Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 26 Demonic Rhino, Black Eagle (1/2)

Chapter 26 Demonic Rhinoceros and Black Eagle

The other demon wolf was stunned for a moment, but it was unwilling to give up the meat in its mouth. It bent its waist and pounced again. Shi Feng raised his left hand to block it. The demon wolf bit Shi Feng's arm, but it was like a gold-eating stone. Shi Feng stretched out his right hand and grabbed the demon wolf's throat. He strangled it hard, and the demon wolf roared and died.

Shi Feng had never been in actual combat before, and he did not expect that the power of the nameless body refining technique was so strong. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he will have to practice this nameless body refining technique diligently in the future.

Shi Feng picked up the iron dragon bow and scattered arrows in the woods, packed them up again, took out the compass, identified the direction, and then rushed to Wulong Valley.

After that, the road was very peaceful. After a meal, they had climbed over a ridge. There was a steep slope in front of them. Looking down the slope, the mountain wall surrounded a low valley, and the white fog was hazy. It was Wulong Valley.

Shi Feng looked up at the moon and estimated that it should be less than two o'clock. He took out two detoxification pills from his arms, held them under his tongue, gathered them, and walked into the valley step by step.

As soon as he entered the valley, he felt that the layers of white fog surrounded him, stuffy and wet, making him very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he had no magic power, so he didn't have to worry about the miasma corroding his magic power.

Shi Feng had previously studied the terrain of Wulong Valley in detail and knew that there was a very deep pond in the middle of the valley to the west. The iron-backed rhinoceros hid in the deep water during the day. Only when the miasma was the heaviest at three o'clock would these monsters come ashore to swallow the miasma.

Shi Feng took out the compass to determine the direction while calming down and listening to the sound of water. After a while, he was close to the pond in the valley. The miasma here was getting heavier, and the white air was floating around. The distance that the eyes could see was only three or four feet away.

Shi Feng was approaching the pond, but he stopped, looked around, found a big tree, climbed up slowly, and drew out another feather arrow, waiting for the iron-backed rhinoceros to come ashore.

Who knew that he had to wait for more than an hour, and Shi Feng's legs were a little sore. He took some pills from his arms to restore his physical strength and energy, drank two sips of water, shook himself up, and continued to lie on the tree.

At three o'clock in the morning, the white air in the valley became heavier. It was originally a group of white air dancing around, and finally it was connected into a group. If you look down from the sky, the whole Wulong Valley is like a big cocoon.

Shi Feng felt that the scenery in front of him was becoming more and more difficult to recognize, so he hurriedly took out the "night vision water" and applied it again.

At this time, he heard the sound of water splashing, and two iron-backed rhinoceros jumped out of the pond. This monster is actually similar to an ordinary rhinoceros, but the skin color is darker.

The two iron-backed rhinos were obviously not yet adults, only the size of two calves. They climbed to the shore, shook off the water droplets on their bodies, and took a deep breath of the white mist in the air. At the same time, they rubbed their backs and ears and played with each other.

Shi Feng quietly took out the Iron Dragon Bow from the tree, drew the bow to the full moon, and stared at the two young monsters.

Suddenly, an iron-backed rhinoceros raised its head and whistled at the crescent moon in the sky. In just a moment, a cold light flashed, and the iron-backed rhinoceros had been shot in the throat. It fell to the ground with a wild roar. The other iron-backed rhinoceros jumped back in shock. It subconsciously leaned back to avoid the fallen body of its companion, and at the moment it leaned back, another feather arrow had pierced its throat.

As soon as the two young monsters fell to the ground, Shi Feng had already jumped down from the tree, ran to the front with a quick step, took out the black iron dagger from his arms, and cut off the head of a monster in a few seconds. The monster's crystal was in the head, and it was obviously too late to take the crystal now, so he simply took the whole beast head away.

Shi Feng did not dare to stay any longer, holding the monster head, turned around and left. After taking only two steps, he suddenly felt his body tighten, and fell straight to the ground with a bang. He didn't know when he was tied up with a whip rope like a big dumpling.

At the same time, he heard a crazy laugh, "Thank you." A figure rushed out of the white mist and snatched the beast head from Shi Feng's hand. It was Gao Tuo, the short-haired man who had raised the price with Shi Feng in the market yesterday. I don't know what treasure he brought with him that could ignore the miasma. He had been hiding in a big tree on the side. Seeing Shi Feng succeed, he didn't say a word, and suddenly made a secret plan and took the treasure away like lightning.

Shi Feng was surprised and said, "It's you!" Gao Tuo laughed, "Yes, it's you, Mr. Gao!" He took the beast head and put it into the storage bag. With a flick of his hand, the whip rope on Shi Feng's body sprang up like a spirit snake and sank into Gao Tuo's sleeve. Gao Tuo flashed and disappeared into the white mist.

Shi Feng gritted his teeth in anger, but he didn't know the light skill spell, so how could he catch up with the other party? Moreover, the other party's long whip was elusive, and he was definitely not a match for him if he caught up. He could only think that he was unlucky.

Fortunately, there was still a young demon beast. He took the demon crystal. As long as he got there before Gao Tuo, he might be able to exchange it for the dragon crocodile spine.

Shi Feng took out a dagger and was about to turn around to cut off the head of another demon rhino. Suddenly, he heard a faint roar in the white mist. Shi Feng secretly said "not good", and hurriedly jumped to the side, hugged a big tree, and climbed up quickly with his hands and feet.

At this moment, the white fog stirred, and a huge iron-backed rhinoceros with a body length of two meters jumped out, with eyes like copper bells and faint golden light.

When the adult monster saw the bodies of the two young beasts on the shore, it roared continuously, came over and sniffed with its nose, and suddenly its four iron hooves flew, chasing in one direction. In the white fog, Gao Tuo shouted, "Good beast, you are looking for death!" The wind whistled, people shouted and beasts roared, and the two sides had already started fighting.

When Shi Feng saw that the adult monster was alarmed, he quickly changed his mind: Although there was a young corpse underground, it was obvious that the adult monster had a keen sense of smell. Gao Tuo hid the beast head in the storage bag and it was still smelled out. If he went down to cut the beast head, it would definitely alarm the adult monster. In addition, the adult monster roared continuously. If he summoned his companions, he would be in danger of death. It would be better to take advantage of Gao Tuo's entanglement with the monster and quickly escape.

After making up his mind, Shi Feng immediately got down from the tree, ran to the valley entrance lightly. While running, he secretly looked at the battle situation in the white fog.

The white fog was stirring, and a man and a monster were fighting fiercely. Gao Tuo was using a huge iron stick. He was eight feet tall and was considered a strong man, but compared with an adult iron-backed rhinoceros, he was far inferior. Although the iron stick danced like the wind, it had no effect on the demon rhino. The demon rhino was furious, poking up and down with its dark horn, hitting Gao Tuo with its head and kicking with its feet, forcing Gao Tuo to retreat again and again.

Seeing that he was about to be forced to the edge of the valley wall, Gao Tuo panicked and whispered a few spells. A whip like a spirit snake flew out of his sleeve and tied the demon rhino's limbs. The demon rhino fell to the ground. Gao Tuo was overjoyed and raised his stick to hit the demon rhino's head.

But before he could raise his stick, the demon rhino roared wildly, broke the whip, and rushed over. Gao Tuo's Red Dragon Whip was originally an excellent spiritual weapon. It suddenly flew out when facing the enemy and tied up the opponent, often achieving a surprise victory. Shi Feng was just hit by the Red Dragon Whip and fell hard, and Gao Tuo snatched the beast head.

But the demon rhino is not like a cultivator. Although it does not have magical powers, its physical strength is incomparable to that of a cultivator. The demon rhino is huge in size. The Red Dragon Whip only tied up its limbs, but it was broken into two pieces by the opponent's full strength.

Gao Tuo was shocked and hurt when he saw that his treasured magic weapon was destroyed. Just as he was stunned, the demon rhino had already hit him head-on. Gao Tuo could only raise his arm to block it in a hurry. With a bang, Gao Tuo was hit hard as if by a thousand-pound boulder. The whole person flew backwards and a mouthful of blood sprayed in the air.

The demon rhino did not stop. Four iron hooves as big as basins had already smashed down fiercely, but they wanted to trample Gao Tuo to death.

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and the demon rhino screamed miserably. There was a feather arrow on its left eye, and blood was flowing. The demon rhino was so painful that its front hoof rose. At this moment, the second feather arrow had arrived and was shooting at the demon rhino's throat.

Shi Feng, who had reached the valley entrance, could not bear to see Gao Tuo die tragically, so he shot an arrow to help.

His first arrow was just right, blinding the demon rhino's left eye. But he was greedy for the second arrow, and wanted to shoot through the demon beast's throat. Unexpectedly, the adult demon rhino had already developed some intelligence and was flexible. Although his left eye was in great pain, he lowered his head in a hurry. The feather arrow deviated from the throat and shot on the soft flesh of the neck. Although it was painful, it was not fatal.

Shi Feng secretly regretted it, and picked up another long arrow, trying to aim at the demon rhino's right eye, but it was too late. The demon rhino was enraged by Shi Feng, and its four hooves moved and rushed over.

Bows and arrows are good for long-range combat, but not for close combat. Shi Feng did not expect the demon rhino to be so fast, so he quickly dodged to the side and shot an arrow in his hand, completely missing the target.

The demon rhino's eyes were full of blood, and it went crazy. It kept rushing and ramming towards Shi Feng. Shi Feng secretly groaned. The most powerful thing about the demon rhino was its horn, which was sharp and heavy. If it hit him, he would be stabbed to death on the spot.

Shi Feng rolled on the ground to avoid it, and shot arrows at the same time, but the time was short and he had no time to aim. Moreover, the demon rhino moved like the wind. He shot dozens of arrows, and although many hit, they were not at all vital points, which only made the demon rhino more irritable.

Shi Feng touched his backpack and estimated that there were only a dozen long arrows left. After shooting these long arrows, he could only fight his opponent with a dagger, which would definitely be a dead end.

At this time, Gao Tuo shouted loudly, "Junior Brother Shi, come to me." Shi Feng heard the voice, and hurriedly shot an arrow and ran towards Gao Tuo.

Gao Tuo was hit hard by the demon rhino, and several ribs were broken. He leaned against the stone wall and could not move. At this moment, he was holding a piece of talisman paper in his hand, chanting something. Shi Feng ran in front, and the demon rhino was chasing closely behind.

After Gao Tuo finished chanting the spell, he suddenly shouted, "Get out of the way." Shi Feng heard it clearly and rolled on the ground in a hurry. He heard a cool breeze passing over his head, followed by a "bang". The valley, which was originally shrouded in white fog, suddenly burst into a flash of fire. A huge fireball passed over Shi Feng and hit the demon rhino behind him.

The demon rhino had thick skin and flesh, and was not afraid of swords and knives, but was afraid of fire. It was hit by the fireball and screamed in pain. The talisman paper in Gao Tuo's hand flashed with spiritual light one after another, and even flew out five fireballs in a row, and then disappeared with a flash of spiritual light.

Shi Feng was surprised and said, "Chain Fire Spirit Talisman." This thing is a top-grade talisman and is worth a lot of money.

The demon rhino had been fighting for a long time, and had lost a lot of energy. In addition, it was hit by more than ten arrows from Shi Feng, especially the first arrow that hit its left eye and penetrated deep into its skull. Then it was hit by the six fireballs, burning and smashing it, and it fell to the ground, dying.

Shi Feng's hands and feet were weak at this moment, and he walked to Gao Tuo and said, "Senior Brother Gao, your fire bomb technique is really amazing." Although Gao Tuo was seriously injured, he couldn't help laughing, "Of course, this is my master..." Suddenly, his smile froze, as if he saw a ghost.

Shi Feng turned his head and looked, and it was like a basin of cold water poured on his head. Because the fireball pushed away the surrounding white fog, the field of vision was much wider. In the mist, more than a dozen iron-backed rhinos appeared in all directions, forming a fan shape to block Shi Feng and the others at the edge of the mountain wall. Among these dozen iron-backed rhinos, there were big and small ones, and there were three or five that were bigger than the demon rhino just now.

Shi Feng hurriedly reached out to touch the stone wall. The stone wall was straight and steep, and because Wulong Valley was covered with fog all year round, the stone wall was extremely slippery and could not be climbed at all. Shi Feng looked at the sky again. At this time, because of the fireballs just now, the white fog above his head was evaporated and burned a big hole, and he could vaguely see the sky outside the valley.

There was no moon in the sky, but it was full of stars. It was estimated that it was only four o'clock at most at this moment, and it was still early before dawn. His letter for help must still be sleeping with Xiaopang, and it was not delivered to Master Ganchu.

Shi Feng said anxiously, "Senior Brother Gao, how many talismans do you have left?" Gao Tuo smiled bitterly, "Such a precious treasure, how many, just this one."

Shi Feng's eyes showed despair, pulled out the dagger, and used the nameless technique with all his strength, saying, "I will die here today, and I will count as many as I can." Gao Tuo said, "I didn't expect to die here today after practicing hard for half a lifetime."

Seeing the surrounding demon rhinoceros gradually approaching, the two people were desperate. Suddenly, there was a long cry in the sky. Shi Feng looked up in surprise, but he could not see anything. The stars that he could just see were suddenly blocked by dark clouds.

The surrounding demon rhinos heard the cry and there was a commotion. When the cry became lower and lower and pressed above the Wulong Valley, the rhinos suddenly turned around and ran away, no longer caring about Gao Tuo and Shi Feng.

Shi Feng was surprised and said, "What's going on?" Before he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the white fog within a radius of ten feet was swept away. A giant eagle fell from the sky. The eagle was covered with black feathers, without a trace of other colors. When its wings were spread out, they were three or four feet wide, like a black hill.

The black eagle swooped down, and its claws were grabbing the adult demon rhinoceros that had been severely injured and fell to the ground. The demon rhinoceros had thick skin like iron and was invulnerable to swords and spears, but the black eagle's claws were like cutting rotten paper, and it directly grabbed the demon rhinoceros' lower abdomen.

The demon rhinoceros had not died yet, lying on the ground wailing, but was pierced by the black eagle's claws, and let out a long hiss, and died on the spot.

The black eagle's eyes were like lightning, and it turned its head to look at Shi Feng and Gao Tuo. The two men were pressed against the stone wall, too frightened to move, not even daring to breathe. It was obvious that the black eagle was an extremely powerful demon bird, and they, the Qi Refining Stage disciples, were not someone they could afford to provoke.

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