Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1075 Ghost Town

Shanping Mountain is not high, so everyone climbed up quickly. As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, the Horned Demon Dragon immediately said "Wow".

Looking down from a high position, a huge hole opened in the ice field, stretching from east to west and reaching the end as far as the eye can see.

"Is this Binglan Valley?"

"That's right. Binglan Valley, one of the seven forbidden areas in Qinzhong," Bai Hu looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly sighed, "I haven't been here for a long time."

The Horned Demon Dragon asked again, "How deep is this rift?"

"I don't know!" Bai Hu shook his head, "The Binglan Valley is too big, and I didn't even explore it completely. I only went down to four hundred feet."

"Why don't you keep going?"

"The colder you go down, the colder it becomes. I haven't transformed yet, and I can go down to four hundred feet, and I still take advantage of the fact that I am a water spirit monster."

Long Er was very curious, "What is the origin of Binglan Valley and why does it emit such a severe cold air?"

Shi Feng said, "As for the formation of Binglan Valley, it is said that in ancient times, the human race's saint ancestors Huang Emperor and Yan Emperor joined forces to duel the demon king Chi You. Chi You made a big axe. This ax was adopted by Chi You from the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe in the past. The fragments were resmelted.

The three of them were all supreme beings in the human world, and they fought fiercely for seven days and seven nights. During these seven days, Chi You's big ax kept hitting the ice sheet, forcibly cutting out a large crack that was two hundred miles long.

In the end, Chi You was defeated and killed by the two saint ancestors, and the ax fell into the rift valley.

Tens of thousands of people later, the ax was re-acquired by the demons and named Chiyou Ax.

Chiyou's ax ranks third among the top ten artifacts in the human world. It can transform the surrounding spiritual energy into demonic energy, which is contained in the artifact..."

"Hey, hey, Shi Laosan, stop it, stop it." Long Er interrupted, "Why do you always get involved in refining weapons? You talk about it endlessly. I'm not interested in hearing any legends, so just tell me what's next. What’s the treasure?”

Shi Feng was not angry, "This is also my first time coming to Binglan Valley. I have to ask Master Hu to find out what treasures there are at the bottom of the valley."

White Fox said, "The terrain of Binglan Valley is complex, comparable to a maze, and the most famous treasure inside is of course the cold jade.

Cold jade is a kind of jade that is infected by the air of ice. The longer it lasts, the better the effect will be. In addition, there are many exotic flowers and plants in Binglan Valley that are not found in the outside world. "

"There are still flowers and plants in such a cold place?"

"Of course, it has special effects just because of its weirdness. Whenever Binglan Valley is opened, many people will flock to it, among which the monks from the weapon refining and alchemy sects are the most numerous."

Everyone was worried that a tide of beasts would be chasing them, so after crossing Shanping Mountain, they continued on their way.

After walking for ten miles, we gradually approached the rift valley.

To the north of the rift valley, a large mountain was exposed in the wind and snow, towering into the clouds, and a city was vaguely exposed at the foot of the mountain.

The monks looked back and saw that the orc army did not continue to pursue them, and they couldn't help but feel determined, "We finally arrived at Binglan Valley."

"This trip has been a fucking toss-up."

"Brother Chu, stop complaining. I will collect cold jade later, which will be enough to make up for it."

"Haha, Brother Huang, thank you for your kind words. Why don't we two act together?"

"That's what I meant, let's go."

Everyone put the snow spirit horse into the spirit beast bag. Because the mountains in front of them blocked the strong wind from the north, and they passed the frozen tundra, the monks could fly with weapons.

Everyone was chased by monsters and beasts, but they all suffered because they couldn't fly. After a few days of frustration, they were finally free this time.

Seeing everyone flying away in twos and threes, Fourth Miss Ning asked, "Brother Shi, what are your plans?"

Shi Feng heard that Miss Ning Si intended to act with him, but the purpose of his trip was the Ten Thousand Years Cold Marrow Grass, so he politely said, "I want to try my luck with Doctor Ye first."

Miss Ning Si did not force it, "Okay, let's just say goodbye and contact you anytime if you need anything."


After Fourth Miss Ning took Master Ruiyuan and others away, Yun'er came close to Qin Bing and whispered, "Sister Ning, um, that, this, please pay close attention to Brother Shi..."

Qin Bing couldn't help but laugh, "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, Shi Feng is not that kind of person."

"Of course I know that Brother Shi is devoted to you, but Miss Ning Si has always been decisive in killing. If she really gets interested, you won't be able to win with the strength of the Ning family. Let me teach you a move..."

"Stop mumbling and let's go." Ye Wuji shouted.

The five people, each holding a magic weapon, flew into the air.

Shi Feng and Qin Bing were riding flying swords, Ye Wuji was riding a white flying boat, the little gourd man, as the name suggests, was riding on a purple gourd, and Yun'er's flying magic weapon was the most beautiful. A red lotus flower in full bloom, swaying in the wind.

Shi Feng clicked his tongue and praised, "Yun'er, what you are stepping on is a good treasure!"

Yun'er rolled her eyes and said, "Blacksmith, your eyes light up when you see the magic weapon. Do you want to steal my treasure? This is a gift from my great-grandfather personally. Don't make any mistakes."

In the bones of the black turtle, Long Er chuckled, "That's wrong. Little Shitou's eyes only light up when he sees a beautiful woman. Besides, the treasure he wants to steal is a human being! As long as you follow him, whatever treasure you have is not his." !”

Shi Feng smiled and said, "Look at how stingy you are! I'm just saying that this magic weapon is perfect for you. You are beautiful. Standing among the lotus flowers, you look like the dragon girl under Guanyin Bodhisattva. You are a beautiful person. , what would it look like if I stepped on such a spiritual flower?"

Yun'er laughed heartily, "...It's like a big chimney erected among the flowers, haha!"

"Stop laughing, let's get going!" Ye Wuji took the lead in urging the flying boat, and everyone followed closely behind.

After flying three or four miles, Yun'er suddenly shouted, "Uncle Ye, are we going the wrong way?"

Ye Wuji stopped the flying boat, "What do you mean?"

"The city is obviously in the north direction, how can we fly west?" Yun'er stretched out his hand and pointed, shouting.

"Really? Then you can lead the way."

"Lead the way, lead the way." Yun'er urged Linglian to turn north. Ye Wuji didn't stop him, he just followed quietly.

The closer we get, the more majestic and majestic this city feels, like a sleeping giant!

The thick city wall winds up along the mountain, and the palace is solemn, exuding the vicissitudes of time.

In a quarter of an hour, everyone arrived at the south gate and saw three big characters, "Yinghu City".

The city gate was open and there was no guard. Five people lowered their cloud heads and filed in through the city gate.

After entering the city, the streets were lined with shops, but they were surprisingly quiet, with not a single person in sight and not a trace of smoke.

Yun'er walked into an inn with an oval roof, a square door frame, and two stone statues on the left and right of the door.

The stone statue is carved as a dragon, but it has a human face.

"What is this?" Yun'er asked, pointing to the stone sculpture.

Ye Wuji replied, "It's called Bingyi, and it's a kind of demon dragon that grows in the land of ice and snow. Han Hai, the elder of Yinghu City we met in Shanping Mountain before, is the Bingyi demon dragon."

Yun'er curiously entered the room and walked around. Inside, there were tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans, but after thousands of years of freezing, they had long been firmly stuck in place and could not be picked up.

Yun'er was very excited at first, but even after turning around several rooms, she remained like this. She couldn't help pouting, "What's going on? Is this a ghost town? There's no one there."

Ye Wuji nodded, "You are right. Back then, the overseas fairy mountains disappeared with the black turtles, and the island residents were forced to relocate, including the island's demon dragon Bingyi.

They came to Binglan Valley all the way. The climate here was cold and the water spirit was rich. It was very similar to Yinghu Island, so they stopped and built this city and named it Yinghu City.

Unfortunately, internal fighting broke out in Yinghu City, and half of the people left Binglan Valley and continued westward. This group of people established two other sects, both of which were very famous, namely Shuijing City and Tianshan Sword Sect. "

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