Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1051 Mrs. Xue

Shi Feng turned around and said, "Ning Zhe, wait for me here for a while, and I'll find a way to sneak in and steal two snow spirit horses."


"If I don't come back and the priorities change, you will follow the human army to break out of the city. Do you understand?"

"Junior knows."

Shi Feng walked along the courtyard wall to the left, reaching out to feel on the wall as he walked. He believed that Dong Damu and others must have stolen the horse one step ahead of him. If Dong Damu wanted to get in, he also needed to break the restriction.

Sure enough, after walking about a hundred steps to the left, there was an obvious abnormality in the restriction on a wall.

Shi Feng stretched out his palm and struck hard. The mud on the wall rustled away, revealing a round hole about a foot in diameter.

"Shi Laosan, you are so big, can you get through this hole?" Long Er asked.

Qin Bing smiled and said, "Do you want my help?"

"No need." Shi Feng sensed it with his spiritual consciousness. It was quiet inside the wall, and there was no ambush.

Shi Feng stretched out his hand and threw the black turtle bone into the hole, then recited a spell and escaped into the black turtle bone. When he came out of the black turtle bone again, he had already entered the inner courtyard.

"This is quite simple. Does it mean that the one-eyed thief named Dong also has a space magic weapon? Otherwise, how could that guy get in if he is bigger than you?" Long Er asked.

Shi Feng didn't bother to care how Dong Damu came in. Maybe he knew the secret skills of shrinking bones.

He took out the jade slip map given by Hong Tianming and looked at it again. The stables were in the east courtyard.

Immediately, Shi Feng held his breath and tiptoed eastward. As soon as I walked to the east cross courtyard, I heard a lot of people inside, and the white moonstone was swinging back and forth.

Shi Feng hurriedly stopped and escaped into the underground stone slabs. Bai Hu listened attentively for a while and said, "There are more than two hundred people in the yard, all soldiers of the Xue family. Xue Xinggong is talking, assigning snow spirit horses to prepare to break out from the north city gate."

Long Er laughed and said, "There are more than two hundred people and the lights are bright, so how can we steal horses?"

Shi Feng thought for a moment, then walked around the East Crossing Courtyard and continued walking back. Since there is no opportunity here, of course you have to look elsewhere.

The stone pavement in the City Lord's Mansion was only one foot thick. Shi Feng was hiding inside and could only crawl, unable to straighten up. It was very uncomfortable.

After finally crossing the east courtyard, Shi Feng emerged from the stone.

"Go left!" White Fox said suddenly.

Shi Feng took long strides and ran to the left. This is a large courtyard, with winding corridors and rockeries, and window lattice carvings depicting phoenixes, which is very elegant.

"This seems to be the residence of the female family members!" Long Er said.

Shi Feng didn't care about the male and female relatives, because he could see at a glance that there were four snow spirit horses tied in the courtyard courtyard.

He was overjoyed, ran over, chanted a spell in his mouth, and put two of them into the spirit beast bag.

Once you get the BMW, you will naturally run away.

He tiptoed and crossed the courtyard gate with a "whoosh". However, by chance, someone rushed in from outside. She was wearing a blue dress and her hair was shawl. It was Xue Minghui, the fourth daughter of the Xue family.

The two almost bumped into each other, both of them were startled and stepped back at the same time.

Xue Minghui looked up and said in surprise, "You..."

Shi Feng was caught and couldn't deny it, so he hurriedly said, "Miss Xue, I'm sorry, but I'm willing to pay a high price for these two snow spirit horses."

"Horse thief! Go to hell!" Xue Minghui screamed, raised her slender hand, let go of the flying knife, and slashed towards Shi Feng's throat with the bright white light.

"Wow! This woman is so cruel!" Long Er shouted.

Shi Feng stepped back. This step seemed simple, but in fact, he used the Hidden Shadow Technique, which was slightly faster than a flying knife.

Then he stretched out his finger and flicked the knife, hitting the back of the knife. "Ding", the flying knife missed and hit the wooden pillar of the corridor diagonally.

Xue Minghui was very surprised when she saw that the other party had easily defeated her sneak attack. Without stopping, she fired five flying knives together.

Since the other party didn't listen to the explanation, Shi Feng didn't want to get entangled with him. He made a circle with his left hand, and the Feiyu Sword flew out of his sleeve.

Following his gesture, the sword drew an arc, the sound of "ding-dong" continued, and all five flying knives were deflected.

Immediately, Shi Feng teleported and jumped onto the roof.

Xue Minghui was furious and flew to the roof. Just as he was about to attack again, he suddenly heard someone shouting in the yard, "Minghui, don't do it!"

While he was talking, a door opened and a middle-aged woman walked out.

Her clothes are quite simple, but she is very neatly dressed. She has an oval face and a high nose. It can be seen that she was very beautiful when she was young.

"Fellow Taoist, please come down and talk."

"Mother, this man stole our horse!"

"I know, I told you not to do anything, why don't you come down quickly!" The middle-aged beautiful woman's tone became a little more serious.

Xue Minghui reluctantly put away the flying knife and jumped down.

If they were trying to be aggressive, Shi Feng would naturally walk away, but if they treated each other with courtesy, Shi Feng couldn't just run away, so he jumped down, cupped his fists and said, "I've seen Mrs. Xue, these two horses. ..”

Before he could finish speaking, the beautiful middle-aged woman waved her hand and said, "I have decided to give those two snow horses to you. I don't know what you call them?"

"My surname is Qin, and I am a monk from the Calabash Sect."

"Oh, it turns out he is a disciple of a super sect, no wonder he is so skilled."

"Madam, you're welcome. Those two snow horses are willing to pay..."

Mrs. Xue interrupted Shi Feng again, "I said I would give it to you, I am not being polite to you. You have also seen that Minghui and I are just mother and daughter. In fact, two horses are enough, but her eldest brother I am worried about an accident on the road, so I have to prepare four horses..."

In the tortoise bones, Long Er smiled and said, "Xue Xinggong is still foresighted. Isn't there an accident? Two horses were stolen by a thief. If we hadn't prepared four horses in advance, you two would have no horses to ride."

Mrs. Xue continued, "... I can not only give Fellow Daoist Qin two horses, but also give you a pass token so that you can have a smooth journey. Otherwise, you will have to wander around in the city lord's mansion for a long time."

"Then, I wonder what Madam has to say?" Shi Feng looked at the other party.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is really a smart man. I like dealing with smart people. To be honest, Baima City can no longer be defended. We must break out and retreat. Fellow Daoist Qin, are you going to Binglan Valley?"


"That's a coincidence. We also have to retreat to Binglan Valley. To go to Binglan Valley, we must cross the frozen tundra. The three brothers Xinggong have to lead the disciples in the city to act together. They have too many things to do and can't spare the time, so they sent Minghui to escort me.

Since Fellow Daoist Qin is also going to Binglan Valley, why don't you and I go together?"

Long Er laughed, "So this lady wants to capture you, Shi Lao San, as a guard!"

Shi Feng didn't answer in a hurry, but asked back, "The frozen tundra is the lair of the monster clan. It's very dangerous to go there and it takes a long time. If you want to avoid monsters, why don't you go south?"

Mrs. Xue shook her head, "Going south is also a vast snowfield with nowhere to hide. To be honest, Baima City is destroyed. , our Xue family can only return to Binglan Valley..."

"Could it be..."

"You guessed right, our Xue family is from Yinghu City, including me, Xinggong's father, Si Degong, who passed away, are all disciples of Yinghu City.

The ancestors of the Xue family were good at training horses, and Baima City was the nest of snow spirit horses in the early years. The Xue family settled here and built a city, which has been more than 2,000 years. Now that the monsters are incompatible, we have no choice but to return to Yinghu City.

Fellow Daoist Qin, you can send me to the vicinity of Binglan Valley, and then the sisters from the sect will come to pick me up. "

Shi Feng bowed and said, "So Madam is a senior disciple of Yinghu City, I'm sorry, Madam, since you have unique skills, why do you need my help?"

Mrs. Xue sighed, "Fellow Daoist Qin has such great magical powers, you should be able to see that although I have the realm of Jindan, I was seriously injured that year, and my magical powers have been completely destroyed. Now in terms of skills, I'm afraid I can't even beat a Qi Refining disciple. "

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