Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1039: Trouble Entering the City

Binglan Valley is the dividing point between Qinzhong Continent and Beihan Continent. In fact, the two continents were originally connected, but from Binglan Valley to the north, there is a frozen wasteland that stretches for thousands of miles.

Hurricanes often blow over the wasteland. This swift and cold hurricane can easily cause a foundation-building cultivator to lose temperature instantly and then tear him into pieces. Even a Jindan cultivator cannot survive for half an hour once he encounters such a hurricane.

On the ground, there is nothing in the wasteland except the hard soil that is frozen like iron. There is no place to hide from the hurricane and no spiritual energy to recover, so it is also difficult to escape death.

Therefore, although Qinzhong Continent and Beihan Continent are geographically connected, they are isolated from each other, like two worlds.

As everyone talked, they continued to travel.

After crossing this mountain, although it is still far from Binglan Valley, it has entered the sphere of influence of Yinghu City.

After walking for more than two hours, after noon, the carriage finally approached the South Gate.

Shi Qin and the others lifted the curtain and looked at this border town. I saw the white city wall in front of me, which was 17 or 180 feet high, and it was extremely majestic and spectacular.

"Strange? Why is this city wall so high? I think the palace wall of the imperial city is not so high!" Qin Bing was very curious.

Long Er said lazily, "It's really strange! The wind is howling in the cold wilderness. If the city wall is built higher, the wind will not blow in. Go!"

He raised his whip and rushed into the city gate.

"Stop!" Two guards at the city gate suddenly jumped out and blocked the way.

Long Er shouted, "Where did you come from, kid? You scared your grandfather."

The two guards were wearing white hats and white armor, motionless in the wind and snow, and you couldn't tell them at first glance.

"Stop talking nonsense, open the canopy, we need to check."

"Check? Check what?"

"Check if there are any monsters mixed in your car."

Monster? Long Er smiled, just saying that I am a monster!

Just as he was about to speak, Shi Feng had lifted the curtain and jumped down, "Two Daoists, please feel free to check."

A tall and thin guard came over and looked over. Qin Bing smiled slightly. The guard was stunned by her peerless beauty.

Qin Bing also got off the car. The guard came to his senses and looked around the car. He saw nothing and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

"Thank you!" Shi Qin and the other two were about to step into the city when they heard another loud shout "Stop!"

A group of guards rushed out and surrounded Shi Qin and the other two, along with the carriage, with their swords drawn.

Shi Feng was startled, "Everyone, what are you doing?"

The leader of the guard was a middle-aged man in his forties with a beard like iron. "Bold demon tribe, how dare you sneak into my White Horse City in disguise, take them down!"

He was a Jindan cultivator. With a wave of his hand, the guards' swords swung, but they ignored Shi Feng and Qin Bing and slashed at Long Er together.

"Hey! Hey! Are you kidding me, bastard? You dare to fight with your grandfather..." Long Er cursed and kicked, and several foundation-building guards fell out.

"What a bold monster!" The soft whip in the middle-aged man's hand flew out and rolled towards Long Er. The whip looked ordinary, but it was actually a magic weapon.

Half of the guards besieged Long Er, and the remaining seven or eight people held magic weapons and surrounded Shi Feng and Qin Bing, condensing without firing.

Qin Bing was about to speak, but Shi Feng suddenly pinched her palm, signaling her not to speak, and then he sent a voice message to Long Er.

Long Er was having a good time, and he was very reluctant to hear it.

Shi Feng's tone became heavier, and he said another sentence, and Long Er suddenly jumped into the air and flew eastward.

"Chase!" The middle-aged man waved his hand and led the crowd to chase. However, Long Er's figure soon disappeared, leaving only a vast snowfield.

"Third Master, this demon cultivator's escape technique is too fast, we can't find him." A guard reported loudly.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, "The demons in the frozen tundra are all proficient in ice and snow magic. Once they hide in the snow, it will be difficult for us to find them. Forget it, let's pack up."

They all thought that Long Er had run far away, but they didn't know that Long Er was right beside them, but he was taken into the black tortoise bone by Shi Feng.

The middle-aged man turned back and stared at Shi Feng, "Who are you?"

"My last name is Shi, this is my junior sister, we came to Baima City to find friends."

The middle-aged man pointed his hand behind him, "What happened to the demon cultivator who just escaped?" Shi Feng was surprised, "Demon cultivator? Is the driver a demon beast?"

The middle-aged man looked suspicious, "You two are both masters of the middle stage of Jindan, and your cultivation is higher than Xue's. Can't you see that it was a demon beast?"

"I really don't know. Because my junior sister had some problems in her cultivation and was not feeling well, I hired a carriage in Dai County.

At that time, no one in the carriage company was willing to come to Baima City. It was the old man who took the initiative to talk to me and was willing to take us to Baima City. So we took his carriage and came all the way to the treasure land."

Some of the guards beside him nodded slightly. Most of the demon beast incidents seized recently adopted this method to get away with it.

The middle-aged man half believed and half doubted, "You really don't know the monster just now?"

Shi Feng shook his head repeatedly, "No, no. I am a human. If I knew that the driver was a monster in transformation, I would have killed him with a sword long ago. How could I collude with him..."

In the black tortoise bones, Long Er cursed, "Asshole! Shi Lao San, I'll give you another chance, say it again..."

The middle-aged man looked Shi Feng up and down for a long time, and suddenly said coldly, "Since you don't know the driver, why did you and your sister want to help the monster fight us when we besieged the monster just now?"

Shi Feng spread his hands, "You came up and started fighting without saying anything. How could I know that you were here to catch monsters? I thought you were here to rob, so I naturally misunderstood."

His answer was flawless, and the middle-aged man couldn't find any fault with it. Finally, he waved his hand, "Come with me to see the city lord. If what you said is true, I will let you go."

"It's up to you!" Shi Feng shrugged. There was no Yuanying ancestor in Baima City, so he didn't worry that someone could see through the black tortoise bone.

So Shi Qin and the others left the carriage and let the guards escort them into the city gate.

The streets in Baima City are wide, and the houses on both sides are very short and simple, but there are many pedestrians and horses.

As they walked along, passers-by on both sides saw them and talked about them.

"Two more spies were caught?"

"Yes, I heard they brought monsters to sneak into the city."

"Are these two also monsters? The man is tall and muscular, he must be a monster, but the girl next to him is so beautiful, how could she be a fairy?"

"What do you know? The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to be a fairy. Otherwise, how can a mortal be so beautiful."

The man next to him laughed, "No wonder Brother Zhang called Xiao Jinfeng a little fairy when he saw her in Yixiangyuan!"

"Hey! Hey! Brother Zhao, we are talking about monsters, why are you joking with me!"

In the tortoise bones, Long Er was refreshed, "This Yixiangyuan sounds like a fun place, why don't we go and see it."

Shi Feng was very amused by the messy discussions, but when he turned around, he saw Qin Bing frowning and looking unhappy, so he quickly comforted him, "Don't listen to their nonsense, we will naturally clear our name when we meet the city lord."

The city lord's mansion is located in the center of the city, and the walls around it are made of black stones, covering a large area.

Shi Feng and the other person entered the city lord's mansion and were taken to a small room by the guards, "You can sit inside."

Then two guards stood at the door and did not allow the two to leave.

This wait lasted for more than three hours, and it was already dark. At about the second watch, footsteps were heard, and two people came and led Shi Feng and Qin Bing to a hall in the backyard.

The hall was brightly lit, and guards were stationed all around. In the middle, four people were sitting in a row, three men and one woman. The middle-aged man from the daytime was also sitting among them.

Seeing Shi Feng and Qin Bing coming in, he pointed and said, "Look, big brother, these are the two people."

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