Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1054: Using this stone as the boundary

Mrs. Xue and others followed Shi Feng's fingers and saw a rock standing in the middle of the hillside, half covered by snow, with a dark stone wall exposed.

"I saw it. The stone looks like a ghost, so it's called Xiaogui Xunshan." Mrs. Xue looked puzzled, "Why, did Fellow Daoist Qin think of any clever plan when he saw this stone?"

Shi Feng shook his head, "There is no clever plan, I just used this stone as a boundary. If the monsters chase us and rush down the slope, they will definitely pass by this stone on the way."

I'm going to intercept the demon wolf now. If I don't stop it, once the demon wolf rushes through this black stone, you two will take Mrs. Xue and escape north! "

After Shi Feng finished speaking, he turned his horse's head and ran towards the ridge.

"What do you mean?" Xue Minghui shouted, "Do you want to go there alone and lure the demon wolf away? It's useless. They are under the command of the demon wolf in disguise, so they won't be fooled. Hey, hey, don't go and die!"

She kept shouting, but Shi Feng ignored her and urged his horse to continue charging upward.

When the transformed demon wolf saw that someone actually came to his door, he was so happy that he drooled, "Children, eat this big guy first to cushion your stomach."

The wolves whined in response, shaking their heads and tails in excitement.

The closer it ran, the more frightened the snow spirit horse became, and its speed slowed down.

Shi Feng leaned down and dismounted, stretched out his hand to put the snow spirit horse into the spirit beast bag, then used the light body technique and continued to run upward.

Not long after, he had crossed the big black rock called "Little Ghost Patrol Mountain" and was only a hundred feet away from the pack of wolves.

Shi Feng finally ran out of breath and his feet had to fall to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the snow, he immediately sank more than half a foot into the ground.

However, Shi Feng was not surprised or frightened, but instead showed a look of joy.

The snow on the hillside was much shallower than he expected. The reason was probably that the hillside was much higher than the plain and was at the mouth of the north wind, so the snow was blown up by the hurricane and fell into the valley.

Seeing Shi Feng coming in front of him, he transformed into a demon wolf and laughed strangely, "Two-legged sheep, originally I, Wu Bi, like to eat prey alive the most. I want you to come to your door honestly, and I will bite your neck off in one bite first, and let you Die a happy death."

Shi Feng had no intention of talking to him and took out a stack of talismans from his pocket.

Wu Bi, the transformed wolf demon, was startled. He had already developed his spiritual wisdom and knew that the human race was weak physically and had no innate magical powers. However, they were extremely intelligent and were best at using foreign objects, especially talismans and seals. A small Small talismans often have earth-shattering power.

"Careful, spread out!"

Wu Bi saw that there were twenty or thirty talismans in Shi Feng's hand. If they were sacrificed together, he might be able to dodge, but the rest of his men would suffer.

As he roared, the fifty or so giant wolves immediately ran away.

Shi Feng pointed his finger, and the first talisman floated gently. As the spiritual energy spurted out from Shi Feng's mouth, the talisman immediately turned into a strong wind and rolled up.

"Wind Talisman?"

Wu Bi is worthy of being an old demon who has been incarnate for many years, and is well-informed.

The strong wind whipped up the snow and spewed upwards with an astonishing momentum. However, the snow was up to two feet deep, and the higher it went up, the greater the resistance.

When the strong wind was still thirty feet away from the pack of wolves, it was exhausted and stopped.

Shi Feng seemed unconvinced and continued to send out wind talismans one by one. However, without exception, these strong winds only blew halfway before their power was exhausted. Not to mention killing the demon wolf, not even a single wolf hair was touched.

The wolves were a little scared at first, but when they saw that Fu Zhuan was not threatening, they gathered around again.

At this time, Shi Feng had already issued more than a dozen violent wind talismans, and Wu Bi thought to himself, "This guy must be a fool! No, how could a fool have cultivated to the middle stage of the golden elixir? What on earth is he doing, delaying time?"

"Children, come together! Tear him apart!"

The old demon was very cunning, so he waved his stick lightly without taking any action himself, and five giant wolves on the left rushed down from the top of the ridge.

"Yeah! It's almost done!" Shi Feng put away the talisman, drew out Qiao Yue's heavy sword, and rushed forward to meet him.

After a dozen strong wind talismans blew, the snow within forty feet in front was swept away, revealing the dark rocks.

When Shi Feng stepped on the rock, he would naturally not step too deep or shallow.

The first one to rush down was a giant wolf that was bigger than a calf. Among the wolves, its cultivation level was second only to that of the transformed demon wolf, and it was already at the peak of the second level.

Seeing a black light piercing the sky, it twisted its body and got out of the way. At the same time, its right front paw revealed five pointed toes and scratched Shi Feng's throat.

However, Shi Feng suddenly turned into a phantom, and then, the bloody energy became strong, and the demon wolf behind was cut into two halves by Qiao Yue's sword.

When the giant wolf in front saw that the attack was in vain, it immediately turned around and bit Shi Feng's back with a bloody mouth.

However, its bite was still a ghost, and then the second wolf demon was cut in half...

It pounced four times in succession without success, and at this time it was the only one left on the field.

When Wu Bi on the hillside saw this, he frowned. He had already seen that except for himself, the other demon wolves were no match for this person. He immediately roared and jumped down from the mountain. Behind him, there were more than fifty demon wolves remaining. He also roared and rushed down.

When the transformed demon wolf arrived, the previous second-level demon wolf had fallen into a pool of blood, with its head in two parts.

Wu Bi was furious and smashed the iron rod down in the air. Shi Feng took two steps back, raised his right index finger slightly, and Qiao Yuejian came forward from bottom to top.

The black long sword and the black iron rod collided. Judging from the momentum, the iron rod naturally had the upper hand.

However, when the swords and sticks collided, there was a soft "crack" sound, but the black stick broke into two pieces.

Wu Bi had no idea that this three-foot-long black sword looked inconspicuous, but in fact it weighed eight hundred kilograms, was thick and sharp, and indestructible. It was Shi Feng's most handy magic weapon.

"Ah!" Wu Bi was in great pain, "Damn human race!"

He jumped up, and his burly body pressed down like a boulder, and his hands were like hooks, grabbing Shi Feng's head.

This angry move actually lifted the opponent's top cover.

Shi Feng's feet sank and suddenly disappeared.

Wu Bi's attack missed, "Huh? What's going on?" After all, he had already transformed, and his spiritual sense was not weak. He soon discovered that this human race had actually drilled into the rock.

"Get out!" Wu Bi punched the rock heavily, and the rock did not move at all, but the magic power penetrated the rock and hit Shi Feng.

"Good kung fu!" Shi Feng secretly praised in his heart, but he ignored Wu Bi and quickly swam to the left in the rock.

At this time, the more than fifty demon wolves were almost there. Shi Feng suddenly emerged from the stone, and the Feiyu Sword and Yuenu Sword flew out from his left and right sleeves, piercing the lower abdomen of two demon wolves.

Those demon wolves were not smart, and when they saw that their prey had jumped into their encirclement, they all rushed over.

Shi Feng moved under his feet, and the two swords in his hands guarded "using the gap to enter the thick", and each sword faced the direction where the demon wolf rushed, or the throat, or the eyes, the lower abdomen, or the front legs.

After one sword, there was a bloody mark. When the sixth wolf was killed, Wu Bi roared and rushed over, and Shi Feng jumped and sank into the rock again.

The next moment, he emerged from the other side again, and immediately two more demon wolves fell in a pool of blood.

And when Wu Bi hit him with a stick, Shi Feng immediately escaped into the rock, making Wu Bi scream wildly.

Only then did he understand that the reason why Shi Feng activated the wind talisman before was just to blow away the snow and expose the rock, so that he could perform the stone escape technique.

However, Shi Feng did not underestimate the enemy. He also found something strange. "Hey, didn't I cut off the iron rod of this demon wolf? How come it is complete again?"

In the black tortoise bone, the white fox replied, "This iron rod is not a magic weapon, but the tail of the blue wolf.

When the tundra blue wolf tribe transforms, their tail will fall off. They use the fire of the elixir to forge it into various weapons. Because it is their original body, they can be fused and connected at will if they are broken."

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