Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 459 The Lost Little Bookboy

"What did you think of?" the Horned Demon Dragon asked curiously, tilting its head.

"I wonder why the dragon, lion and iron rope are chasing me?"


"Probably because of it!"

What Shi Feng pointed at was the ghost-shouwu that was crawling slowly on the ground and shaking its roots.

"Only when I saw Pu Hongsheng did I remember that Pu Hongsheng and Mo Renjie went to Qingdi Valley to capture the ghost-shouwu, and the old lion Tie Zhan brought two transformed dragon lions, most likely also to catch the ghost-shou-wu. of."

"Isn't the old lion going to catch the old monkey?"

The old monkey in the mouth of the Horned Demon Dragon is referring to the ghost of the white ape. He is the tower spirit of Heluo Tower.

"Unlikely." Shi Feng shook his head, "Tie Zhan is an elder of the Dragon Lion Clan and has one foot in the existence of the Demon Ancestor. He may not value the treasures hidden in Heluo Tower. Besides, the treasures in Heluo Tower belong to the human race. , What’s the use of their demon race!”

The white fox nodded. He Jiangui had browsed through the classics that He Jiangui had given to Shi Feng in the past few days, and helped Shi Feng sort them into categories. There was indeed nothing in them that the demon clan could use.

"But, how could that miscellaneous-haired lion know that there is a ghost-shouwu hidden in you?" The Horned Demon Dragon was very confused.

Without waiting for Shi Feng's answer, he continued to ask, "If he knew, why didn't he go to Shigu Mountain to hunt you down? Why did he wait until you came to Shuzhong decades later to attack you?"

"I guess Tiesuo should have some magic weapon on him, or he has some magical power that can detect the existence of Ghost Shouwu.

This is not a wild guess. Do you remember that in Qingdi Valley, the human-faced ghost owl sensed that ghost-shouwu was also hidden in me through another ghost-shouwu?

At that time, I also hid the Ghost Shouwu in the black turtle bone, but it was discovered by the human-faced ghost owl. From this, it can be seen that the black turtle bone cannot shield everything.

As for why Tiesuo hadn't been discovered before? I estimate that this kind of induction of iron cables is limited by distance.

It was too far away for him to sense. A few days ago, I went to Daoxuan and happened to pass him by. He immediately discovered the secret in me.

And he also knew that if we were far away, we would lose the sensitivity to the wormwood, so he planted threadworms on my clothes. "

The white fox thought for a moment, "The Purple Flame Dragon Lion does have a secret olfactory tracking technique that can sense a certain smell at close range."

"Are you sure?" Horned Demon Dragon tilted his head and asked.

Bai Hu ignored him and continued to say to Shi Feng, "However, you don't have to worry, since you know Tiesuo's methods, it's not difficult to deal with him.

I know there is a prohibition specifically designed to block scent tracking. This restriction is not difficult. Bring me a jade slip and I will write it to you. "

Shi Feng was overjoyed and quickly handed over a blank jade slip.

"Fortunately, the restriction is not long. I remember it relatively clearly. Take a look and ask me if you don't understand anything."

Bai Hu quickly finished writing and returned the jade slip to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng took a look and saw that there was a restriction called "Keeping Qi" recorded in it. It was indeed not complicated, with only twelve runes in total.

Shi Feng was a weapon refiner. Normally, when refining magic weapons, he also needed to engrave talisman patterns. He was a good expert at this. After asking White Fox a few questions, he used talisman paper to draw the restriction.

Then, Shi Feng used a jade box to pack the ghost-shouwu, and also stuffed the silkworm-infested robe into it. On the outside of the jade box, there were seven or eight "breath-holding" restrictions posted up, down, left, and right.

He was still uneasy and put the jade box into another big box. The outside of the big box was also covered with prohibitions. He repeated this three layers before stopping.

After doing this, Shi Feng felt much relieved, "Master Hu, fortunately you are knowledgeable, otherwise this disciple would really not know how to deal with this ghost-shouwu."

The Horned Demon Dragon curled his lips, "You believe the old fox's nonsense, sir, but I don't believe these broken boxes are worth the black turtle bones?"

Bai Hu said calmly, "As a space magic weapon, the black turtle bone can isolate the spiritual consciousness from visiting, so it is naturally an extremely superior magic weapon.

However, the black turtle bone can absorb external spiritual energy through the magic circle, which means that it has many tiny holes on it, so its effect of isolating odors is slightly worse..."

"Just brag! How do you know this?"

"I saw a jade slip in the academy back then, and there was an introduction to the black turtle bones in it."

The Horned Demon Dragon laughed loudly, "Academy? Have you, an old fox, ever gone to school?"

Baihu rolled his eyes, "Why go to school?! I'm talking about Wuge Village of our Tianhu tribe.

It is one of the three major academies in the world, along with the Sutra Pavilion of Prajna Temple and the Wind Bell Pagoda of Huoyun Mountain. There are a lot of books in it. I work in Wuge Village, so I have the opportunity to read a lot of classics. "

"So you are a book boy from the Sky Fox Clan." Horned Demon Dragon clicked his tongue, "Hey, the Sky Fox Clan is far away in the Northern Cold Continent, tens of thousands of miles away from here. How can you, a mere book boy, cross the frozen ancient times? Originally came to Qinzhong Continent? "

The white fox smiled bitterly, "Crossing the frozen ancient plains? How can I do this?"

"Then how did you get here?"

"My coming to Qinzhong Continent is purely accidental, so don't mention it."

"Why don't you mention it? There's nothing wrong with you. Just tell me to amuse me."

Bai Hu didn't want to say anything at first, but seeing Shi Feng looking up at him with a very curious expression, he said, "Then I'll tell you.

Our Tianhu tribe is divided into two tribes, the white fox and the black fox. The two tribes are also feuding and are constantly fighting.

One day, I was on duty in the academy, and suddenly the bell rang, and the master in charge summoned me.

It turns out that our compatriots discovered a ruins in the frozen ancient plains, but were attacked by a stalking black fox, resulting in heavy casualties.

At that time, the tribe's chief elder was leading a fierce battle with the Black Fox tribe in the north, and they were unable to spare any manpower.

So, the Master received the news and hurriedly gathered more than twenty of us book boys and went to Guyuan to rescue people.

My three senior brothers and I followed Uncle Qingteng and were responsible for searching and rescuing Zisu..."

"Zisu? That name sounds like a female fox." The Horned Demon Dragon suddenly became energetic.

"Yes, Zisu is indeed a woman..."

"Isn't it beautiful?" The Horned Demon Dragon interrupted again.

"Well, she is very beautiful and versatile. When she played the willow leaf flute, the birds all landed on her shoulders, and all the young people in the clan couldn't help but watch and listen..."

"Haha, among these drooling onlookers, you must be a little naughty fox! I know Zisu is a beautiful female fox. Otherwise, why would you volunteer to save her?"

Baihu was interrupted every time he spoke, and said angrily, "Old Yinlong, can you shut up? Although Zisu is a beauty in the clan, she is my uncle..."

"Uncle Master? So what about Uncle Master! As long as Lu Ziye is there, Uncle Master will become Senior Sister, right, Xiao Shitou?"

Shi Feng smiled awkwardly, "Master Hu, go on and ignore him."

"Well, actually there is not much to say next. I followed the traces all the way, but accidentally stepped on a teleportation array in the ruins, and was transported to the Binglan Valley in the northernmost part of the Qinzhong Continent.

And that teleportation array is one-way, I can get through it, but I can't go back.

At that time, I had not yet advanced to the third level. It was impossible to cross the ancient frozen plains, so I had no choice but to stay in Binglan Valley. "

The Horned Demon Dragon laughed so hard, "It turns out that you are not only a book boy, but also a lost little book boy in the world."

"I was in Binglan Valley, looking for a way to return to the Northern Cold Continent, and practicing at the same time. You already know what happened next, so I won't talk about it."

White Fox has practiced in Binglan Valley for many years and successfully advanced to the third level of transformation. As a result, the vision of heavenly tribulation attracted Danyangzi and Yingxianzi.

After a fight between the two sides, Bai Hu was defeated and fled eastward, all the way to Da Cang Mountain, where he met Wu Liu from the Demon Puppet Sect again.

In the end, the white fox's body was destroyed by the spirit puppet, and his spirit could only hide in Shi Feng's consciousness house.

Shi Feng sighed, "Master Hu, I'm sorry..."

"Don't mention the past!" Bai Hu pointed to the south and said, "Hey, girl Yun'er is here!"

Not far ahead, I saw Yun'er flying in the sky on a blue and white silk handkerchief.

She found Shi Feng and hurriedly lowered her cloud head, "Brother Shi, have you caught up with that evil woman?"

Shi Feng did not answer, but asked, "Didn't you, girl, follow Mr. Dongqiu back to your home?"

"Yes, I went back and found you missing, so I thought you might have gone after Yin Sha. I wanted to go out again, but Young Master Dongqiu refused. I finally waited until daybreak. I hurriedly came to find you. What's going on? What's going on? Sample?"

"Nothing special!"

Shi Feng told the story of following Yin Sha to the barren valley and accidentally discovering the murderer.

"Black Hand Killer!" Yun'er's eyes shone, "Wow, Chengdu Mansion is really busy now. Hey, Brother Shi, who do you think Black Hand Killer is targeting?"

"I don't know, as long as it's not for you or me!"

"Hey, Brother Shi, guess what, aren't you always good at predicting things?"

Shi Feng said angrily, "How can I predict things like a god! The target of the black hand assassination must be a big shot, and as a disciple of a small sect, I have never seen a big shot, so I can't guess it.

But you, Girl Yun, you are the daughter of Hulumen, and you know far more important people than I do, so you can take a guess. "

"That's true!" Yun'er was gearing up for a moment, "If you retell the conversation between Yin Sha and the masked man exactly as it was, word for word, I will definitely be able to find clues."


At the moment, Shi Feng recited the words of Yin Sha and Pu Hongsheng completely while recalling them.

Yun'er looked confused after hearing this, "Just a few words?"


"Then what do you think? I'm not a god."

Shi Feng laughed loudly, and suddenly, he frowned, "No, no! Yun'er, have you noticed that there is something Pu Hongsheng said that is very strange!"

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