Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 56 Three Items

The first item was the thumb-sized soul-gathering stone. From the outside, this stone looked inconspicuous and bumpy. Even if you scan it with your spiritual sense, it was just a common iron ore used in refining. Shi Feng held it in his palm and sat in meditation. After a short time, he felt that the surrounding spiritual energy was gathering towards his palm, and the density of spiritual energy doubled at once.

Shi Feng was secretly happy. You know, the progress of cultivation is closely related to personal qualifications, skills, and the richness of spiritual energy. With this soul-gathering stone, even if he meditates on this flat ground, it is equivalent to practicing in the spiritual eye and spiritual spring. This is an extremely precious treasure. Master Hu said that if it was known to others, he would be killed in a blink of an eye.

How should this thing be collected?

Shi Feng thought about it and felt that being too careful would attract attention. He immediately found a storage bag and put the refining materials accumulated in his house over the years together with the soul-gathering stone into it. He would take it out when he meditated.

The second item was the sword that the purple-haired demon called "Seven-Star Soul-Slaying Sword". Shi Feng picked up the sword and looked at it carefully. He was very familiar with the materials of magic tools. No matter how he looked at it, it was just an ordinary blue steel sword. The blue steel sword was made of a material called "blue-veined iron essence". The blue-veined iron essence was different from the gray-white color of ordinary iron essence, but it was light blue, but it was just a relatively rare material.

And this blue steel sword could not even be called a spiritual tool, it could only be regarded as a prototype of a spiritual tool. The so-called prototype of a spiritual tool is the main body of a spiritual tool without any restrictions engraved on it. Shi Feng used his spiritual sense to scan it repeatedly, and he could not feel any restrictions on it.

Of course, Shi Feng saw with his own eyes that this sword had imprisoned the purple-haired man and other demons, and knew that this sword was definitely not a prototype of a magic tool, but must be a spiritual tool of the magic weapon level. Shi Feng tried to pour his magic power into the sword, but he almost poured all his magic power into the sword, and the sword still did not have any abnormality.

Shi Feng shook his head, knowing that he could not control the sword at the moment, so he could only put it into the storage bag.

The last thing left was the cold dragon skin horn, which was a top-grade refining material. Shi Feng took out all the skin horns, and his spirit was suddenly lifted.

The cold dragon body was not very big, only two feet long. It seemed that it was a hundred feet long during the fight that day, and its head was like a mountain, which was the magical power of the magic power.

Shi Feng reached out and touched the dragon skin. The tentacles were soft and the scales were delicate, not very prickly. Shi Feng remembered that this was a cold dragon, but the tentacles did not feel the slightest bit of coldness. He reached out and took out a dagger and gently scratched the dragon skin. The dragon skin did not leave any scratches. Shi Feng infused his magic power again, used all his strength, and stabbed the sword heavily, but the dragon skin still did not leave even a white mark.

Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction. It was indeed a Jindan-stage monster, and its scales were so tough. Shi Feng thought about it and decided that the best use of this scale skin would be to make protective leather armor. If this material was used to make low-grade or medium-grade spiritual tools, it would be a waste of natural resources.

And if it was to be made into a magic weapon or a high-grade magic tool, firstly, Shi Feng only knew about a few magic weapon refining diagrams, all of which he had seen from Master Ganchu; secondly, Shi Feng did not have the ability to refine magic weapons and high-grade magic tools at present.

Although Shi Feng was now very confident in refining low-grade spiritual tools, and even medium-grade magic tools had been successful, he had never tried high-grade magic tools and magic weapons. Especially magic weapons, which were fundamentally different from ordinary spiritual tools. The refining of magic weapons must be nurtured by the internal fire of the cultivator. With Shi Feng, a Qi-refining disciple, where could he get the fire?

As for the two short dragon horns, Shi Feng could not think of how to use them for a while. It seemed that the skin and horns of the cold dragon could only be put aside for the time being.

Shi Feng found a storage bag, put the cold dragon skin horn in it alone, and placed a layer of spiritual consciousness restriction on the outside of the storage bag. Regarding the restriction and release of spiritual consciousness, the Shenming technique passed on to him by the white fox mentioned it, which is the most basic method of applying spiritual consciousness.

The so-called restriction is to put a layer of spiritual consciousness shield on the storage bag or other items to prevent others from peeping; while the release is just the opposite, it is to break the spiritual consciousness restriction set by others. After practicing the Shenming technique, Shi Feng's spiritual consciousness is not weaker than that of ordinary foundation-building cultivators, not to mention that he has two spiritual consciousness palaces, so it was easy for him to break the spiritual consciousness restriction on the storage bags of Lei Kui and others.

Shi Feng placed a spiritual consciousness restriction on the storage bag. Ordinary Qi-refining cultivators could not detect the existence of the storage bag at all. Of course, foundation-building and even Jindan cultivators could detect it, but they must also forcibly break through and destroy Shi Feng's spiritual consciousness restriction to detect the items inside. This kind of behavior can only be used by the two hostile parties in a fight. The elders and brothers in the same sect will naturally not do such a very impolite thing.

In fact, the method of invading by crossing the opponent's spiritual consciousness restriction is also introduced in the Divine Darkness Art. The illusion of the Sky Fox Clan is based on this, but their innate magical powers are more exaggerated. They can invade the opponent's spiritual consciousness without being noticed by the gods and ghosts, causing the opponent to have all kinds of illusions. However, this method of invading by crossing the spiritual consciousness restriction requires a very high level of spiritual consciousness, and Shi Feng can't use it now.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng remembered that there was still a lot of Wu Si's spiritual power left in his spiritual consciousness palace. He scanned with his spiritual consciousness and found that the spiritual power was like a dark cloud, gathering in his spiritual consciousness palace on the left.

Although the white fox said that this was only the residual spiritual power after the spirit exploded, it was left by Wu Si, the elder of the magic path, after all. Shi Feng was also afraid of any future troubles. After putting away all the storage bags, he sat cross-legged and meditated, using the Divine Darkness Art to dissipate this spiritual power bit by bit.

At the same time, he also took out the Spirit Gathering Stone and placed it close to his body, while the other half of his consciousness palace used the Nine Separation Spirit Gathering Technique to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth. This is the beauty of doing two things at once.

Of course, there is no problem with his dual purpose of practicing Shen Ming Shu and Jiu Li Huiling Dafa at the same time, because Shen Ming Shu is for cultivating spiritual consciousness, while Jiu Li Huiling Dafa is for cultivating Dantian mana, and the two are not the same. conflict. But he cannot practice Jiu Li Hui Ling Dafa and Pure Yuan Gong at the same time, because although he has two spiritual consciousnesses, he only has one body with meridians. Does the absorbed energy run according to Pure Yuan Gong or Jiu Li Hui? Spiritual Dafa is working? There are conflicts and contradictions between the two, and it cannot be done.

Shi Feng had been sitting in meditation for two or three hours, and it was already the fourth day of the morning. His two consciousnesses were practicing together, and he was a little sleepy from running all the way, so he stopped and lay down to sleep for a while.

In a daze, he felt someone walking towards his house. He hurriedly sat up and gathered all the items around him. After a while, as the footsteps approached, someone outside said, "Shi Feng lives here?"

Shi Feng stood up and agreed, and opened the door. It was already bright outside, and there were three people standing at the door. One was Manager Luo of the Artifact Refining Hall, and the other two disciples were unknown to him. They were dressed in white and looked solemn.

Shi Feng was shocked. Although he didn't know these two people, the people in white clothes in the Tai Chi Sect were all law enforcement disciples. How could they come to look for him? He said, "I am Shi Feng. Why do you two brothers want to see me?"

The older of the two law enforcement disciples said loudly, "According to the decree of the Master, the Iron Sword Peak disciple Shi Feng will immediately go to Yantai Ridge to reply." Shi Feng's heart suddenly skipped a beat and asked, "Can the Master, Master, summon me?" What's the matter?"

The younger law enforcement disciple said impatiently, "How do we know this? Just leave when I tell you to, don't be nagging!" Shi Feng said, "Yes, but what should I bring?" The disciple said, "No need. Let’s go.”

The two of them did not allow Shi Feng to say anything else. They stepped forward one after the other, sandwiching Shi Feng in the middle. They were half-surveilling and half-escaping, and directly took Shi Feng away. Manager Luo watched Shi Feng leave with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Along the way, Shi Feng was also thinking nervously, why did the leader want the law enforcement disciples to come and get him? Could it be that he already knows about me practicing demonic skills? No, only the purple-haired man knew about this, and it was impossible for others to know. No, even the purple-haired devil didn't know that he was passing on the Nine-Level Spirit Hui Dafa to Wu Si. He didn't know that Wu Si's body belonged to Taiji Sect disciple Shi Feng.

Shi Feng thought about it for a while and felt that he had not made any big mistake. Even if everything was revealed, practicing the demonic skills was the result of Wu Si after he was "seized", and it was Wu Si's fault to let the demon go. Because, it has nothing to do with Shi Feng. After thinking about it carefully, Shi Feng finally made up his mind.

The three of them passed through the four teleportation formations and arrived at Yantai Ridge. Shi Feng saw that the two of them did not lead him to the ancestral hall in the middle, but to a small hall on the left. He breathed a sigh of relief again. Taiji Sect dealt with it. Disciples who rebel against the sect and violate the rules are always carried out in the Patriarch Hall to warn the Patriarchs of all generations. Now that we are not going to the Patriarch Hall, things might not be so bad.

The older law enforcement disciple walked outside the small hall and said loudly, "Return to the Master, Iron Sword Peak disciple Shi Feng brought him." "Let him come in." Master Xuan Yi's tone was indifferent, and there was no hint of joy. angry.

Shi Feng pushed open the door of the hall and walked in slowly. As soon as he entered, even though he had been prepared in his heart, he was still shocked. There were more than a dozen seats in the small hall, and all the golden elixir ancestors of Taiji Sect were present. , more than a dozen eyes were fixed on this little Qi-refining disciple of his.

Shi Feng hurriedly knelt down and said, "Disciple Shi Feng, please pay homage to the master and all the ancestors." He knelt on the ground and felt more than a dozen rays of divine consciousness sweeping over his body, and a dozen golden elixir stage coercive orders. He could barely breathe and was immediately covered in sweat.

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