it.

The crowd was bustling, but Long Er found it too crowded and waved his hand to drive them away, "Go away, go away, don't buy if you don't want to buy, don't block the uncle's way!"

The grocer was still unwilling to give in and followed Shi Feng, "Uncle, buy one. Look at your wife, she is so beautiful. She is just like the fairies on our grassland. Uncle, if you marry a fairy, you can laugh out loud in your dreams." , why not buy some jewelry for Madam..."

Hearing him praise Qin Bing like this, Shi Feng suddenly smiled, "Then buy one. What do you have here?"

The grocer was overjoyed, "Sir, I have everything, hairpins, beads, necklaces, rings, jade, whatever you like, I will..."

Shi Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and took something off the shelf. It was a string of wooden beads, slightly yellow in color, and each bead was polished into an oval shape that was thin at both ends and thick in the middle.

He and Qin Bing looked at each other with surprise.

This string of beads is very similar to the one Qin Bing gave to Shi Feng back then. Both are made of peach wood, and Qin Bing's beads were the only token left to her by her grandma.

"My uncle has really good taste. This string of beads..." the grocer began to brag. He said that a string of ordinary peach wood beads was the only good treasure in heaven and earth, and the price was only three hundred cents. , if you don’t buy it, you’d be a fool.

Shi Feng gently stroked the beads on his hand. They were indeed the same as the one on his body. The number was eleven. The only difference was that the statues of gods painted on the beads were different.

"Seller, please tell me the origin of this string of beads. It costs three hundred coins. I will buy it immediately without any counter-offer."

The grocer said happily, "Uncle, you really know the goods. This string of beads was made and consecrated by the goddess herself. If you wear it, you will be blessed by the God of Immortality. If you take it, you will get two hundred and eighty coins." Just to earn you some money for running errands..."

Shi Feng interrupted, "Who is Lord Goddess? Where does she live?"

The grocer said in surprise, "The Goddess is the Goddess. Of course she lives in the temple."

Shi Feng's tone was gentle, "Brother, we are outsiders and we want to go to the temple to pray. Please tell me the specific location of the temple and I will give you another fifty coins."


Two fast horses flew out of Wan'an Town like the wind.

According to Shi Feng's idea, of course the imperial weapon flew directly over, but Qin Bing insisted not to reveal his whereabouts, so the two of them hurriedly headed west.

There was no obstacle to the horses running across the endless grassland. In less than half an hour, the two of them had run fifty miles.

In the distance, you can see the flat grassland in front of you, and a gray stone mountain rising up, thin at the top and thick at the bottom, shaped like a big kettle.

"This is Aquarius Mountain."

In the bones of the black turtle, the white fox said, "Well, there are indeed cultivators on this mountain, but there is only one, and he is only a foundation-building cultivator."

"Drive! Drive!"

Shi Feng urged the black horse on his crotch, and when he reached the foot of the mountain, he found that the Aquarius Mountain was actually not high, only a few dozen feet. In Shi Feng's hometown, this was not even a mountain, it was just a hill at most.

There are thirty or forty felt buns scattered at the foot of the mountain, where herdsmen graze their animals and milk their goats, just like a small tribe.

Shi Feng slapped his forehead, "Damn it! Bing'er, when you recall the past, you always talk about felt tents and herding sheep. I should have thought that your grandma was a herdsman, but she ended up wandering around Wan'an Town."

Qin Bing jumped off the horse and smiled, "I don't blame you, I can't remember it myself. Besides, there are felt bags in Wan'an Town, and there are people grazing, so how can you tell them apart."

On a meadow, five or six children were sitting there, clapping their hands and singing, "The grass is green, the grass is green, a few stars are falling on the cold night; the grass is green, the grass is yellow, the geese are rowing in the sky; the grass is green , the grass is growing, the little sheep is looking for its mother..."

Qin Bing reined in the reins and suddenly looked sad, "I remember this nursery rhyme. I also sang it when I was a child."

The mountain road is rugged and full of rocks. The two had no choice but to lead the horses and walk all the way up the mountain.

When we reached the top of the mountain, there was indeed a temple.

The temple occupies a small area, with only three courtyards at the front and back. The walls are made of yellow mud mixed with wooden boards, and the dark and dilapidated gate is very shabby.

Shi Feng's spiritual consciousness scanned carefully and found that besides the monk, there were six other people in the temple, but these six were all mortals and had no power.

"Dudu!" Shi Feng tied the horse and reached out to knock on the ring.

"Who is it?" Someone inside responded, speaking in the local gibberish.

Shi Feng had studied "Qin Zhong Wenyan Tong Kao" and knew the local dialects well. He immediately replied in Hu dialect, "Brother, we are here to offer incense and pray. Please open the door."

The door opened, and a forty-year-old herdsman man with yellow hair put his hands together and saluted, "Your honor, please come in, please come in."

Sending incense and praying is almsgiving. We are the food and clothing parents of the temple, so we should naturally be polite.

Shi and Qin followed the man all the way into the Lord's Hall and saw a two-foot-tall wooden statue of the Immortal God in the center. It looked majestic, holding a bow and arrow, and an evil spirit was stepping on its feet.

There was an offering table in front of the statue, with incense and candles lit, and offerings such as cooking oil, steamed buns, and paper flowers placed on it.

Qin Bing and Shi Feng knelt down in a proper manner and kowtowed three times in front of the statue.

When he saw Shi Feng take out a handful of copper coins and sprinkle them into the offering box, the yellow-haired man became more respectful and polite.

"Brother, can we meet the witch?"

"This," the big man said in embarrassment, "It's really unfortunate. Before you came, the witch was in meditation and doing her homework."

"How long will she do her homework?"

"According to the convention, it takes two hours. How about you two come back tomorrow morning?"

Shi Feng thought for a while, "It's not easy to get here. It's too troublesome to run another trip. Why don't we wait a while."

Seeing that the man was a little embarrassed, Shi Feng took out a silver ingot, "Brother, it's just a small gift, not a respect, and add some incense oil to the temple."

The yellow-haired man was overjoyed, "Thank you very much! You two go to the side hall to rest first, I'll have someone make some wine and food for you two."

"Don't bother, we are fasting today and don't need to eat."

"You two are really sincere, Changshengtian will definitely bless you."

So, the two sat in the side hall and waited patiently.

It was dusk when they came. Two hours passed gradually. It was already the time of Xu, and it was completely dark outside.

It was about to enter winter, and the temperature difference between day and night was very large. As soon as the sun went down, the cold air penetrated people's muscles and bones.

An oil lamp in the side hall flickered. Qin Bing looked at the dark night outside the window, listened to the wind whistling by, and felt uneasy.

Finally, the witch finished her homework. She heard that someone donated a lot of money and wanted to see her, so she walked in in person.

This was a short old woman with a high bun, wearing a strange dress, a wrinkled face, and a cane.

"Are you two guests here to pray?"

"No. We are here to find out something."

"To find out something?" The witch was stunned.

Shi Feng had handed over a small storage bag. The witch opened it and saw that there were actually a thousand spirit stones in it. Looking at Shi Feng again, his breath was slightly long, revealing his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building.

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