Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 740: The Voice of the Wind

Yan Shuyou shook his head, "I don't know. No one who went into the inner city came out alive. No one knew what was going on inside, and they couldn't communicate through the talisman.

However, the natal card left by the eldest brother in the clan has always been intact, so we can keep a trace of it in our thoughts. "

Shi Feng disagreed, "When the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Spirits first appeared, a few old guys from Qinzhong Continent had already gone to the inner city to see it. Even if there were any good treasures in it, they had already taken it away, so it would be our turn to get it. "

Yan Shuyou smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone understands this truth, but everyone always feels that maybe there is something in the inner city that those old monsters of Void Refining are not interested in, but it is very attractive to our little golden elixir.

For example, my eldest brother just listened to some nonsense from Taoist Shenji and thought that the inner city could help him break through. As a result, after two hundred years, he didn’t know whether he would live or die..."

Shi Feng looked around and said, "Third Master, you came to the fantasy world to rescue the master of the village, so why did you come to this Chaoxian Cave?"

Uncle Yan glared at Shi Feng, "Brother Shi, you ran into the cave. Don't you know what Chaoxian Cave is for?"

Shi Feng shook his head and said, "We were chased by monsters and ran in in a panic. I really don't know what the Immortal Cave is for. What kind of Immortal is it?"

Uncle Yan smiled and said, "So you just broke in blindly, that's no wonder. I said this is a place where people hate ghosts, so why did someone suddenly come!"

"Could it be that this place is related to the inner city?"

"Brother Shi is really smart." Uncle Yan laughed, "Yes, this Chaoxian Cave leads to the inner city. There are passages to the inner city on the fifth floor and twelve cities in Wanling Fantasy Land, including the passage from Xiaoluojia Mountain. It’s this Chaoxian Cave.”

Shi Feng suddenly realized, "No wonder the fork on the left is rarely visited by people. Not even a monster can be seen. It turns out to be a dead end."

Uncle Yan touched his head, "So you two suddenly ran in, triggered the mechanism I arranged, and also shocked me.

I thought there was another person like my elder brother who was stupid and insisted on breaking into the inner city. "

"Third Master, were you the one who arranged the ghost statue and the mechanism in the cave?"

"Well, you are half right. After I entered the illusion, I went directly to Chaoxian Cave. Because I was afraid of being disturbed, I arranged the ghost sound array in the middle of the cave.

But the stone statue in front was not made by me, the cave had always been there. When I came in, I was also startled by it. On one side it looked like a god and on the other side it looked like a ghost. It was so weird. "

Shi Feng praised, "Third Master's arrangement is so wonderful. The cave is already dark and deep, and coupled with the ghost sounds and ghost figures, it can really scare people into fleeing when they first encounter it."

Uncle Yan smiled "hehe" and said, "It's useless, you two are not intimidated."

Shi Feng said, "I am lucky that Senior Sister Feng knows the magic circle, otherwise she would have wiped her head and ran away."

Feng Qitong on the side smiled slightly, "Don't praise me. If I came here alone, I wouldn't turn around and run away because I'm too scared to walk."

The three of them laughed together. Although Feng Qitong's words were exaggerated, she, a woman, would definitely not come to such a dark cave alone. Just because Shi Feng was with her, she felt that she could go anywhere in the world. have to.

"By the way, Third Master has been busy here for several months. How is the progress of rescuing the owner of the village?"

Uncle Yan put away his smile and sighed, "Not so good. Brother Shi, are you in a hurry? Come with me if you have nothing to do. And Fairy Feng, you are so skilled in formations, so you helped Yan with the details." "

"I'm fine, I'm very free."

"The little girl is willing to do her best."

"Okay, let's go."

So Uncle Yan lit up the moonstone and led the way, and the three of them walked deeper into the cave.

"By the way, Brother Shi, how is the situation outside now? I have been staying in Chaoxian Cave for more than half a year, but my eyes have gone dark and I am isolated from the world."

Shi Feng briefly talked about what happened in the fantasy world, and even told the other party some of his own inferences without any concealment.

Uncle Yan was shocked and stopped, "The demon king Boqi has set up such a conspiracy, and the lives of all human compatriots are in danger. Brother Shi, you have always been resourceful, do you have any good countermeasures?"

Shi Feng smiled bitterly, "Actually, the countermeasure is very simple. As long as the three tribes of humans, demons and demons who entered the illusion join forces and act unanimously, Demon King Birch will not be able to cause trouble.

It’s just that the estrangement between the three races is very deep, and the two races of demons and demons have joined forces to bloodbath our human race before, so it’s not easy to join forces now! "

Yan Shuyou muttered, "Even if the three races cannot unite, our human race alone can form an alliance, which is enough to protect ourselves."

Shi Feng shook his head, "What you said is true, but Senior Sister Feng and I are only in the early stage of Jindan, and we are from a small sect with no prestige. No one listens to what we say, but you, the leader of the third village, if you can rise up and speak out, maybe you can I can persuade everyone..."

Yan Shuyou waved his hands repeatedly, "Forget it, I'm not as good as you, Brother Shi. Besides, if I want to rescue my eldest brother, I can't do without Chaoxian Cave... By the way."

Uncle Yan suddenly remembered, "Brother Shi, have you seen Fatty Huang?"

"Yellow...fat...man?" Shi Feng said in confusion.

"That's Huang Zhuxuan, the head of the Huang family."

As soon as he said that, Shi Feng suddenly thought "Oh" and remembered that the head of the Eighteenth Family was there during the mountain sacrifice ceremony. He had seen Huang Zhuxuan from a distance. He had a lazy body, weighed more than 300 kilograms, and was packed with fat. Chair.

"Has Master Huang also come to the fantasy world? I didn't see him, but I saw the elder of the Kong family in Changchun Tower."

"Of course Fatty Huang is here." Yan Shuyou said, "He and I entered the illusion together, but after entering, we separated and each was busy with his own business.

I came to Chaoxian Cave to save my elder brother. As for Fatty Huang...

Brother Shi, you know the four great clans of "Mo Huang, Kong Yan". The Mo family is good at refining armor, the Kong family is good at refining hidden weapons, my Yan family is a little bit good at refining swords, and the Huang family is good at refining. Treasure bow.

The ancestors of the Huang family have a very powerful bow, which is a mid-level magic weapon named Wind Calling Words.

This bow can shoot arrows without arrows. The Huang family once used this treasure to kill the Yuanying old monster.

Unfortunately, this bow was seriously damaged in the fighting and has never been completely repaired.

I heard that a crucial piece of material is missing. I don’t know what it is specifically. "

Shi Feng said, "So, the Huang family leader wants to find the materials to repair the bow in the fantasy world of all spirits?"

"That's right!" Yan Shuyou said, "Fat Huang is a pretty good person. He is also the head of the Huang family and has a good reputation in the world of cultivation. I will write you a jade slip letter to explain the whole story.

If you see him, give him the letter. If Fatty Huang comes forward and shouts from the top, the human race in the fantasy world may be able to unite into a rope. "

"That's the best."

While talking, the three of them walked more than two hundred steps into the cave. The narrow cave suddenly opened up, and they came to a stone room.

The stone chamber was square, ten feet long and ten feet wide, and it was empty and empty.

Shi Feng's spiritual consciousness was so powerful that with just one scan, he discovered the mystery: the innermost wall of the stone chamber seemed to be no different from the other three sides, but in fact it was not a stone, but a shadow formed by the condensed white mysterious light.

"This is..."

Uncle Yan pointed at the "stone wall" and said, "Do you see the trick? Yes, that wall is actually a teleportation array. As long as you rush over, you will be teleported into the inner city and never come out."

Facing the famous dead city in Qinzhong Continent, both Shi and Feng were frightened and looked at it from a distance, not daring to get close.

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