Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 723 Secret Passage

Yao Xing said, "Of course, take the stone corridor."

"Which stone corridor should you take?"

"Except for the one that the Xuan Ding Sect walked through, you can't walk on it. Everything else is fine."

"No!" Shi Feng shook his head, "Miss Yaoxing, have you ever thought about why Zheng Jiao died in the hall?"

Yao Xing frowned, "What do you mean? Then where should he die?"

Shi Feng stood up and said, "I don't know when the three of you received the message from Fu Chuanxin. Anyway, it took a while for our group to receive the message from Fu Chuanxin.

In one stick of incense, even if Fu Chuanxin and the others climbed, they should have walked dozens of feet on the stone corridor. If the demon king suddenly attacked at this time, Zheng Jiao should have died in the stone corridor, not in the stone corridor. Main hall. "

Everyone in the hall was silent for a long time before Dongqiu Yue hesitated and said, "Could it be that the demon king carried this corpse back to the hall? We were ready to enjoy it slowly, but when we came back, the demon king was frightened and left again."

Feng Qitong disagreed, "The demon king is the fourth-level demon ancestor. Why did he run away in shock when he saw us?"

Gong Wuji shook his head and said, "No, no! The corpse was not brought back. There is residual evil energy in this fairy palace. It is possible that the battle took place in the main hall, not in the stone corridor."

Ye Fazhen looked nervous, looked around, and whispered, "If so, the Demon King should still be hiding nearby, waiting to ambush us."

The little gourd kept rubbing the universal compass in his hand, "Is there a demon king nearby? Why can't I see it?"

Yao Xing smiled coldly, "You humans always like to be smart, what's so strange about this.

Fu Chuanxin deliberately let us leave first. He thought that the Demon King would definitely chase us, so he stayed in the hall for a stick of incense.

Who knew that the Demon King would take a fancy to the three of them? When Fu Chuanxin was about to get up, the Demon King suddenly appeared.

You’ve also seen the result, hum! This guy named Zheng was bitten to death. "

"What happens after that?" Shi Feng asked.

"After? After that, of course Fu Chuanxin ran away, and the Demon King chased him along the stone corridor.

When we rushed back, all we saw was this body. Otherwise, where did Fu Chuanxin go and where did the Demon King go? "

Yao Xing pointed at the corpse on the ground, "Look, the storage bag on the corpse is still there, which shows that the situation was urgent and Fu Chuanxin was focused on running for his life, and there was no time to take away his junior brother's belongings."

Shi Feng praised, "Miss Yaoxing is so attentive, she actually found the storage bag pressed against the body's waist..."

Yao Xing snorted, feeling very proud.

"...However," Shi Feng continued, "if Fu Chuanxin was chased by the Demon King and fled, then why didn't he continue to use the letter talisman to ask for help?

Could it be that he suddenly realized his conscience and decided not to drag us down anymore? "

Yao Xing was speechless. Of course she didn't believe that Fu Chuanxin would be so benevolent.

Huoshi frowned, "Then what do you think is going on?"

"What Miss Yaoxing and Elder Gong just said are right. Fu Chuanxin and the other three have indeed been staying here. The demon king attacked them in the main hall, not the stone corridor.

However, Fu Chuanxin did not escape from the stone corridor, but," Shi Feng pointed at the stone wall, "escaped from the secret passage on the stone wall! "

"Is there a secret passage on the stone wall?" Everyone was surprised and asked, "Where does the secret passage lead to?"

"you sure?"

Shi Feng said, "This secret passage does not lead to the ground, but to the Peacock Palace.

Fu Chuanxin should have used this passage to come to Taisu City from the Peacock Palace to capture the Purple Shadow Marten.

Who knows that Purple Shadow Marten didn't catch it, but met the Demon King Birch instead. So Fu Chuanxin wanted to return to the Peacock Palace through the secret passage.

But Fu Chuanxin didn't want to take us with him, so he deliberately proposed to divide the troops into five groups, and pretended to be generous, saying that we would pick the stone corridor first, and they would be the last to leave.

snort! He clearly wanted to wait for us to leave so that he could escape through the secret passage, so he didn't worry at all about choosing which stone corridor was left.

However, he did not expect that Demon King Birch would take a fancy to them.

After we left, when the three of them secretly opened the secret passage, the demon king suddenly came out and bit Zheng Jiao to death.

Fu Chuanxin hurriedly used his letter charm to trick us into coming back. His intention is to ask us to die and help him block the demon king.

However, when we arrived, Fu Chuanxin and the other big man had already fled in a hurry from the secret passage, and the Demon King was nowhere to be found.

And if we use the letter talisman again, we will not be able to contact Fu Chuanxin. "

Yao Xing was furious and struck the ground with a whip, "You humans are so bad, you all deserve to die!"

Qiu Si praised, "Fellow Taoist Shi is really thoughtful and discusses things clearly and clearly. Qiu admires him!"

In the bones of the Black Turtle, the Horned Demon Dragon curled his lips, "He is so awesome. I didn't tell him about the secret passage."

Shi Feng said angrily, "You still have the nerve to tell me why you didn't tell me about the secret passage on the stone wall earlier. Fortunately, I asked you just now, otherwise I would still be in the dark!"

The Horned Demon Dragon laughed, "Before...before, sir, I didn't think of it for a moment."

Bai Hu said from the side, "It's not the old evil dragon's fault."

The Horned Demon Dragon was overjoyed, "The old fox finally said something fair. That should be blamed..."

"Miss Yaoxing."

Shi Feng was stunned, "Why blame her?"

Bai Hu chuckled, "Who asked her to wear so little, causing our Mr. Long to lose his mind and his eyesight, how could he still remember the secret passage!"

"Stinky fox, you are looking for death!!!"

Huo Shi laughed at himself, "It seems that I am still not as good as Baili Pingye. He has already seen through Fu Chuanxin's trick and was not fooled."

Fu Chuanxin's call did not name anyone. Among the other four groups, Chishe was angry and did not take the jade slip, but the other three groups took it.

After the three groups heard Fu Chuanxin's message, two groups turned back, but Baili Pingye remained unmoved and continued to look for the exit.

Xiao Hulu said, "It's useless to say these. Big guy, where is the secret passage?"

Shi Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don't know. If I knew, why would I go to the Diamond Corridor with you!"

As he was speaking, Feng Qitong shouted, "It's here, it's here."

Everyone hurriedly surrounded him. Feng Qitong stood in front of a stone wall and pointed, "This stone wall has had a fluctuation of vitality."

"Are you sure?" Huoshi said.

The wall that Feng Qitong pointed to was a picture of the sea tribe. The wall was full of carvings of monsters in the sea, including three-headed dragons, giant whales, and strange sharks.

Feng Qitong nodded and said, "I'm sure! This stone wall not only has fluctuations in vitality, but also has rune changes. The people of Xuanding Sect left from here."

Shi Feng walked forward and looked in the direction of Feng Qitong's finger. The painting was carved with a turtle with a tumor on its head, and its huge shell was covered with patterns.

"Is this a black tortoise?" he asked.

Xiao Hulu has studied monsters and shook his head, "No. This monster is called the Sea-Splitting Black Turtle. Although it is not as good as the True Spirit Black Tortoise, it is also a very powerful monster."

Oh, so this is the Sea-Splitting Black Turtle. The black tortoise bone on Shi Feng's body was refined from a toe bone of the Sea-Splitting Black Turtle.

Huoshi asked, "How do I open this secret passage?"

Feng Qitong leaned against the wall and carefully studied the texture on the tortoise shell. After a long time, she frowned and shook her head, saying, "This talisman array is so strange, I can't understand what it is."

In the tortoise bones, the horned dragon laughed, "Of course you can't understand it, this is laid by the old Taoist priest Niubi himself, so this is the case..."

In the hall, Shi Feng suddenly said, "Everyone, I heard a legend, I don't know if it is true or not.

This tortoise shell is called the Sword Test Stone, which is specially used to test magic weapons.

The lord of this city, Taoist Fan, is a third-grade weapon refining master, especially good at sealing spirits.

Every three years, he will select outstanding disciples to enter the secret room to preach.

As for the method of selection, it is this Sword Test Stone.

As long as his disciples can blast the Sword Test Stone with the magic weapon they have refined by themselves, they can enter the secret room and receive the personal teachings of Taoist Fan."

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