Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 406: Cleansing Technique

In the newly opened second cave, Shi Feng entered the black tortoise bone and took out the soul-gathering coffin first.

The white fox in the coffin was still snoring, his figure became clearer and more solid, and even his snoring could be faintly heard.

Shi Feng watched for a long time and was very satisfied. According to this situation, it was only a matter of time before Master Hu revived.

After putting away the soul-gathering coffin, Shi Feng moved his fingers, and a jade bowl slowly floated up from the ground. He was quite cautious about it, and did not dare to touch it with his hands, nor did he dare to let it get too close to him.

At first glance, there was a piece of emerald green stone in the jade bowl, which seemed to be a wood spirit stone of extremely high purity.

However, after a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he found that there was no spiritual energy leaking from the stone, and it was not a spirit stone.

Looking more carefully, there was a small insect lying on the stone. Because it was green all over and blended with the stone, it could not be found at all if he did not concentrate his eyes.

This little bug was exactly the seven-ringed worm king that Shi Feng got from the head of the black-ringed snake king. It feeds on poison. After the black-ringed snake king died, it lost its food source and was about to starve to death.

At that time, Shi Feng was helpless. Suddenly, he remembered that when he was trapped in the depths of Huagutan before, he had collected hundreds of green poisonous spirit stones, which the stone ape tribe called "green huangshi".

The formation of green huangshi is quite special. Huagutan is a saltwater lake. The northwest mountains are full of mandrake flowers. Every year when the west wind blows, a large amount of pollen is scattered into the lake water. Over the years, the clear lake water is dyed deep blue.

And deep in the bottom of the lake, due to the high salt concentration, the toxins in the lake water are separated out. These toxins are wrapped together with large particles of salt. After a long time, they form green huangshi.

Seeing that the seven-ringed worm king was about to starve to death, Shi Feng was desperate and threw it a piece of green huangshi. Unexpectedly, the little bug was not only not poisoned to death, but ate it with relish.

As the insect sucked the toxin, the color of the green stone gradually became lighter, and finally turned into a gray-white stone. Shi Feng flicked the stone with a silver needle, and the stone turned into a pile of debris.

Shi Feng then replaced it with a piece of green stone. Anyway, his hundreds of green stones were useless, and one stone was enough for the insect to eat for half a year. The insect couldn't finish eating so many stones in hundreds of years.

In the process of sucking the toxin of the green stone, the gray-black body of the insect slowly turned green. Shi Feng was puzzled and asked the Horned Dragon for advice.

It was a coincidence that the Horned Dragon knew the origin of the Seven-ringed Insect King. He was not really proficient in feeding insects, so he could only force himself to explain.

Shi Feng knew he was talking nonsense as soon as he heard it, and he didn't ask any more questions.

Shi Feng was looking at the insect, and the lid of a jade box beside him banged. Shi Feng put down the jade bowl, flicked his sleeves, and opened the lid of the jade box. The roots inside were fluttering, and it was the Ghost Head Multiflori that lazily turned over and made a squeaking sound.

Shi Feng smiled bitterly, found a piece of wood spirit stone in the storage bag, and threw it over. The ghost head multiflorum danced with its whiskers and horns, hugged the spirit stone, and stuffed it into its "mouth". It seemed very satisfied and lay down comfortably in the jade box again.

This ghost head multiflorum was given to him by He Jiangui. It is said to be the best material for refining spirit puppets and mechanical beasts. Unfortunately, Shi Feng neither knows puppetry nor refining mechanical beasts. He wanted Lu Zhen to take it to the black market to sell it several times, but in the end he held back and didn't make a move.

The ghost head multiflorum is the essence of wood. It should be planted in the soil to absorb the wood spirit between heaven and earth.

Unfortunately, the black tortoise bone has no spirit. Shi Feng can't watch it die, so he can only feed it with spirit stones to keep it alive.

When the ghost head multiflorum was imprisoned at first, it squeaked wildly and was irritable and restless. Later, it was full every day and slowly got used to it. It seemed to regard this as its home and would not leave.

After feeding and comforting the ghost, Shi Feng took out a jade slip and read it carefully.

This jade slip was given by the teacher of the Ye family. It recorded a skill called "Washing Dust Jue". It is not a basic skill, which can absorb spiritual power and improve cultivation; nor is it a magical power, which can split mountains and rocks, turn rivers and seas upside down.

It has only one function: to remove impurities and purify magic power.

If divided by use, the Cleansing Dust Jue belongs to an auxiliary method. There are actually many such skills, and their functions are varied.

For example, as a weapon refiner, Shi Feng learned a spell called "The Breeze Comes" from Taoist Ganchu, which can generate wind power and control the direction and temperature of the furnace fire.

This skill is very useful for refining weapons, but it is useless when fighting against enemies. After all, that little bit of wind power can only make the enemy feel very cool, which is far less powerful than the hurricane technique and wind blade technique.

Purifying magic power is nothing new. In fact, this is a basic principle that any cultivator knows.

Every master will teach his disciples that the purer the mana, the easier it is to advance, and the more likely they will have the upper hand in fighting.

However, although everyone understands the truth, few can persist in doing it. The reason is simple: it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and has limited effect!

Purifying mana takes time and is more troublesome than practicing. After all, breathing in and out of the true qi and walking around the heavens only accumulate spiritual power, while purifying mana is to pick out impurities from one's own mana, peel them off and decompose them.

Monks, especially low-level monks, are often concerned about their lack of lifespan and want to advance quickly all the time.

But a person's time is limited. Should this limited time be used to increase mana or to purify mana?

This is a dilemma!

If pure mana is effective, then monks will naturally choose the latter. However, countless predecessors have practiced that the effect of pure mana is decreasing.

For example, if a person's mana is very impure, and 50% of it is impurities, then the effect of pure mana is very obvious.

But when a person's magical power is already 90% pure, further purification will have little effect.

Therefore, although everyone knows how to purify mana, the degree of practice varies from person to person.

Shi Feng has collected countless classics, among which there are naturally more than a dozen jade slips for purifying mana, and their quality is also uneven.

However, after repeated comparisons, Shi Feng found that the Cleansing Dust Technique given by the teacher of the Ye family is the most brilliant.

"It is more than brilliant, it is simply harsh." Shi Feng read the Cleansing Dust Technique again and muttered to himself.

In addition to removing impurities from mana, this Cleansing Dust Technique also repeatedly flushes the meridians to enhance the toughness of the meridians and widen the width of the meridians.

According to the explanation of the jade slip, this can make the speed and intensity of the meridians conducting mana reach a higher level.

Of course, the Cleansing Dust Technique has such an effect, so it is naturally more difficult to practice and takes more time.

The jade slip said, "If everything goes well, it is expected to be practiced once within three years." It can only be cleansed once in three years, and if everything goes well, I believe that many cultivators will frown when they see this.

Shi Feng also frowned, but he did not hesitate at all and was ready to practice the Cleansing Dust Art.

Because Shi Feng witnessed with his own eyes that when Feng Lao Zu was fusing the cold flame in the refuge valley, he mixed some earth and fire spirit energy into it. As a result, a Yuanying layman exploded instantly and was burned into a fireball, leaving no residue.

The Yin Fire Beast had melted in Shi Feng's body, so it was imperative to practice the White Eyebrow Heart Art. If the mana was not pure, hehe, Shi Feng was already sweating coldly just thinking about the consequences.

Shi Feng read the Cleansing Dust Art again. This heart art was not profound. Shi Feng had read it repeatedly and thoroughly understood it during the three years of digging the vertical shaft.

Shi Feng crawled out of the black tortoise bone. Although the Cleansing Dust Art was an auxiliary art, it also needed the help of spirit energy to practice.

Shi Feng engraved the Cleansing Dust Art on the stone wall of the cave so that he could see it at any time. He also let Xiao Hei out. The rich fire spirit energy here also made it convenient for Xiao Hei to practice.

The demon bird will automatically inhale and exhale the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so Xiao Hei can serve as a guard even when practicing.

Everything is ready, Shi Feng sits cross-legged, turns his palms up and down, and starts to practice.

Practice has no time, and a year has passed. Shi Feng has only practiced four meridians, the Taiyin Lung Meridian, the Yangming Large Intestine Meridian, the Jueyin Pericardium Meridian, and the Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridian, and only one-third of the twelve meridians have been completed.

Shi Feng murmured, "That senior said that this Xichen Jue is very troublesome to practice, and it is true!"

At the end of the year, Shi Feng left Dongyi Mountain and returned to Shigu Mountain to participate in the sect's annual ceremony.

Liu Yunzi happened to come out of retreat, and Shi Feng was overjoyed and hurried to meet him.

Liu Yunzi was very happy to see that he had reached the middle stage of foundation building. "Seventh brother, your cultivation level has increased every time you come back. Haha, is it a magic trick? Not bad! What are you going to do now?"

"Disciple wants to purify the magic power, and then go all out to attack the late stage of foundation building."

Liu Yunzi nodded, "Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. It's great that you can spend time to purify the magic power! By the way, you are already in the middle stage of foundation building. I just have a set of swordsmanship to pass on to you."

Shi Feng said happily, "That's great. It seems that I came back this time."

Liu Yunzi smiled and said, "You are right! This Lu Sai Shang Qiu Feng swordsmanship is something I have only recently comprehended thoroughly. If you had come back earlier, I really couldn't teach you."

At that moment, Liu Yunzi first recited the swordsmanship formula, and then demonstrated it one move at a time.

After the master and the disciple asked and answered each other, Shi Feng knew that this set of swordsmanship was hidden in the secret chamber of Tiejian Peak. Liu Yunzi accidentally read it and found that this set of swordsmanship had a total of 72 moves, which were light and swift, and could be called superior.

In addition, this set of swordsmanship has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there is no restriction on the five elements, while the disadvantage is that the practice requirements are high. It is best to practice it in the late stage of foundation building. The middle stage of foundation building can only be said to be very reluctant.

Shi Feng was very moved after hearing this. He knew that Liu Yunzi was a disciple of his master, Danyang Zhenren, and practiced the Tiangang Sword Qi of Tiejian Peak. This skill can be said to be endless to learn and can be practiced all the way to the Nascent Soul stage.

And the master also took the time to study a swordsmanship in the foundation building stage and non-metal system. It must be specially for him, Shi Feng.

After staying in the sect for a month, Shi Feng followed Liu Yunzi to practice sword every day, but rarely went to the Sword Valley. During this period, he took time to instruct several disciples in their practice. Of course, it was inevitable to run to Lengshui Cliff to see Qin Bing every three or five days.

After the annual ceremony ended and Shi Feng had finished learning the Saishang Qiufeng sword technique, he returned to Dongyi Mountain to meditate in seclusion.

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