Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1057 Crossing the Forest and River

Mrs. Xue waved her whip and pointed south, "I just contacted Xing Gong Yufu. Their large army has already left Baima City and passed through Spirit Snake Valley..."

Spirit Snake Valley? Shi Feng had a map given by Hong Tianming. Spirit Snake Valley was northwest of Baima City, and Baifengling was due north.

To go from Baima City to Binglan Valley, it is more than a hundred miles further to go to Lingsnake Valley than to go to Baifengling.

However, Shi Feng quickly understood.

The monsters are in hot pursuit. If they walk through the plains and snowy fields, once they are surrounded, their entire army will be annihilated very quickly.

However, the terrain of Spirit Snake Valley is narrow, and the cliffs on both sides are like axes, so the monsters can only chase after them. The Xue family only needs to form a formation and send their elite troops to cut off the rear.

Mrs. Xue continued, "...now the main force of the demon beasts are attracted by Xing Gong and the others, so there is nothing to fear. But the demon birds are different. They are swimming in the sky with fast speed and sharp eyesight. We might as well hide in the dense forest. This way Bai Xiao won’t be able to find it.”

Shi Feng praised, "Madam, I admire your thoughtfulness. Let's go to the woods."

Everyone secretly held the magic weapon and slowly walked into the dense forest.

The trees were dense and pitch-black, and one could barely see three or four feet around him. No matter how far away he was, nothing could be clearly seen.

Suddenly, a ray of light illuminated the surroundings, and it turned out that Mrs. Xue had lifted the moonstone.

Ning Zhe was worried, "Madam, if you take out the moonstone, will you attract enemies?"

Mrs. Xue smiled slightly and said, "Young man, don't worry. Look at the big tree above your head. It's like a canopy. Coupled with the thick snow, it's like it's wrapped in a thick curtain, and no light can shine through."

Ning Zhe stopped talking and everyone walked on in silence. After walking for a quarter of an hour, Mrs. Xue tightened the reins and said, "Okay! Everyone, stop and take a rest."

Ning Zhe looked around and saw nothing but big trees and snow. "Madam, how should we rest? Climb a tree or sit directly in the snow?"

Mrs. Xue pointed with her hand, "Have you seen that big tree? It only has branches and no leaves. It must be dead in the middle."

Shi Feng took a closer look, and sure enough, the tree was as thick as seven or eight people hugging each other. A large hole was exposed in the middle of the trunk. There was no snow inside and it was very dry.

The four of them put away their snow spirit horses and walked in. Although it was a bit crowded, they could barely sit down.

"Everyone, take the time to rest."

Among the four people, the other three have magical powers and are not afraid of the cold. Mrs. Xue, on the other hand, looks quite tired after walking for a day.

Xue Minghui took out the kettle and handed it to her mother. Mrs. Xue waved her hand, "No need, I drank water several times on the way and I'm not thirsty."

As she said that, she took out a porcelain bottle from her bag and poured out four pills. "You can take one pill each of these black grass pills and divide them up."

Shi Feng took one pill and saw it under the moonstone. It was the size of a soybean and was black in color. "Mrs. Xue, what kind of magic pill is this? It smells fragrant."

Mrs. Xue smiled and said, "Be careful, fellow Taoist Qin, you must not swallow it. This is for horses, not for humans."

Shi Feng was a little embarrassed, "Is it for Xue Lingma?"

"Well, that's right." Mrs. Xue said proudly, "Our Xue family is mediocre in other abilities, but we have unique experience in domesticating snow spirit horses. If you feed the horses with black grass pills, these horses will quickly regain their energy.

You should also rest quickly during this period. We will set off in an hour. "

"What? Set off in an hour?" Xue Minghui pouted, "Mother, there is no problem for the three of us, but how can your body hold up?"

Mrs. Xue rolled her eyes at her, "Silly boy, although I don't have the power to tie a chicken, I am a golden elixir monk after all. I won't be as sleepy as a mortal, and I won't die of exhaustion while riding a horse. Stop nagging, you too Take the time to rest.”

An hour later, the four of them walked out of the tree hole and mounted the Snow Spirit Horse again.

Sure enough, the horse fell asleep for an hour after taking the black grass pill. When he woke up, he was full of energy and not tired at all.

"Madam's elixir is indeed miraculous. At this rate, it won't be long before we can catch up with the first team." Shi Feng praised loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, do you have a talisman to contact Dr. Ye from Calabash Sect?"

"Yes. They have just climbed over a bare stone mountain, which is twenty miles across and three hundred feet high."

"Oh! That's Pulao Mountain. Hehe, they are still unfamiliar with the road. In fact, there is a small road that can bypass Pulao Mountain. Let's go."

Mrs. Xue flicked the reins, and the horse galloped through the forest, with Shi Feng following closely behind.

As expected, she knew the entire frozen tundra very well. The snow spirit horse traveled through the dense forest without worrying about getting lost, and covered more than fifty miles in one night.

At dawn, everyone came out of the dense forest, and a river appeared in the valley in front of them. It was the middle of winter, and the river was covered with thick ice.

"Mother, are you planning to walk along the Jinlan River?"

"That's right, you can walk along the river and pass through two mountains. This way you don't have to go over Pulao Mountain and save at least thirty miles."

Xue Minghui objected loudly, "But, mother, there are many water monsters in the Jinlan River, especially ice-armored giant crocodiles, who hide under the ice to attack. It's too dangerous for us to keep walking on the river!"

Mrs. Xue smiled slightly, "Everyone in the world knows the terror of giant ice-armored crocodiles, so they don't dare to walk on this river. But don't worry, everyone, follow me and you will definitely not encounter those monster crocodiles."

With that said, she took the lead and stepped onto the ice.

Not only does the Snow Spirit Horse move quickly on the snow, but it also walks on flat ground on the ice, with its hooves not slipping at all.

Mrs. Xue turned east and west, riding her horse on the river, but no water monster was disturbed.

At noon, she passed through the road between two mountains, leaving Pulao Mountain behind.

Shi Feng raised his thumb and said, "Madam, you really know this frozen tundra. If we walk for one day, we can serve as the vanguard for three days. It seems that we can catch up with the vanguard tomorrow."

"How far are we from Doctor Night?"

Shi Feng took out the jade slip map and looked at it, "It's almost forty miles away. But I heard from Miss Sun that the vanguard has also separated."

"Oh, is it so?"

Mrs. Xue was not surprised. The vanguard came from different chambers of commerce and had no friendship at all. When they first entered the frozen tundra, they were afraid of the beast tide, but they were still able to form an alliance and support each other.

But after walking for two days, I didn't encounter a single monster. They immediately thought that the orc army was besieging Baima City and there was no way they could take action.

As a result, the alliance of the vanguard troops broke up and began to go their separate ways, gradually distancing themselves from each other.

After all, Binglan Valley is only opened once every five years, so those who arrive first will definitely gain more.

"How is the situation on City Lord Xue's side?" Shi Feng asked.

Mrs. Xue sighed, "The situation is not good. The three brothers Xing Gong personally led the dead soldiers to cut off the rear and blocked the pursuit of the demon clan. The others finally got out of the Spirit Snake Valley.

However, Xing Gong and the others suffered heavy losses, and more than a hundred disciples died in the battle.

What's worse is that once they leave Spirit Snake Valley, they have no chance of defending. "

Xue Minghui said anxiously, "What should we do? Once the monsters catch up, won't my brother and the others be surrounded?"

Mrs. Xue suddenly changed the topic, "Minghui, have you noticed that there are no Glacial Water Demons involved in the siege of Baima City?"

Xue Minghui nodded, "Well, the Glacier Water Monster has always been a solitary person. Not only does it have no friendship with the Tundra Monster Clan, but it often conflicts with them."

Mrs. Xue said, "So I sent a message of respect to them and asked them to take the Jinlan River. This will not only shorten the distance, but also take advantage of the monsters' fear of the glacier and prevent them from forming a siege..."

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