Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 72: Flames Attack (1/2)

Chapter 72 The flames are coming

At this moment, the entire tunnel was shaken again, and rolling flames filled the passage. However, another earth fire erupted. This time the earth fire explosion was obviously more powerful than the previous two. The tunnel shook for a cup of tea before it stopped. .

Shi Feng suddenly felt the soil loosening behind his back. He hurriedly struggled back and leaned half of his body out. The passage behind him was actually opened by the vibration.

Shi Feng was ecstatic, but when he opened his eyes, his joy was gone and his soul was flying out of the sky. At this moment, he was leaning out half of his body in the middle of a cliff, and hundreds of feet below the cliff was red. It is the magma in the core of the earth. This magma is constantly churning and steaming. It seems that the previous three geofire eruptions are just precursors of this magma eruption.

The cliff was right above the molten lava, and the heat was so high that it was beyond human endurance. Shi Feng felt dizzy and breathless. However, the cliff was straight up and down. Once he fell, there was no place to grab a hand. If you fall into the molten magma, no slag will be left behind.

Shi Feng was so distraught that he tried his best to shrink back, but there was another Huo Zhan in front of him, and it was hitting him head on. Shi Feng yelled, "Damn you!" He stretched out his hand and firmly grasped Huo Zhan's horn, hoping that Huo Zhan would go back and throw him back into the tunnel.

Unfortunately, Huo Zhan didn't think so. Shi Feng grabbed his horn, but Huo Zhan rushed forward, trying to nail Shi Feng to the wall with his horn.

Shi Feng yelled, and his whole body was pushed out of the tunnel. Huo Zhan didn't know that there was an empty hole behind him. He couldn't stop it in time, and Shi Feng grabbed his horn again. One person and one beast all rushed out of the tunnel, heading straight from the air. The molten metal fell from below.

Shi Feng was in the air. Although he was frightened, he quickly took out the black iron dagger and stabbed it hard on the stone wall, trying to pin himself. This dagger was made by himself. Although it looks gray and inconspicuous, the nine-refined black iron crystal used is heavy and sharp, and can be said to be as sharp as clay. And with the strength of Shi Feng Qi Refiner, it shouldn't be a problem to penetrate the stone wall with this sharp blade.

However, the moment he waved his arm vigorously, there was a sharp pain in his Dantian, as if thousands of needles were gathering together.

It turned out that in order to resist Huo Zhan's spiritual energy rush, he was forced to use the Nine Li Spirit Reunion Technique to store it. As a result, his Dantian was so filled with alien energy that he was almost irritable. Due to the previous heavy consumption, his own mana was already running low.

Before, I had been running the Nine Li Huiling Dafa to absorb the magic. The movement of the meridians was to guide the magic power from the outside in. I didn't think anything about it. However, this time I stabbed the stone with a knife, it was exerting force. The movement of the meridians was to guide the magic power from the inside out.

With this movement of mana, the alien energy in his dantian immediately broke out, causing Shi Feng to scream in pain and unable to stretch out his right arm even though it was halfway outstretched. While others were in the air, they immediately fell down.

There is boiling red molten water below. How can you survive if you fall down? Shi Feng was horrified and endured the severe pain in his abdomen. He raised the dagger again and stabbed towards the rock wall. However, his mana was running low and was suppressed by the alien energy. The four walls of rock could withstand the ground. The heat of the core magma and its hardness can be imagined.

With a "ding" sound, the dagger barely penetrated two inches, unable to bear Shi Feng's weight at all, and Shi Feng still slid all the way down.

Shi Feng tried his best to stab him several times, but failed to stabilize his body. He only slowed down his fall slightly. At this time, Shi Feng was no more than a hundred feet away from the lava below, and his clothes and hair were wrapped in the heat wave, gradually bending and burning.

Looking at the Huo Zhan again, it rushed forward with great force and could not hold back its momentum. At the same time, its sharp horn was grabbed by Shi Feng, and when Shi Feng was pushed out of the tunnel, he was also taken out.

Monster beasts are different from the human race. After the human race builds a foundation, they can fly with weapons. Whether the monster beast can fly depends more on its talent. Obviously, Huo Zhan can't fly, and his body is heavier than Shi Feng. Shi Feng's dagger The paddling somewhat stopped the falling force, but Huo Zhan fell straight down.

Although Huo Zhan was a fire-attributed spirit beast, it could not compete directly with the lava. It also knew that something was wrong, so it roared and pawed, but to no avail, and fell all the way.

Before it completely fell into the magma, the entire body was incinerated as soon as it came into contact with the white fire cloud covering the magma. With the last puff of blue smoke, the huge fire evaporated completely.

At this time, Shi Feng was only fifty or sixty feet away from the lava, and his boots and clothes were all scorched, and his body was stinging. As he continued to exert force, his Dantian was twisted in pain and he could no longer move a finger.

"It's over! My life is over!" Shi Feng closed his eyes and waited for death. He saw that his body, like Huo Zhan, was about to be submerged into the white cloud of fire. Suddenly Shi Feng felt his waist tighten, and then his whole body was quickly lifted up.

But it was Xiao Hei Kankan who rushed over, grabbed Shi Feng, flapped his wings and flew up.

Shi Feng was overjoyed, "Xiao Hei, fortunately you are here. This place is too dangerous, let's leave quickly." The molten water under his feet was boiling like soup, and it was obviously going to erupt. Even the ancestor of Yuanying could not resist this power of heaven and earth, let alone He is just a Qi-refining disciple.

Xiao Hei also knew the danger and spread his wings to fly upward. But after flying less than a hundred feet, Shi Feng already saw that something was wrong, "Wait a minute, Xiao Hei."

It turns out that this passage is not a straight cylindrical column leading straight to the surface as Shi Feng imagined. Instead, it becomes narrower as it goes up, and finally turns into a row of thick stone walls, blocking the way. If you look closely, you can see that there is something on the stone wall above your head. There are many small holes, the largest ones are seven or eight feet wide, and the smaller ones are as big as a baby's fist.

Shi Feng thought about it for a while and understood that the huge cave of hundreds of feet was formed because of the accumulation of magma in the depths of the earth. However, as the heat decreased, the rocks were not melted through. The magma just erupted and burned many holes of varying sizes.

Although there were many holes, the largest one was not big enough for Xiao Hei to get in. Moreover, these holes were the ways for the magma to break and leak out. They were bound to be winding along the way and would be large or small due to the terrain. If you want to escape from these holes, you have to be a mouse.

What to do? Shi Feng looked down and saw that the magma below was constantly rising and the sound was getting louder and louder. It was about to erupt at any time.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei croaked, and Shi Feng communicated with him through his consciousness, "What? There is an exit?" The eagle's eyes were the brightest. Shi Feng followed Xiao Hei's instructions and found that there was a dark hole under a protruding rock twenty feet below on the left. It was six or seven feet high and allowed entry.

Shi Feng was overjoyed. With a whistle, Xiao Hei rushed into the tunnel with Shi Feng in his mouth.

Shi Feng was down to earth and sighed. He stood firm and looked around. He was stunned. The entrance of the cave was very flat and there were obvious traces of axe and chisel. It was actually a passage dug by humans. Who dug a tunnel to the magma in the center of the earth?

Shi Feng looked around and saw that the surrounding rock walls were covered with many fist-sized crystals. They were shiny and ruddy, but not dazzling. Shi Feng reached out to touch them and his heart was pounding. "This, this is actually a high-level fire spirit stone?!"

You should know that high-level spirit stones are extremely pure, and the same volume contains ten thousand times more spiritual power than ordinary crystal stones. In the world of cultivation, high-level spirit stones are no longer circulated as currency, but one of the treasures needed for cultivation, refining treasures, and magic arrays.

Shi Feng was just rejoicing when he felt another sharp pain in his dantian. He almost fell to his knees in pain. "No! I must immediately get rid of the alien true qi in my qi sea. Otherwise, even if I don't explode immediately, I will be in great trouble."

He scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense. There was silence everywhere. Not to mention people, there were no monsters or insects. These animals were born with sensitive senses. When the fire was about to erupt, they would have run away desperately. How could they go deep into the magma?

After exploring with his spiritual sense, he felt that the tunnel was very deep, winding all the way to nowhere.

Shi Feng didn't care about much. At this moment, the pain in his Dantian was coming in waves. He hurriedly fell to the ground, endured the severe pain, and practiced the Nine-Separation Spiritual Method. There was no method to expel the alien true qi in the method, but Shi Feng understood that the reason why he could accommodate so many alien true qi was that the Nine-Separation Spiritual Method did not distinguish between attributes and absorbed all kinds of fire spiritual energy. In front of the Nine-Separation Spiritual Method, the spiritual energy attack from the fire piercing was no different from the free spiritual energy in the outside world.

In this case, I will just treat it as meditation and practice to refine these alien true qi. His body trembled from time to time due to the pain. Shi Feng took a deep breath and drew a line of the majestic alien true qi from the sea of ​​qi in the usual way of meditation to guide it.

With the end of a cycle, the strand of alien true qi completely sank into Shi Feng's meridians and merged into his own magic power. Shi Feng was slightly relieved and immediately accelerated the speed to continue to guide and refine the alien true qi in Dantian.

An hour later, Shi Feng's own mana was almost exhausted and recovered to 20%, and the alien true qi that originally filled the sea of ​​qi and almost made him explode was reduced by 20%. The tingling in the dantian went from severe to gentle, and finally the tingling disappeared, but the dantian was still blocked by a large amount of alien true qi, which was heavy and uncomfortable.

Shi Feng exhaled slowly and stopped practicing. It was not that he didn't want to continue, but that his physical strength was almost exhausted and he had to stop and rest for a while.

When a monk sits in meditation and practices, not only does it consume his spiritual consciousness, but also his physical strength. Shi Feng has almost never rested since he went down to the mine. First, he dealt with the monster tide, then fought a life-and-death battle with Huoqi, and finally dissolved the alien true qi. In this way, even if he has practiced the nameless body refining technique, his physical strength has been exhausted.

Shi Feng took out two pills for restoring physical strength from the storage bag, plus a bigu pill, and swallowed them together.

While his strength was recovering, Shi Feng stood up and began to look at the high-level fire spirit stones on the surrounding stone walls. The more he looked, the happier he was. Such a treasure would naturally not be missed.

He ordered Xiao Hei to work together to pull down all the high-level fire spirit stones on the four walls and take them away. As soon as he touched the fire spirit stone, he found that it contained a trace of black gas, and this black gas gave him a very familiar feeling.

He was shocked. This, is this the magic energy of the purple-haired demon? ! He originally practiced the magic skills of the demon clan, and the source of his mana was originally transformed from a trace of true magic energy of the purple-haired demon back then, so he was quite sensitive to this magic energy.

Shi Feng was shocked. The Yuanying demon was around? ! He quickly released his consciousness and searched around, but after searching for a while, he did not find the purple-haired demon at all.

Shi Feng pondered in his heart, could it be that this tunnel was dug by the purple-haired demon? Why did he come here? Well, the fire spirit contained in the magma here is amazing. He must be absorbing the fire spirit here to heal his wounds. No wonder the five sects couldn't find him at all. It turned out that he was hiding deep underground in Dongyi Mountain. Now that the magma is about to erupt, he abandoned this place and left. Humph, the magma here suddenly erupted, which may have something to do with his absorbing the fire spirit here.

While thinking, Shi Feng took down all the fire spirit stones on the four walls. There were about a hundred high-level fire spirit stones and dozens of mid-level ones, but they were all contaminated by demonic energy.

After Shi Feng took the crystal stones, his physical strength was almost restored. He was about to sit in meditation again to dissolve the alien true energy in his dantian, when he suddenly heard Xiao Hei screaming.

"What happened?" Shi Feng was about to ask Xiao Hei when he heard a loud "bang" in his ear. The whole tunnel shook violently, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was cracking.

"Oh no! The underground fire erupted again." Shi Feng was shocked and didn't care about much. He ran along the tunnel. While running, he regretted that he was too greedy. For these high-level crystals, was he going to risk his life?

He ran dozens of feet away and looked back, but found that no magma flowed into his passage.

He thought about it and understood the reason. The huge pressure of the earth's core was released from the bottom to the top, causing the magma to erupt straight up. He was on the side wall and was not harmed.

But before Shi Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a stream of purple-white flames pouring into the cave entrance. This flame had previously covered the magma. Huoqi was directly burned to ashes when it came into contact with this layer of flame.

Because Shi Feng majored in fire-related skills and had read some classics, he knew that the flame contained in the magma at the center of the earth was called "Yunyan Fire". Although it was not one of the ten great spiritual fires in the world, it was extremely hot and could burn almost everything.

Although the magma went straight up, the magma erupted and the Yinyan Fire contained in it overflowed, and it quickly poured into this passage.

Shi Feng saw that the outermost stones on the four walls were hissing and smoking when they touched the Yinyan Fire. They were melted half a foot thick without any sound. He ran away.

The further he ran, the narrower the passage became. In the end, he could only crawl on the ground. It turned out that the purple-haired demon used a magical tool to drill directly from the surface of the earth, so the passage was only as thick as a bucket. It was only when he reached the center of the magma that he expanded the hole there because he had to sit cross-legged and practice.

Shi Feng tried his best to crawl forward, but he was no faster than the speed of the flames. He saw the misty fire spreading rapidly along the tunnel and would soon reach him.


Outside the mine, the young man surnamed Qian and the disciples of Leijiabao had already left. Only Jin Qingyun and four others with Guo Huaizhong were still waiting.

After repairing the teleportation array on the surface, Jin Qingyun ignored the advice and went down to the stone hall of the mine to look for him once, but by then Shi Feng had been chased by Huoqi all the way to the depths of the earth.

Back on the ground, Jin Qingyun sat beside the magic array in a daze. Jin Jingyun persuaded Jin Qingyun to leave several times, but Jin Qingyun just shook his head and ignored him.

He saw Shi Feng's supernatural powers in the underground passage. He was also smart and courageous. He really didn't believe that Shi Feng would lose his life like this. Who knew that he would wait for more than two hours. It was already dark, and there was still no movement in the mine shaft.

After a while, the entire Dongyi Mountain suddenly shook, and everyone's face changed. Guo Huaizhong shouted, "Oh no, the volcano is going to erupt, let's go." Jin Jingyun and his companions pulled Jin Qingyun up and ran down the mountain quickly. When they reached the middle of the mountain, red molten lava had already erupted from the mine shaft, rushing into the sky as high as a hundred feet, which was a spectacular sight! There were also countless vents on the mountain where molten lava was erupting, and the fire clouds and fire made the whole sky red.

Everyone didn't dare to look back, and ran to the village at the foot of the mountain in one breath, and then they stopped in shock. Looking back, the entire top of Dongyi Mountain was covered with red molten lava. With such a powerful force, a Qi-refining disciple could not save his life anyway. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.


After half a meal, the magma finally stopped erupting, and Dongyi Mountain returned to peace. The entire mountain was unrecognizable. The magic array above and below the mine had long been razed to the ground, and the vertical shaft passage was completely blocked.

In the passage deep underground, on the side of the magma land, as the volcanic eruption stopped, the mist of fire gradually disappeared, and the entire passage returned to peace.

There was a mound of earth underground. In the silence, the mound seemed to move, and then the mound shook, and the dust on it scattered, and the things covering it were lifted up, revealing a young man and a huge black eagle below.

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