Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1069: Thirteen Claws of the Wind

The Blue Wolf King's body is as iron-like as steel. If ordinary weapons and magic weapons come into contact, not only will they not be able to pierce, but they will be cut off by his sharp claws.

However, the Red Sky Sword is not only sharp, but even more powerful is the dense fire lotus attached to it.

"Crack", a red light suddenly appeared, and Wu Rong's right front paws were all cut off.

Shi Feng's sword energy was like the wind. He struck out with one move, followed up with another move, and Qiao Yue's sword immediately pierced Wu Rong's lower abdomen.

Wu Rong let out an earth-shattering scream, his eyes turned red, and with all his strength, he cut Shi Feng's throat with his left claw. Even if he died, he would drag this human race into his back.

However, this kind of panic attack before death could not hurt Shi Feng.

The carved feather sword flew out of Shi Feng's sleeve, and Wu Rong's left claw was cut off again. Then, the Red Sky Sword fell and inserted into Wu Rong's throat.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Rong was hit by three swords and his whole body was covered in blood.

There was a growl in his throat, but he couldn't spit out a word.

"Boom!" The Green Wolf King's huge body fell on the snow, twitching continuously.

At this time, Bai Yiye had already flown in. He didn't care about Wu Rong at all, but took the opportunity to rush towards the tree hole to kidnap Mrs. Xue.

Qin Bing never left the tree. She endured the pain in her arm and stopped Bai Yi with her sword.

The two of them had only exchanged five moves, and the panicked Wu Rong had already been killed by Shi Feng with thunderous means.

Shi Feng turned around, his clothes were splattered with wolf blood, his eyes were cold, staring at Bai Yi as if he were looking at a dead person.

Baiyi felt his scalp was numb and his fighting spirit was gone. His wings flicked and "bang", the branches broke, and Baiyi had penetrated the crown of the tree and fled away.

Shi Feng looked up and saw that the demon bird was extremely fast, and with the fierce hurricane in the sky, it was impossible to chase it.

"Forget it!" He put the dead Green Wolf King into the black turtle bones, "Master Long, I'll reward you."

Long Er laughed and said, "Such a big green wolf can feed me for two or three days. It's very good, very good!"

"Bing'er, are you okay?" Shi Feng walked back to the tree hole.

"Fortunately, it's just a skin injury." Qin Bing put away the Star Sword.

Shi Feng was worried, "Are there any poisons on the wolf's claws?"

"Probably not." Qin Bing rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms as white and tender as lotus roots.

Long Er tore off a wolf leg, chewed it while it was fresh, and said vaguely, "You brat doesn't care about whether it's poisonous or not, he clearly wants to see someone's arm. Fortunately, the injury was on the arm, if it was on the thigh. ..”

"Master Long, can you please stop saying a few words?" In Xuan Turtle's bones, another distracted Shi Feng scolded with a dark face.

"Okay! But why say two less sentences, not one less sentence, or three less sentences..."

Shi Feng took out the Seven-striped Insect King. The Insect King landed on Qin Bing's wound, smelled the blood, and immediately flew back.

The Seven-Striped Insect King will not eat anything without poison, and its ability to identify poisons is also first-rate.

"I just said it's okay." Qin Bing said, silently practicing mystical skills, and saw the three scars healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, his arm was as white as jade, without even a scar left.

"Wonderful!" Shi Feng repeatedly praised, "Bing'er, your Yi Shui Han Jue is really wonderful!"

He cleaned the battlefield, changed out of his bloody clothes, and then took out the Snow Spirit Horse.

"Let's leave quickly, be careful of the white owl causing a violent rush. However, Bing'er, there are only two snow spirit horses left, and I have to make you stay in the black turtle bones."

"No!" Qin Bing said, "I'll ride a horse."

"You ride a horse, what will Mrs. Xue do?"

Although Mrs. Xue was unconscious, Shi Feng was wary by nature and did not want to put it into the black turtle bone. What if she woke up? Wouldn't that expose this space magic weapon on his body?

"Let me hold her. I saw that you fixed her on the horse before. Although she won't fall off, it was bumpy along the way and it was very hard for her."

Shi Feng was a little doubtful, "Is it okay for two people to ride the same horse together?"

Qin Bing jumped on the horse's back, stretched out her hand, and Mrs. Xue flew up from the tree hole and landed on her arms. The horse was steady and its hoofs did not fall.

Qin Bing chuckled, "How's it going? Are you okay? Do you think everyone is like you, as stubborn as a bull?"

Long Er wondered, "How does she know that the little stone is so heavy..."

"Hula!" There was darkness in front of Long Er. It turned out that Shi Feng couldn't bear it anymore and finally turned off the agile magic circle of Xuan Turtle Bone, isolating the inside and outside.

"Of course it's not hard for her when you hold him like this, but it is hard for you."

"It's okay, let's go."

The two riders were walking through the dense forest. Shi Feng took out his magical weapon and determined the direction. His other distraction was in Black Turtle Bones, looking through Wu Rong's storage bag.

Long Er was not angry even after being scolded, and continued to eat wolf meat leisurely.

"You keep the Wolf King's leather armor, sharp claws, and demon core. They are all good materials for refining weapons." Shi Feng ordered.

"Don't worry, I don't care about those fur claws."

Shi Feng had already dismantled the bag mouth restraint, turned over the storage bag, and poured out the contents. There was a clanging sound, and there were thirty or forty items on the ground.

The demon clan relies on physical talent to travel around the world and basically does not use magical weapons. The demon king of Wu Rong only has this little wealth.

There are dozens of high-level water spirit stones in the items, which are of high quality. Shi Feng kept two pieces and gave the rest to Qin Bing.

The iron rod that was broken into two pieces was also among them. It was transformed from the wolf's tail and was a good material for refining.

There were also two bottles of elixirs that Shi Feng didn't understand, so he gave them to Bai Hu for identification.

In addition, there is a jade slip and two letter charms.

This jade slip recorded a magical claw technique known as "Thirteen Grapples of Gale Wind". Shi Feng read it from beginning to end and was speechless for a moment.

"Is there anything good in this jade slip? Is it an erotic picture? You kid is so mesmerized by it!" Long Er ate a small portion of the wolf corpse, feeling full in his belly, so he came over.

Shi Feng handed him the jade slip casually. Long Er looked at it and said, "Thirteen Claws of the Wind? What do you think these things are for? They have wolf claws, do you have them?"

"Mr. Long, please look carefully and see clearly that the Thirteen Claws of the Wind are not a talent of the Blue Wolf Clan.

If it is a gifted magical power, the Wolf King will be born with it, and there is no need to record it in the jade slip.

This is a secret book that the Wolf King got from somewhere. In addition to recording the thirteen claw moves, it also specifically talks about how to use spiritual energy to stimulate the sharp claws to make them sharper and harder!

Wu Rong relied on this grasping method to break Bing'er's ice armor. To be fair, this magical power is really good! "

Long Eryi spread his hands, "So what? Do you have claws? Do you use your nails?"

"I don't have claws, but don't you and Xiao Hei have them?"

Long Er curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Sir, I am practicing the Hun Tian Demon Fire Art. Do I need to sharpen my claws? As for that stupid bird, it is half dead and it is still practicing!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Bai Hu on the side said, "Xiao Hei's breath has gradually stabilized, his injury has improved a lot, and he is just sleeping now."

Shi Feng was overjoyed, "That's great. I remember that Xiao Hei swallowed the thunder stone last time and fell asleep for a long time. After waking up, his skill improved greatly. If Xiao Hei escapes this disaster this time, his cultivation level should be improved to the next level. steps.”

Shi Feng and Bai Hu were both very happy, but Long Er was the only one who was not angry, "This stupid bird was struck by lightning hundreds of times, and not only did it not die, but it actually improved greatly in skill. Old fox, are you talking nonsense? By the way, You are an old fox, so of course you are talking nonsense.”

"Old Yinlong, don't make any noise!" White Fox shouted, "I check Xiao Hei's injuries every day. Although those lightnings burned him seriously at the time, they were all sucked into his feathers and gradually sank into his skin."

Shi Feng asked in surprise, "What's going on? Xiao Hei can absorb lightning? Isn't he a wind sculpture?"

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