Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 1081 Boundless Ice Abyss

Those cloud foxes and ice pythons were still easy to deal with. They were afraid of the sharpness of the Star Sword and did not dare to get too close. However, the two ice and snow giant bears had rough skin and thick flesh. His life cannot be taken away, let alone Qin Bing who is in the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

Two ice and snow giant bears, one was already an adult, kept picking up boulders on the ground and threw them at them, the other was not yet an adult, swung a big tree and smashed it over his head and face.

Qin Bing could only rely on his dexterity to dodge.

At this moment, a person flew over from a distance and shouted, "Fairy Qin, don't panic, I'm here."

The visitor was dressed in a green robe, with twelve exquisite wooden knives circling around him. It was Ye Wuji who broke out of the siege and came to the rescue.

Seeing Ye Wuji arriving, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Wuji flew directly over the ground, and within three breaths, he stepped on the head of an ice python with his left foot, used the momentum to flip over, and jumped to Qin Bing's side.

"Fairy Qin, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, God Ye will heal you..."

Before Qin Bing finished speaking, he suddenly heard someone shouting in the distance, "Be careful, that's a lie!"

At this time, Shi Feng was flying over Dilonggou. From a high position, he could see Ye Wuji rushing toward him from the northwest.

The two Ye Wuji are exactly the same. To the naked eye, there is no difference!

Shi Feng's expression suddenly changed, he took a deep breath, used ten of his power to activate the flying sword, and crossed the ice air.

However, it's too late!

Qin Bing was trying his best to deal with the two giant bears and was completely unprepared for the "Ye Wuji" around him.

That "Ye Wuji" had a sinister smile on his face, and the two index fingers of his right hand suddenly pointed out, hitting the Mingmen point on Qin Bing's lower back.

Qin Bing felt her whole body's mana condense. She was about to take a wrong step to avoid the giant bear's stone. As a result, her body stiffened and "bang", the huge stone hit her.

Qin Bing vomited out a mouthful of blood, and his delicate body flew up and fell into the Dilong ditch.

That "Ye Wuji" laughed wildly and jumped down immediately.

When he jumped down, his true form appeared, it was the White Owl King of the frozen tundra.

"Bastard!" Zhen Ye Wuji didn't hesitate to use his true energy. He teleported three times in succession and rushed to the edge of the Dilong ditch. He shouted wildly and flew out three wooden knives.

However, he still slowed down a beat. The White Owl King spread his wings and swooped down. He grabbed the unconscious Qin Bing in the air and quickly sank down. The flying knife grazed his wings and hit him in the air.

"Bing'er!" Shi Feng's eyes were about to burst, and he threw himself down with all his strength, but he was two breaths slower than Ye Wuji, and even more unable to catch up.

When the four of them landed on the shore, the two ice and snow giant bears, as well as the cloud fox, ice python and other monster beasts swarmed towards them again.

Ye Wuji waved his flying knife to resist, "Fellow Daoist Shi, take good care of Yun'er and the others, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Feng didn't care about the monsters on the shore and jumped directly into Dilonggou.

Qin Bing was captured by the White Owl King and might be swallowed up the next moment. Shi Feng was so anxious that he could not be polite to Kong and Ye Wuji.

Dilonggou, although its name has the word "gou" in it, there is actually no water in it. It is a large crack in the ground of the Sea of ​​Bones, with a boundless ice abyss below.

Ice energy is constantly rising from the depths of the boundless ice abyss, and is concentrated in this narrow gap and erupts.

Shi Feng passed through the light blue ice energy. As he went down, the terrain became wider and wider, and the ice energy gradually became thinner.

Tens of feet away, King Bai Xiao was holding Qin Bing and sinking.

After the battle in the Tundra, Bai Yi was extremely afraid of Shi Feng, knowing that this person was only in the middle stage of the Golden Core, but he was no match for him.

I originally thought that since I was a demon bird with a water spirit body and the other party was a fire spirit body, as long as I entered the boundless ice abyss, the other party would definitely not dare to chase me.

Unexpectedly, Shi Feng was not affected at all. He stepped on the flying sword and chased him down at lightning speed.

He thought there was something weird about Shi Feng's flying sword, but it wasn't. The real reason was that Shi Feng had a chance to practice the "Xuan Mei Xin Jue" and refined the Yin Fire Beast.

The Yin Fire Beast is the essence of the cold flame, a water-attributed flame. Shi Feng stirred up the power of the cold flame and circulated throughout his body, suddenly feeling the coldness greatly reduced.

Both sides used their full strength to chase each other, and in a moment they had sunk more than a hundred feet.

As far as the eye can see, there are steep cliffs on both sides. The stone walls have been eroded by the cold air all year round, forming holes of various sizes.

Although the White Owl King is a water spirit demon bird, the farther down he goes, the heavier the ice energy becomes, and he can't bear it either.

Seeing that the enemy was getting closer and closer, King Bai Xiao turned his wings sideways and got into a grotto.

Shi Feng was afraid that King Bai Xiao would be free and swallow Qin Bing in one gulp. Therefore, without any hesitation, he flew his sword through the air and pursued him into the grotto.

These caves are interconnected with twists and turns and have no rules. They are actually natural mazes.

However, the stone cave passages are large and small. King Bai Xiao was too big to fly, so he turned into a human form and ran all the way carrying Qin Bing.

Shi Feng chased after him, and the distance between the two sides got closer and closer.

Suddenly, the white fox shouted, "Back away!"

Shi Feng didn't know what was going on, but he had absolute trust in the white fox. Without thinking, he stopped in a hurry, stepped back, and retreated behind a stone pillar.

"Chi", the strong wind flashed past, and the stone pillar had been cut off.

Shi Feng was startled, "Who is it?"

"Shi, long time no see!" A big man walked out of the left side of the cave, it was Snow Leopard King Kuangbiao.

Shi Feng ignored him and disappeared in a flash, running towards the right passage and continuing to chase Bai Yi.

"I want to leave!" Kuangbiao snorted and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, there was a "chichi" sound, and Shi Feng's figure was forced out. Although his "Light Splitting Hidden Shadow Technique" was magical, the Snow Leopard clan was born with quick movements and was famous in the demon world.

Kuang Biao licked his lips and grinned, "The young master asked me to say hello to you and told me to bring your head to him."

Shi Feng was anxious and used secret techniques repeatedly to try to get around Kuang Biao.

But Kuang Biao's realm was higher than that of the inner palace of the illusion, and he was now a half-step Yuanying.

In Shi Feng's anxiety, not only did he fail to shake off Kuang Biao, but he was almost cut by the opponent's ice blade claw. He hurriedly stepped aside and half of his sleeve was cut off.

"Little Shitou! Don't panic at this moment, otherwise, not only will you fail to save Miss Qin, but you will also lose your life!"

The white fox's tongue burst into spring thunder, and the sound buzzed in Shi Feng's mind.

Kuang Biao also showed surprise. Back then in the inner palace of the Wanling Illusion, Shi Feng was only in the early stage of Jindan. If it weren't for Yan Bozhou's protection, he would have killed the opponent long ago.

More than 50 years have passed. Although Shi Feng has advanced to the middle stage of the Golden Core, Kuang Biao has also made great progress in his skills. He originally wanted to capture the opponent in a few moves, but he was easily dodged by the opponent in a few consecutive moves.

"Boy, what kind of body movement is this?"

When the two met for the first time, Shi Feng had not yet obtained the secret book of "Light Splitting and Shadow Hiding Technique", so Kuang Biao did not recognize it.

Shi Feng certainly would not answer. He turned his wrist and showed the Chi Xiao Sword.

"Humph! Humble human race, so what if you have a magic weapon? I will chop off your head later, and your body will be just right for me to eat." Kuang Biao sneered.

In the black tortoise bone, the white fox continued, "... Little Stone, Kuang Biao's sneak attack here means that Bai Xiao captured Miss Qin, and it was the two demon kings who deliberately set up an ambush, and the target was you. Miss Qin is just a bait, and she will be fine for the time being."

Shi Feng was yelled at by the white fox and finally calmed down. He took a deep breath, and the Chi Xiao Sword swung, and a hot sword energy slashed over.

How could Kuang Biao, as a half-step demon ancestor, be afraid of a human Jindan?

Seeing the red sword light coming out from the opponent's sword tip and reaching his face in an instant. He waved his left hand to block the sword energy.

When the sword energy and the ice blade claw touched, Kuang Biao's wrist trembled slightly, and he was secretly surprised. The little thief had such strong magic power!

But on the surface, he was calm and said, "Is this all you can do? The next move I will cut your throat, you figure out how to defend yourself."

After that, Kuang Biao disappeared on the spot.

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