Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 589: It seems like an old friend is coming

With a flick of his right hand, the sound of "琤琤琤" sounded again.

This time the notes jumped extremely fast, like heavy rain falling on the river, strong wind sweeping through the bamboo forest, and waves rushing and impacting.

What's even more amazing is that although one of the strings of his copper pipa was broken, it did not affect the playing at all. Gong Shang's horns and feathers, the five tones and the six rhythms were all in perfect harmony, and they moved freely without any stagnation.

The Horned Demon Dragon couldn't help but sigh, "With such a good craftsmanship, it would be great to work in a teahouse and a brothel. What kind of magic is this?"

He was making sarcastic remarks on the side. After all, the sonic attack had no effect on it through the black turtle bones, but Shi Feng was different.

Although he was hiding under the rock, the gray-clothed demon clan had confirmed his general location, and the sound sword penetrated the rock and trapped Shi Feng.

Previously, the sound sword of the gray-clothed demon clan was aimed at the purple-clothed woman. Shi Feng only listened and felt his consciousness shake. At this moment, the gray-clothed demon clan's sound sword was directed at him. It was a unique experience to be immersed in the scene.

Shi Feng felt that the sound was like a big ax and a long knife, rushing straight into his consciousness. His mind was filled with pain. At the same time, his heartbeat was unknowingly speeding up, gradually trying to keep up with the music.


Shi Feng recited the incantation of Shen Ming Shu to protect the Divine Consciousness Mansion, while his transport power sank.

He kept diving until he was exhausted, but he still felt the sound sword knocking on his heart, which was very uncomfortable and horrified.

No wonder the demons had the upper hand last night with fewer people fighting against more. It would be difficult for the human race together to win by just one person.

Even though Shi Feng was able to resist the opponent with the initial strength of the golden elixir, it was because he was born with two realms of divine consciousness and had practiced divine and underworld techniques, so his divine consciousness was far stronger than the same level.

"Don't worry!" Bai Hu said, pointing his finger, a wisp of white energy rushed into Shi Feng's consciousness house.

Shi Feng suddenly felt a chill in his mind, and the impact of the magic sound immediately disappeared and became soft and sweet.

The white fox has no body, so fighting skills can't help, but he has been in the Soul Gathering Coffin all these years.

This coffin is a treasure of the Nine Infant Sect. It can continuously absorb spiritual power and turn it into soul power to nourish the soul.

After these years, Bai Hu not only recovered from his injuries, but his soul power also improved greatly.

Especially after Shi Feng gave him two Thousand Soul Beads, Bai Hu took the risk and practiced the Ancient Divine Thought Technique. Over the years, he had refined the soul of one Thousand Soul Bead.

In terms of the power of spiritual consciousness alone, Bai Hu has reached the late third level.

After the gray-clothed demon finished playing the song, he was shocked when he saw that the ground remained motionless. If the All Souls Illusion hadn't banned the Yuanying monk from entering, he would have suspected that the other party was an old monster from the Yuanying.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the southeast, and the gray-clothed demon clan's expression changed immediately upon hearing it.

He and his junior sister split up to chase the human race, and he picked the most difficult one among them, the purple-clothed woman.

The junior sister is chasing the one with the lowest cultivation level among the four, so it shouldn't be a problem to capture him.

However, this scream was a prearranged distress signal.

"No, junior sister is in trouble!"

The gray-clothed demons didn't care about dealing with the two people in front of them anymore. They dodged and hurried toward the southeast.

When the purple-clothed woman saw the gray-clothed demons leaving, she let out a sigh of relief, turned around and clasped her fists, "Thank you, senior, for your help!"

Although the person who entered the illusion should not be more than a golden elixir, the opponent shot down the magic weapon of the gray-clothed demon with three arrows and was able to survive the attack of the demonic sound. These two points alone were enough to make him hold the courtesy of a junior.

She said a few words in succession, but still no one came out of the ground, and she couldn't help but feel wary.

You know, after entering the illusion, there are no friends, only interests.

This person has never appeared, and he has no idea whether he is a human, a monster, or a demon. What is his intention to drive away the gray-clothed demons?

The woman in purple retracted her right hand in her sleeve, secretly pinched something, and continued to shout respectfully, "Senior..."

Suddenly, I heard someone not far behind chuckle and say, "Senior Sister Feng, please don't throw the things in your sleeves over!"

The woman in purple clothes turned around quickly and saw a young man in front of her. He was tall, thick-browed, big-eyed, and majestic.

The woman in purple was full of surprises, "It's you! Shi, Senior Brother Shi!"

This purple-clothed woman is none other than Feng Qitong of the Nine Talisman Sect. Shi Feng joined forces with her several times to defend against enemies in the Qingdi Valley. Later, she even hid in the Black Turtle Bone for nine years, and together they cracked the Black Turtle Bone Master's magic circle.

The two of them had not met again since they parted ways in the Qingdi Valley. Unexpectedly, they bumped into each other today in the Illusion of All Spirits.

Shi Feng clasped his fists and said, "Senior Sister Feng, after decades of separation, you are still as charming as ever. No, no, your skills should have improved greatly and you are already a golden elixir cultivator."

In the bones of the black turtle, the white fox asked, "This is..." The Horned Demon Dragon curled his lips, "One of my old friends."

Feng Qitong said, "It doesn't matter if I advance to the golden elixir. Brother Shi, why don't you already form the elixir?"

Back in the Qingdi Valley, Feng Qitong had already reached the final stage of foundation building and could advance to the golden elixir at any time, while Shi Feng was only in the early stage of foundation building.

After many years of separation, with Feng Qitong's talent, it was indeed expected that he would advance to the golden elixir, but Shi Feng had actually advanced to the golden elixir, but the speed was staggering.

She put down the magic talisman in her hand and smiled slightly, "Brother Shi, I'm not surprised at all that you advanced to the golden elixir. But in the early stage of foundation building, you were able to compete with the late stage of foundation building. Today, the early stage of golden elixir is able to compete with the late stage of golden elixir." Demon clan, this is too evil!”

Shi Feng waved his hands repeatedly, "Senior Sister Feng, you are still the same as before, always laughing at people seriously.

If I were his opponent, I wouldn't have to hide underground and pretend to be a ghost to scare him. By the way, what is the origin of this demon? "

Feng Qitong said, "I don't know him. I only heard people say that this demon's name is Chang Gongcheng, and he is a powerful figure in the Demon Clan's Yuling Sect."

"Why is he chasing you?"

Feng Qitong sighed, "Then I don't know. I came out of Jumen City and was about to rush to Zuofu City, but three humans fled in a hurry on the road and swept me in..."

Shi Feng understood as soon as he heard that these three human monks were being chased by Chang Gongcheng. He suddenly found the aura of the human monks in front of them, like grabbing a board to drown a drowned person.

These three people didn't have any good intentions and immediately came closer, and as a result, Feng Qitong was also implicated.

"...I had no choice but to follow him for a while, and one of them said, why should we be afraid of the two of us when there are five of us?

One person said, nonsense, there is Chang Gongcheng in the demon clan, how can we be our opponents? As the saying goes, if you don’t work hard, how do you know it won’t work?

So, the five of us stopped and had a fight with the demons, but we were defeated and had no choice but to run again.

In the middle of the journey, there was really nothing we could do, so we decided to split up and escape, each taking care of his destiny.

Unexpectedly, Chang Gongcheng was chasing me. In desperation, I ran to Fengyun City, hoping to use the terrain to deal with the opponent, but I didn't expect that his magic voice was too powerful. If it weren't for you coming..."

Shi Feng interrupted with a smile, "Sister Feng, don't be polite to me. Is this place called Fengyun City?"

"Yes, apart from the inner hall, the Wanling Illusion Realm is surrounded by twelve cities on the fifth floor. This place is Fengyun City.

You are extremely resourceful, don’t you know this? Or..." Feng Qitong was in a good mood when she saw Shi Feng, and smiled, "...did you rush in again this time? "

The last time Shi Feng entered the Qingdi Valley, he had no choice but to leave. Liu Guyue, Fang Li and the other two men led Jin Dan away, but Shi Feng wanted to slip away.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of the white ape in the underground palace caused a riot of demons. Shi Feng was wrapped up and went down to the underground palace. After that, he went deeper and deeper, unable to escape.

Shi Feng rubbed his earlobes and said with a wry smile, "You are really right. This time I ran in in a hurry like the last time in Qingdi Valley."

"Ah! How did you come here in the past six months?"

When the two of them were talking, they both let go of their spiritual consciousness, for fear that Chang Gongcheng would leave and come back.

But there was silence everywhere, and the gray-clothed demon Chang Gongcheng never came back.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, Senior Sister Feng. After I entered the illusion, I found a cave and hid, and I didn't come out at all for six months.

If you hadn't startled me by fighting in the place where I was hiding, I would have planned to hide for another half a year, and then the secret realm would be closed again and I would just go out. "

Feng Qitong opened his mouth wide and said after a long time, "It seems that Senior Brother Shi really came here in a hurry. How much do you know about the Illusion of All Spirits?"

"I know almost nothing." Shi Feng said calmly.

He was telling the truth. He had never planned to come to Wanling Fantasy Land. If it hadn't happened that Peacock Ling Liang had appeared, he would have joined Guan Zuoning's family.

Although he was in a hurry when he entered Qingdi Valley, he was still given one night to prepare.

This time, Shi Feng was simply kicked in by Master Li Qing, and Shi Feng had not collected any information about the Fantasy Realm of All Spirits beforehand.

Because of this, Shi Feng had no interest in joining in the fun and grabbing the treasure. He just wanted to wait for the secret realm to end and go back to find Qin Bing.

Feng Qitong shook his head and said, "Brother Shi, do you know that if you keep hiding in the cave, you won't be able to get out of the illusion in six months!"

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