Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 404: Opening up the Second Cave

After coming down the mountain, Shi Feng disguised himself and traveled eastward. After more than ten days, he arrived at the foot of Dongyi Mountain.

Shi Feng spent two days traveling along Dongyi Mountain.

The Guo family was still responsible for the mining of the spiritual mine in Dongyi Mountain, but the location of the mine had changed.

The mine was located in Dongshan at that time, but the volcanic eruption more than 20 years ago completely destroyed the underground mine. After the overflowing magma cooled, the original mine was also blocked.

After the war between good and evil, Taijimen Lingxiao Pavilion originally planned to dredge the vertical shaft and restart the mine, but the Guo family in charge of mining objected.

Because in addition to the volcanic eruption, the mine also had a beast tide, which killed many Guo family men. There were so many monsters and insects under the original mine, who dared to go down to work. Besides, the original mine was above the magma pool. What if the magma erupted again?

Taiji Sect and Lingxiao Pavilion discussed it and felt that it made sense, so they expanded the scale of a small mine on the west side of Dongyi Mountain and changed to mining on the west mountain. The original mine on the east side was completely abandoned.

Shi Feng walked on the bare rocks and found the mark he left in the past without much effort.

He looked around to make sure that there was no one around. He pinched his fingers and his figure became blurred and disappeared. He had drilled into the rock.

After a while, Shi Feng came out from the ground again and nodded. Yes, this is it.

The horned dragon asked curiously, "Boy, what are you trying to do by going in and out of this wilderness?"

"Master Long, you don't know, this is Dongyi Mountain, there is a molten area below, the fire spirit is particularly rich, I want to open up a second cave below."

"That's not easy, don't you know the stone escape technique? This is also a stone mountain, can't you just drill down directly?"

Shi Feng smiled bitterly, "Master Long, are you kidding me?"

Whether it is stone escape or earth escape, the depth that a cultivator can escape into is limited, because the deeper you go, the greater the pressure, this is the law of heaven and earth.

If you can just take an earth escape talisman or a stone escape talisman and go deep into the ground endlessly, then the spiritual veins and springs under the ground would have been discovered long ago, how could they have survived until now!

For someone like Shi Feng, who is in the middle stage of foundation building, it is good to be able to go 20 to 30 feet into the rock, but the molten area is more than a thousand feet deep into the ground, which is far from enough.

As for the purple-haired demon back then, the reason why he could go deep into the ground was because he was a powerful Yuanying, and more importantly, he had a magic weapon in his hand, which was very sharp. With the help of the magic weapon, he drilled all the way down and reached the place of magma.

After finding the location of the tunnel, Shi Feng took off his outer robe, put on the seven-fire gourd armor, and then began to climb down along the cave.

After climbing less than five feet, the front was blocked.

It turned out that more than 20 years later, the mountain shook, rainwater poured in, and many parts of the tunnel collapsed and blocked.

Shi Feng was prepared. When he raised his hand, a strange magic weapon shaped like a lotus with five iron blades on the top flew out of his hand. This is a tool specially used for excavating rocks. It has a nickname called "Five-clawed Flying Dragon".

Shi Feng used his magic power, turned the five-clawed flying dragon, and cut the soil like cutting rot, and soon opened up this blocked tunnel.

As for the silt and gravel that were cleared, he took them all into the black tortoise bone.

In this way, Shi Feng climbed and dug. He also escaped in this way that year, and it took him half a month to see the light of day again.

Now, he has greatly improved his strength. It took him only three days to reach the depths of the ground.

The stone chamber where the purple-haired demon practiced in the past is still intact. The stone chamber is connected to the corridor, and the opening is on the rock wall. Below is the huge magma pool.

The volcano erupted that year, and the magma was vented. Now several decades have passed, and the fire power of the magma pool has gradually recovered. The extremely rich fire spirit fills the space, eroding the walls of the stone chamber into pieces of burnt yellow.

Shi Feng walked along the stone corridor to the end of the cave, and looked down. He saw red clouds, rising mist, and a red magma pool.

The rolling heat waves came up, and the beard and hair were faintly burned and curled.

Such a rich and violent fire spirit, people who are not fire-powered can't even stand for a long time.

And the worst thing about this place is not that it is too hot, but that there is no air and can't breathe.

Although the monks have more magical powers than ordinary people, they can only achieve the body of a semi-immortal after forming an infant. Before forming an infant, like ordinary people, they have to eat, drink, breathe and sleep.

Eating is simple. The monks all have fasting pills. One pill can keep them full for several days. Drinking water and sleeping are not a problem. The difficult part is breathing.

The monks have a long breath. They can last for a quarter of an hour in one breath. But if they cannot breathe after a quarter of an hour, they will suffocate to death.

The molten land is thousands of feet deep underground, and the top of the head is covered by thick soil and rocks. How can there be air to get through?

The tunnel that Shi Feng got in was winding and only had a diameter that could barely accommodate him. It was obviously impossible to rely on it to provide air.

Fortunately, Shi Feng still had the rare treasure of the black tortoise bone. The black tortoise bone had a space of one mile in radius, which stored a lot of air. Shi Feng used up all the air in one breath and got into the black tortoise bone to breathe.

As for why the purple-haired demon and Shi Feng were able to practice here before, it was because the underground fire had not erupted at that time, and there was a secret passage connecting the molten pool and the mine.

The mine had a huge vertical shaft, which was dug out at that time to provide air for the miners below, not for transmitting ore.

Afterwards, the underground fire erupted, and the molten lava blocked the vertical shaft and all the secret passages, and the molten lava land was no longer breathable.

The Horned Demon Dragon looked at it and shook his head repeatedly, "Boy, there is no air here, and you still want to open a cave to practice here?"

"Everything depends on human effort. There is always a way." Shi Feng took a deep breath, got out of the black tortoise bone again, and began to look for a good place to set up the cave!

In fact, the stone chamber left by the purple-haired demon is a ready-made cave, but Shi Feng did not want to occupy it. It is possible that the purple-haired demon will come back one day and find himself. Wouldn't it be terrible?

Although this possibility is very small, Shi Feng still does not want to take risks.

He flew out of the stone corridor with his sword and came to the top of the magma pool.

The magma pool is oval, and the stone walls on all sides are like cliffs.

Shi Feng slowly flew up along the stone wall, concentrating his eyes to observe.

The parts of these stone walls close to the magma pool are smooth and flat due to the erosion and melting of heat, but the higher they go, as the heat gradually subsides, the stone walls become bumpy and uneven.

After flying for thirty feet, Shi Feng suddenly stopped. On the stone wall in front of him, thirty or forty stones protruded from the rock wall. Some were long and some were short. The long ones protruded more than ten feet, while the short ones were only one foot. Some looked like elephant trunks and some looked like cockscombs.

Shi Feng dodged and landed on a three-foot-long stone shaped like an eagle hook. He looked up and down and left and right for a long time and was very satisfied.

He was observing all the way, thinking about how to open the entrance of the cave.

If a hole was drilled directly on the rock wall, if someone came, they would find it at a glance, which was not very concealed.

Therefore, Shi Feng decided to open the entrance at the bottom of this eagle hook stone. Because this stone was slightly curved and completely blocked below, even if someone flew up and down in the magma pool, if they didn't come over to take a closer look, they would not be able to find this entrance.

However, before taking action, Shi Feng had to check whether this rock wall was suitable for a cave.

For others, this was more troublesome and required various instruments to measure, but for Shi Feng, it was simple.

He escaped directly into the stone wall and turned around inside.

This mountain wall is all hard rock, without soft soil and water accumulation, which is very suitable for opening a cave.

This is it!

Shi Feng used his sword to stabilize his body and began to dig at the bottom of the Eagle Hook Stone.

As the five-turn flying dragon turned, stone chips fell from the air and fell into the magma pool, turning into red water.

Shi Feng did not intend to open this entrance very large, because he could escape from the stone, and he did not need to go through any hole to enter the cave.

The real function of this entrance is to guide the fire spirit into the cave for Shi Feng to practice.

Since it is only used for guiding air, the size of the hole is not very important, because the fire spirit in the magma land is so rich that it is violent. As long as there is a hole, the fire spirit will naturally drill in, and there is no need to worry about insufficient spirit.

Therefore, Shi Feng only opened the entrance under the Eagle Beak Stone the size of a bowl. This has another advantage, that is, it is more concealed. Due to the erosion of hot air, the entire stone wall is full of potholes and holes. Such a small hole the size of a bowl is completely inconspicuous.

After the entrance hole was drilled into the wall for two feet, Shi Feng began to dig it.

After four days of hard work, Shi Feng dug a cave inside the cliff.

The cave was not big, about one and a half feet high, and more than four feet long and wide.

During the digging process of the cave, the fire spirit outside had flowed along the hole and filled the entire cave.

Shi Feng sat down and tried to practice the Nine Separation Spiritual Method and breathe in and out of the body.

An hour later, he opened his eyes, couldn't help but let out a long roar, jumped up, and hit his head against the rock with a loud "bang".

"Boy, what are you crazy about?" asked the Horned Demon Dragon.

Shi Feng's eyes were full of joy, "Master Long, the Five-Colored Eyebrow Heart Sutra is really a miraculous achievement. After I practiced the Yellow Eyebrow Heart Sutra, the speed of absorbing earth and fire was indeed one or two percent faster than before, and the fire spirit here is so abundant. I believe that as long as I work hard, I will definitely be able to break through the late stage of foundation building."

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