Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 61 Fire Snake Technique

Speaking of the nameless body refining technique, Shi Feng's heart moved. He had no spiritual power before, and the only thing he could practice was the nameless body refining technique. In the first floor, it is "gold skin, wood bone, water and blood, fire tendons, and earth." When looking at the five levels of "Muscle", I found that the other four levels can still be practiced, but the "Fire Tendon" level cannot be cultivated no matter what.

I didn't understand it at the time, but now I think about it, it was precisely because I lacked the fire spiritual root.

Now that I have been able to contain the fire spirit energy due to the Nine Li Soul Refining Technique, I wonder if I can continue to practice this nameless body refining technique?

At that moment, Shi Feng sat down cross-legged and tried to activate the nameless body-refining technique to absorb the fire spirit into the tendons. What was gratifying was that the fire spirit slowly integrated into the tendons and no longer disappeared.

Shi Feng couldn't help but laugh. He valued this nameless body refining technique very much and relied on it to save his life several times. If he could form the first level of the building, he believed that his physical body would be greatly strengthened. At that time, a Qi Refiner of the same level would be able to use it. The weapon may not hurt you.

On that day, Shi Feng stopped practicing the Jiu Li Hui Ling Da Technique, and just focused on practicing the nameless body refining technique.

The next morning, Shi Feng came to the refining room of Master Qianchu again. Master Qianchu said, "You kid, didn't I tell you to practice your skills behind closed doors? If anything happens, I will call you. You don't have to do it every day." Come and wait."

Shi Feng said, "This disciple came to ask the ancestor for advice on the martial arts and supernatural powers today." Master Qianchu said, "Oh? What, are you encountering any difficulties?" Shi Feng said, "Exactly."

Although he won't actually practice the Yang Yuan Heart Sutra, he still has to rely on the Yang Yuan Heart Sutra as a cover. If he doesn't know anything about it, when his magic power becomes more refined, it will be easy for someone to ask him about it. He has been practicing for several years, and he knows very well that good and evil are at the same level. If someone discovers that he is secretly practicing magic in the sect, no one can save him.

And the Yangyuan Heart Sutra is also an advanced technique. Can you master it without relying on a master to teach you? This obviously doesn't make sense.

Therefore, Shi Feng could only keep his spirits up and pretend to ask for advice on the techniques. Master Qianchu did not hide his secrets and gave detailed instructions.

There were many similarities between the martial arts and supernatural powers. Shi Feng gained a lot after listening to it. Two difficulties in the Jiu Li Hui Ling Dafa were clarified. Shi Feng was overjoyed. Originally it was just a show, but now he sincerely asked for advice in detail.

It took two hours to hear this. After the transfer of the skills was completed, Shi Feng said again, "The disciple also wants to ask the ancestor to teach some basic fire magical powers. The disciple has no spiritual roots before and has never learned any magical powers."

"Basic fire magical powers?" Master Qianchu asked curiously, "Why do you want to practice these magical powers? Don't you have a very good bow and arrow? Besides, you lack magical weapons. Even if you don't have them, you can refine one or two middle- and low-grade spiritual weapons. It’s not difficult.”

Basic fire magical powers are simple spells that can be cast at will without relying on any magic weapon.

Shi Feng said, "What the Patriarch said is that the disciples feel that they cannot completely rely on the magic weapon after all. If the magic weapon is destroyed and they don't have basic magical powers, why don't they just sit back and wait for death?" His Cloud-Piercing Bow is comparable to a high-grade spiritual weapon, and it can be used very well. Smoothly, sneak attacks within a hundred steps, there are almost no opponents within the same level.

But if it is far away, the effect will be greatly reduced; and if it is in a plain area and cannot be attacked by sneak attack, the effect will be even worse. If the other party's shield is powerful, or loses his bow and arrow, or is approached by others, he will have no choice but to run away. Before, he encountered iron-backed rhinos and colorful eagles. His bows and arrows were completely useless, and he almost died.

Master Qianchu nodded and said, "What you said is not bad. I am very pleased. Nowadays, some disciples are only thinking about finding extremely powerful magic weapons to kill their opponents with one blow. They don't want to lay a good foundation at all, but they don't know It is also difficult to control powerful magical weapons. If you are not strong enough, you will be burdened by the magical weapons." He suddenly laughed and said, "But since the old Taoist advanced to the golden elixir, he has never explained the basic spells to anyone."

It is indeed a bit funny to ask the Jindan monk to teach basic magical powers. Shi Feng said sheepishly, "Then I won't trouble the Patriarch. I'll ask Master Liu Yunzi."

Master Qianchu waved his hand and said, "No, this is nothing to worry about. The basic spells are not simple. I'll just tell you casually. The Five Elements Skills each have some basic spells, such as water attributes. The basic spells include ice armor, Ice bullets, ice arrows, etc.; earth-based skills, basic spells include earth escape, stone armor, falling stone, etc.; wood-based skills, basic spells include thorns, vine armor, poison, etc. etc.; the basic spells of the metal system include Iron Armor, Hidden Weapon, Armor Breaking, etc." Shi Feng nodded while listening. He had seen Qin Bing use the Ice Armor Technique before, and the Thorn Technique was his sect's master. He was defeated by Liu Suifeng's thorn technique, and the golden-type hidden weapon technique, the boomerang passed to him by Liu Yunzi was one of the changes.

Qian Chu said, "As for the fire skills, the commonly used basic spells are fire bullets, fire balls, fire walls and fire snakes." As he spoke, he explained the training methods of these four spells. These basic spells The spell is indeed very simple, you don't even need to recite the spell.

Master Qianchu took out another jade slip and said, "I have copied these four basic spells in it. You can take a look at it yourself. However, even if it is a simple spell, the old Taoist recommends that you major in one of them. You must know that the more you practice basic spells and continue to improve your proficiency, the faster you will cast spells. When it comes to real combat, being just a little bit faster may mean the difference between life and death."

Shi Feng returned to his room, took out the jade slip just now, and thought undecided in his heart. Master Qianchu was right, it is better to know everything than to know everything. But he couldn't make up his mind as to which spell to practice.

First, he ruled out the Fire Wall spell. This spell was the most powerful and could form a huge fire wall with a radius of two meters, but it consumed a lot of mana and was usually used to deal with groups of enemies. However, Shi Feng believed that the best way to deal with groups of enemies was to escape. Those who could not escape had to be defeated one by one. There was no reason to release a large fire wall to trap the enemy.

The remaining Fire Bomb Spell, Fire Ball Spell, and Fire Snake Spell each had its own advantages and disadvantages. In terms of power, the Fire Bomb Spell was the weakest, only shooting out a flame as big as a mung bean, but the Fire Bomb Spell had the fastest casting speed, and could be fired with ten fingers in a row, which instantly caused a rain of fire all over the sky, and its power was not weak either.

The Fire Ball Spell shot out a fist-sized fireball, which was naturally more powerful than the Fire Bomb Spell, but consumed more mana and had a correspondingly slow casting speed.

The Fire Snake Spell was even worse, shooting out a flame shaped like a swimming snake, and the fire snake could hover and change direction in the air, and its mana consumption was second only to the Fire Wall Spell.

Shi Feng held his chin in thought, tapping his fingers on the table. He decided to try these three spells separately first. He stood up and mobilized the mana in his body. He first pressed the formula of the fire bomb spell. With a finger raised, the mana flowed along the meridians. With a whoosh, a mung bean-sized fire bomb had already shot on the ground, shocking Xiao Hei and making him scream.

Shi Feng hurriedly comforted Xiao Hei with his spiritual sense. The jade slip recorded that the fire bomb spell did not require casting time. It could be fired as long as the mind turned. However, he just took a breath of time. It was obvious that he was a beginner and his proficiency was far from enough.

Shi Feng tried the fire bomb spell and the fire snake spell separately. The casting time of the fire snake spell was generally three breaths. The fire snake shot out could reach as far as three or four feet and could hover in the air. As for how long it could hover, it depended on the caster's mana and control.

Shi Feng had just practiced and it took him five breaths to shoot out a small winding fire snake. The range was less than seven or eight feet, and it was extinguished in the air before it could hover.

Shi Feng thought about it quietly and decided to focus on the Fire Snake Technique. Although the Fire Snake Technique takes a little longer to cast, this can be improved through proficiency. It is said that if you practice to the state of great perfection, you can also move your power at will and send it out in an instant.

As for the mana consumed by the Fire Snake Technique, it is nothing to Shi Feng. Although he is only at the eighth level of Qi Refining, his mana is incomparable to that of the same level. Of course, what makes Shi Feng most excited is that the trajectory of the fire snake circling in the air depends on mental control, which is exactly his strength.

Having made up his mind, Shi Feng immediately sat cross-legged in the middle of the room and began to practice the Fire Snake Technique over and over again.

For cultivators, everyone knows that the more diligently you practice magic, the greater the power and the faster the casting time.

However, knowing is knowing, but whether you can do it is another matter. A Qi Refining disciple has so much mana. After sending out twenty or thirty Fire Snake Techniques, the mana will be exhausted. You must meditate again to restore your mana.

It takes time to recover from meditation. Of course, you can also quickly recover your mana by swallowing pills, but pills cost spirit stones. With so many spirit stones to spend, it is better to buy a magic weapon, which is much more cost-effective than practicing here boringly.

However, for Shi Feng, the above problem does not exist. He has strong mana and can shoot out fifty or sixty fire snakes in one practice. He also has a lot of pills and is not worried about the spirit stone problem.

In this way, from afternoon to late at night, for a full six hours, Shi Feng repeatedly practiced the fire snake technique. Xiao Hei was a little excited at the beginning, looking at the little snakes, but after looking at them for a long time, he got tired of it and turned his head away to sleep.

The next day, Shi Feng went to the Alchemy Hall and bought 20,000 crystal stones of pills in one go, which shocked the disciple of the Alchemy Hall so much that he couldn't close his mouth. Is this senior brother going to take the pills as fasting pills?

After buying the elixir, Shi Feng has made a plan for future practice. He will put the Jiuli Huiling Dafa aside for now and concentrate on practicing the first level of the Wuming Body Refining Technique. He will practice the Fire Snake Technique and the Falling Star Shadow Body Technique diligently first.

If Master Ganchu asks him to help refine the weapon, he will practice the Wuming Body Refining Technique when the fire spirit is rich in his place. If he is in his own room and the spirit is insufficient, he will practice the Fire Snake Technique and the Body Technique.

After the plan was made, Shi Feng implemented it accordingly. The days of practice were actually very boring, but Shi Feng could stand loneliness. He almost kept fiddling with the Fire Snake Technique when he walked and talked. Sometimes Changqing couldn't help but say when he saw him, "Seventh Junior Brother, your snake is still alive. When will you stew it for us to eat?"

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