Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 12 Tai Chi Gate

Anyang City is medium-sized, with a population of thirty to twenty thousand. This place is famous for its timber production. There is a Cao River outside the city, and it is very busy with large flat-bottomed boats loaded with pine and fir trees.

In a remote alley in the south of Anyang City, it was almost noon, and a little beggar walked up the long stone road.

As he walked, he looked at the signboards on both sides, and finally stopped at the entrance of a "Modford Incense Candle" store.

The store was small, with a pine counter behind it. The fat shopkeeper was yawning out of boredom. Suddenly he saw a little beggar walking in. He immediately opened his eyes and shouted, "Hey, hey, get out, get out, they sell incense candles here." , not a hotel, go to the front if you want food.”

Shi Feng looked at the other party and said, "Are you the shopkeeper of Song Jin Fu Song?" The fat shopkeeper was stunned, "Who are you? Do you recognize me?" Shi Feng looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he took something out of his arms. Take out the nameplate and put it on the counter. This nameplate was originally the size of a palm, but was reduced to the size of a thumb by Taoist Danyang.

When the fat shopkeeper saw it, he was immediately startled. He walked to the door in a few steps, closed the door, hung up the "Closed" sign, and whispered, "Please come inside." Shi Feng secretly held the sharp knife in his right hand and followed Shopkeeper Song in. Enter the back room.

This room is where Shopkeeper Song eats and sleeps. It is kept clean. Shopkeeper Song took out a disk-shaped object from the box and placed it on the table. Shi Feng looked at it intently. The disk seemed to be made of wood as well. There were some inexplicable runes painted on it. Shopkeeper Song placed the nameplate on the Dharma plate. The Dharma plate suddenly buzzed, emitted a soft white light for a while, and then disappeared in a flash.

Shopkeeper Song hurriedly handed the nameplate back to Shi Feng, and his tone was a little fawning and polite, "I'm sorry, I have a stupid eye, I have offended many people just now, I don't know what your orders are?" Shi Feng said, "I want to go to Tai Chi Sect. Shopkeeper Song was a little confused, "This is the point where the sect is responsible for transmitting news. The envoy wants to go back to the mountain gate. Why do you want to find me?" Shi Feng said, "Don't worry about this. Just arrange for me to go back to the mountain gate." "

Shopkeeper Song's position was very low, and he didn't know much about Shi Feng, so he didn't dare to offend him, so he said, "Yes, I'll make arrangements right now. I wonder when the envoy will leave?" Shi Feng said, "Let's leave immediately, don't delay. Shopkeeper Song agreed and stood up to make arrangements. Shi Feng suddenly said, "Wait!" Shopkeeper Song said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, please give me your instructions." Shi Feng was a little embarrassed, "You have food here. If you want to eat, please leave." It’s okay.”

In the afternoon, a carriage drove out of the south gate of Anyang City. Two strong horses galloped very fast, bypassing the Cao River and heading to the Shigu Mountains in the west. After walking for more than an hour, they arrived at a small Taoist temple. The carriage stopped, and two people, one fat and one thin, got out. The fat man opened the gate, said a few words to the Taoist boy, and they entered the Taoist temple directly.

In a monastery in the backyard of the Taoist temple, a thin old Taoist held a nameplate in his hand and said in surprise, "This is the nameplate of Master Danyang, where did you get it?" Shi Feng said, "I need to see Taoist Master Dao Chong to discuss this matter. "The old Taoist looked at Shi Feng for a long time and said, "Little brother, you are helpless and you are not a member of my Taiji sect. Why do you want to see Master Dao Chong? If you have anything to do, can I pass it on to you?" Shi Feng just shook his head. The old Taoist asked him about the origin of his name, but Shi Feng didn't even answer. He just said that he wanted to meet Dao Chong.

The old Taoist thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. Little brother, you can stay in the temple for a night. I will report to the sect and then make a decision. Shopkeeper Song, you can go back first." Shopkeeper Song stood beside him. He cupped his fists and said yes, turned around and walked out. Shi Feng said hurriedly, "Shopkeeper Song, please don't spread this matter to anyone." Shopkeeper Song knew that the other party was not a respected envoy, so he shook his head, "You are a very careful kid. I don't know this rule."

The next day, the old Taoist led Shi Feng to a secret room. The secret room was one foot square and empty except for many runes carved on the ground and a groove in the middle. The old Taoist took out a spar, placed it in the groove, muttered a few more incantations, and shot out a spell in his hand. The magic circle on the ground suddenly buzzed, and the stream of light flew around, glowing with light several feet long. The old man walked to the middle of the magic circle and said, "Little brother, let's go."

Shi Feng hesitated for a moment, then stepped in. The old Taoist fired another spell, and the two figures blurred for a while and gradually disappeared.

Shi Feng felt dizzy for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, he and the old Taoist were already in a pavilion halfway up the mountain. At their feet was still a magic circle similar to the one before. There were two people standing outside the pavilion, a middle-aged man in his forties. The other one was only seventeen or eighteen years old. When they heard the sound of the magic circle, they both stood up. When the middle-aged man saw the old Taoist, he cupped his fists and said, "Senior Brother Yu!"

The old Taoist also returned the greeting and said, "It turns out that Junior Brother Lin is on duty today, and I have been ordered by the sect to take this child back to the mountain." The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Yes, the manager of the morning deacon hall has given instructions. "As he said that, he took out a token from his arms and muttered something.

Shi Feng saw that everyone was halfway up the mountain, facing a deep valley filled with smoke and clouds, making it difficult to see anything. After the middle-aged man finished reciting, the token was pointing at the white mist. The clouds rolled and a passage appeared.

The old Taoist pulled Shi Feng and said, "Let's go." Shi Feng felt his body light up and was pulled into the white mist by the old Taoist.

There was a flower in front of me, and I was already on solid ground. When I looked up, I was shocked from ear to ear. There was no fog in front of me. I was standing at the foot of a mountain, facing a series of peaks, faint towers and pavilions, and immortals from time to time. Flying across the sky.

It's autumn now, and the mountains are covered with flowers, the ancient pines are in the shade, and the fragrance of flowers, plants and trees is refreshing. Shi Feng secretly praised, it turns out this is the blessed land of immortals!

The old Taoist was secretly amused when he saw Shi Feng's stupid look.

Shi Feng saw a huge rock in front of him, shaped like a lying cow, with three large seal characters "Taiji Gate" engraved on it, and a few lines of small characters engraved below. Looking carefully, it was written "It is difficult to distinguish the five elements, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, it is difficult to rebuke the inside and outside, it is difficult to understand right and wrong, and it is difficult to abandon love and hate".

He did not understand what it meant, and did not dare to ask, so the two stood there in silence. After a cup of tea, a man came up the mountain road. He was a young man in his twenties with a handsome appearance. The old Taoist bowed and said, "Brother Zhou." Brother Zhou returned the greeting, "Thank you, brother. Leave the person to me." The old Taoist nodded and turned away.

Brother Zhou looked at Shi Feng and said, "Let's go!" He led Shi Feng all the way up the mountain road. He walked very fast, but his feet were extremely light. Shi Feng followed him all the way and was immediately out of breath. Brother Zhou neither turned back to scold him nor helped him. He just stopped and waited when Shi Feng could not keep up.

It took a whole meal's time to walk. Fortunately, Shi Feng had been used to climbing mountains and crossing ridges since he was a child, so he could barely keep up. The two of them had reached the open area at the top of the mountain. In front of them was a white jade archway, more than ten feet high, with the three words "Yinxianmen" written on it. Further ahead, there was a large area of ​​pavilions and houses, with carved railings and painted buildings, and extraordinary style.

Senior Brother Zhou led Shi Feng all the way into the courtyard on the east side. Many people along the way, all in white clothes and green belts, saluted Senior Brother Zhou one after another when they saw him. Senior Brother Zhou just nodded slightly and ignored them. Shi Feng thought to himself that it seemed that Senior Brother Zhou had a high status in Taijimen.

When they arrived at the inner courtyard, an old man with a black beard came out and bowed, saying, "It turns out that Senior Brother Zhou has come." He was older than the father of the young man surnamed Zhou, but he respectfully called him Senior Brother. Senior Brother Zhou said, "Brother Chen, don't be polite. You can arrange a guest house for this child to stay first."

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